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Riley POV:

It was time for the party. I took a shower and I quickly dried my hair. I straightened it at first then curled the ends. I got out my black lace thong and slipped it on. I grabbed my matching bra. I slipped on my daisy dukes, and I grappled my crop top, that Elisa said to my black one that's said 'DOPE'. I grabbed my phone, and walked downstairs.

"Come on!" I yelled all the boys

Zac, Noah, and Tyler came rushing down the stairs. Zac stopped and his mouth fell open and so Tyler's. I blushed and smiled.

"You are not wearing that." Noah said

"I kind of have to." I said

"Your ass is showing." he said

"Look Noah, I have to okay so shut up and let's go." I said grabbing his keys.

I slipped my white and black Jordan's on and walked outside. I got in the back and the boys came out. Zac sat in the front while Tyler sat in the back. He grabbed my hand, and rubbed my knuckles. I smiled at him, and he took his phone out.

Boyfriend ❤️ : if people hit on you, I will hit them 👊👊

Riley 😘 : Okay. 😣😃

Boyfriend ❤️: But your ass looks great in those short. I can imagine you going down on me while I grab your hips and rock them back in forth while you scream my name. 👉👌

Riley 😘 : Tyler! 😳

Boyfriend ❤️: What I have needs 😉

Riley 😘 : I will fulfill those needs when Noah and my dad pass out 👅💦

Then I looked at him, and he was pretending to jerk off. He put his head back, and he rolled his head over and winked at me. My freaking boyfriend.

We made it to the party, I got out and walked right in, deciding not to wait for the other boys.

I walked in and all the cheerleader were dressed the same. Hair straight with the tips curled, Daisy Dukes, A white crop top with 'DOPE' in black letters and black and white Jordan's.

I saw Elisa and I ran and jumped on her back. She was like the sister I never had. She smiled and she already knew it was me.

"Hey Ri." she said I got down

"Hey Eli." I said

"We'll don't you look cute." she said

She was wearing the same thing but her shirt was black. The same as mine. I guess the captain and co- captain wear the same thing.

"Back at you." I said

"So who is this lucky 'friend'?" she asked raising an eyebrow

"Tyler Bentley." I said blushing

"Boyfriend?" she asked

"Yes." I said and we jumped up and down

Someone wrapped there arms around my waist. I looked up and saw Tyler. He smiled down at me, and pecked my lips. I could taste the alcohol on his lips.

"This is Elisa, the Snow Queen." I said

"Hello Snow Queen, don't freeze my princess." she said

"You are so cheesy." I said turning around and kissing him

"I have to go find your brother so he doesn't get think something is up." Tyler said

"Okay, don't drink anymore tonight, cause you are the DD. Plus if you are drunk you won't get that nice blow." I said clicking my tongue and winking at him.

"I won't, love you." he said pecking my lips and ran off to find my brother

"Wait! What?" I heard Elisa say

"What he needs his 'needs' fulfilled." I said

"Go you are going to blow him off?" she asked

"Yeah." I said blushing

"You are such a bad girl." she said spanking me

Yes we have that kind of relationship. She has been my best friend since forever. Plus Noah May or May not have a crush on her.

"So when are we performing?" I asked

"My anaconda don't

My anaconda don't

My anaconda " the song blasting out of the speakers

"Now!" she yelled o

Tyler was not going to like this one bit.





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