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Riley POV:

We made it to the fair. I ran out of the car and to the opening. Tyler ran after me, he grabbed my hand.

"Ri, calm down we will get to ride everything." he said

"Sorry, I'm just really excited." I said jumping up and down.

Tyler grabbed my waist. He pulled me close and brought his lips to my ear.

"Hey you can ride me later." he said I smacked him in his chest. "Stop though because guys are looking." he said glaring at all the guys

"Sorry." I said

"It's fine you didn't know." he said

He went to the gate and we stood in line holding hands. I stood on his feet and we rocked back and forth. We did hand games and just playing around. We were waiting for us to get our tickets.

This lady tapped on Tyler's shoulder. He looked around and looked at her.

"Thank you." she said

Tyler looked at her confused.

"Thank you for not being one of those couples that make out in front of children. Or get all touchy feely with each other." she said

"Your welcome, plus I just like to respect my girlfriend." he said

He turned back around and smiled at me. It was our turn next and we finally made it to the front.

"How many?" the guy asked

"Two please." Tyler said grabbing his wallet out of his back pocket.

The guy was popping his gum. he was looking me up and down like a piece of meat. I hid behind Tyler. He gave him the money and the guy gave us our tickets.

"Your Tyler Hendrix, we went to school together. I'm Larry Parker." he said

"Oh yea hey Larry." he said doing the bro hand shake.

"So what going on in your life now?" he asked looking at me

"I'm play soccer for the university now." he said

"I work here." Larry said "who is this fine little lady? your sister?" he asked

Tyler laced our fingers together.

"This is my girlfriend." he said

"Oh aren't you a lucky little dog." he said

I just want to get away from this crazy guy. How does Tyler even know him.

"Yea, look we need to go nice meeting you." Tyler said and I made a rush to leave his sight.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked me

No, of course I'm not a creepy dude was checking me out.

"How do you know him?"

"Oh that's creepy Larry." he said

"We'll he is creepy. Let's ride rides." I said running to the roller coster.

I let go of his hand and ran to a scary roller coster. It was called 'Zeus', it had a 69 degree drop. I couldn't control my energy.

Tyler came up behind me and hugged me. His arms wrapped around my waist and he turned me around. I stood on his feet.

"You look like Ariana grande." he said

"How?" I asked

"You have the natural red hair,band you have the hazel eyes." he said

"Plus I can sing." I said pecking his cheek

"Plus you would have to date not me." he said

"I would defiantly date Luke Brooks. Because have you seen him and he had a lip ring Zayumm bæ." I said biting my lip

"I have a lip ring." he said moving forward

"I have never seen you wear it." I said

"I have to take it out for soccer." he said

"So you just took it out for good?" I asked

"I still wear it." he said

"I want to see it." I said

He took his wallet out and grabbed a little black ring. He put it on and he pulled his hand back.

Fuck me sideways, on this railing.

"I just want to oahrkdjak." I said placing my head on his chest

"Come on Princess, it's out turn." he said we got into the seat and we buckled up and put the bar down.

"I'm so excited!" I yelled

I am a totally adrenaline junky. I just love the thrill. I could do this all day.

"Alright, go!" the guy yelled and the coster went forward.

We got off the ride and went on a few more. We sat down and got something to eat.

"I have a belly button piercing." I said taking a bite if the nachos.

"You do?" he asked

"Yeah, I didn't wear one today because yea." I said

I felt my phone buzz and I took it put of my pocket. It was from Noah.

The Bruh 😎 : Hey we are coming him tomorrow. When we pick you guys up be ready to go to the lake. Also dad said bring a friend. okay love you bye!

I handed my phone to Tyler and he read the message. He looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows.

He is thinking about me into swimsuit.

"So who are you going to invite?" he asked

"Zac." I said

"I don't like him." Tyler said

I reached over and rubbed my thumb over his knuckles.

"Please be nice to him for me please?" I asked

"Fine." he said

I got my phone and texted Zac.

Riley 😘 : Hey I'm going to the lake tomorrow. if you want to came be by my house at 9.

I sent it and put it on the table. Tyler throw the food away and he grabbed my hand. I got up and grabbed my phone. we walked to a empty field and sat on the grass. I sat in between Tyler's legs.

Then fireworks started to go off. Big fireworks that come out only during the holidays. I looked at the sky in amazement. I loved fireworks.

Tyler grabbed his phone and out in on front camera. He kissed my cheek and took a picture with the fireworks behind us. I turned my head around and kissed him in the lips. He took a picture, and looked at both of them. Them he made a funny face, so I did too. We took several more pictures. We looked at them and he smiled at me and pecked me on the forehead.

"Let's get you home Princess." he said picking me up and giving me one last peck on the lips.

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