18 (Tyler POV)

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Tyler POV: (What? Tyler's POV surprise!)

I got up from the table. While Riley was dining the dishes, I walked up and wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her cheek, and just stood there holding her.

"I'm going to get dressed." I told her

"Okay." she said pecking my lips.

I walked to the guest room, and took a quick shower. While in the shower I was thinking. I was thinking about Riley and I.

I told her how I had anger management problems. I would get mad, and I couldn't control it. But I would take my medicine, and go to counseling. But it never really worked. I'm glad she know and she also knew how to calm me down. She is really to good for me.

I dried off and I grabbed my boxers and slipped them on. I but on my black and white Nike basketball shorts. I put on a old soccer shirt that had the selves cut off. I grabbed my snapback and put on my black Nike elites and I slipped on my vans.

I walked downstairs and she was sitting on the couch, texting. I jumped on the couch and she bounced up.

"Hey babe." I said

"Hey handsome." she said back

"Come on we need to see Zeus." I said

She got up and grabbed my hand and we ran to the car. She got in the drivers seat. I raised on eyebrow and she smiled at me. I got in the passenger seat, and I put my lip ring between my teeth.

"What? why are you doing that?" she asked

"I'm nervous that you are driving." I said

"Can you stop doing that cause if you keep in doing that. I might what to do thing my dad won't be proud off." she said as we pulled into my driveway

"Thinking about it naughty things. Does you dad read your texts." I asked

"No and you are lucky, cause if he did I would be dead meat." she said opening the door to the car.

I got out, and opened the front door. I tried to open it all the way but it only opened halfway. Then it opened all the way. Sitting in front of the door was Zeus.

We walked into the house and Zeus started to jump on me. Then he ran and sat in front of Riley.

"Hey Zeus baby." she said and kneeled down and pat his head.

She got up and jumped on my back. I cupped her thighs and I walked to the pantry. I opened it and fed and gave Zeus water.

I walked up the stairs and to my room. I tossed her on my bed. Her hair was fanned out, and she looked like a goddess. I got in the bed and hovered over her.

"I love you." I said pecking her lips

She just smiled back at me. I looked at her and it looked like she was debating something. she bit her lip and looked up at me. She took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you too." she said looking at me her cheeks a deep red.

"You love me?" I asked

"Of course, I just have been scared to fall in love. But now i realized, there's nothing to be scared of when I have you." she said pecking lips

"What's today?" I asked


"Netflix?" I asked


"I guess Netflix will be are always?" I asked

"Yes it is my cheesy boyfriend." she said leaning up and pecking my lips.

I grabbed the remote and turned the tv on. We choose 'Orange Is The New Black'.

"Hello wife." She said laughing at me

"I'm not your wife." I said smiling

"I threw my pie for you." She said pretending to cry in my chest.

"You are such a dork." I said

She stuck out her tongue. I grabbed her tongue and she frowned at me.

"Wyler." she said

"Say it." I said

"I wove who." she said

I took my hand back and she put her tongue back in her mouth. I cupped both her cheeks and I kissed her lips.

I loved when she told me she loved me. It made my heart go wild. I have never felt this way about anyone.

"I love you too." I said smiling.

"Nap?" she asked rubbing her eyes

"Yes a nap my princess." I said


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