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Riley POV:

"What are we promising?" Tyler asked

"He knows." I told him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh, I swear to you Zachary, if you tell her dad and brother, I will brake your arm." Tyler said through his gritted teeth.

"Don't worry, just take care of her." he said going to the flopping on the couch.

"We'll Tyler aren't you the bad boy." I said patting his hard chest

"If he tells, your dad will make us brake up." he said wrapping his arms around me.

Just then my dad and Noah walked in. I pushed away from him and pretended I was looking for something to eat. I turned around and pretended I just saw them.

"DADDY!" I yelled "I missed you." I said hugging him.

I hugged him tight. I haven't seen him in 2 days. He swayed me back and forth. I pulled away and hugged Noah.

"Hey Ah." I said

"No." He said frowning

"Ah." I said finishing the last part. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay everyone hop in the truck." My dad said we got all the stuff and hopped into his truck.

I sat in between Zac and Tyler, I put my hand next to Tyler, and he put his hand over mine. I just smiled and took my phone out.

I started to play that Kim Kardashian game. I was a d-lister, i hate that game but it was addicting.

"Dad what lake?" I asked turning my phone off

"Whitney." he said

"Okay then." I said

I got a text from the captain of the cheer team Elisa. She was my best friend. She was my Elisa and I was her Anna.

My Snow Queen ❄️: Party tonight @ mine. We are doing the dance that Nikki Minaj did 🐍 at the VMAs. So wear your daisy dukes and a black crop top that has DOPE on it. I can't wait to see you.

Riley 😘 : okay, can I bring a 'friend'? ☺️

My Snow Queen ❄️: What a boyfriend ? 😋

Riley 😘 : you will see, gtg I'm at the lake with my family, Zac and my 'friend' ❤️

My Snow Queen ❄️: Okay can't wait to meet that 'friend' 😄

I turned my phone off, and I gave it to Noah who out it in the glove compartment. They put the boat in the water, and I got all the food, and towel. I got on the boat and put everything were it belonged.

I took off my shorts and tank top. which left me in my lace black bandeau, that had a cute teal bow. My bottoms were black and lace.

I sat down and put my sun tan lotion on. I rubbed it all over, I say in the spot I always do. Zac also sat next to me.

"Are you going to Elisa's party?" he asked as we were speeding through the water.

"Of course we are doing a dance." I said

"Are you taking your boyfriend?" he asked

"Ummm, yup, and you can got because I know you want to come, so you are going." I said

My dad docked the boat on the cove, and I got off. I blew up my pink tube, and connected the rope with my tune. so I wouldn't float away.

Zac floated by me and I splashed water in his face. He freaked out and so he looked like a cat in water. He did that for about 5 minutes when he calmed down.

"Are you okay now Zac the cat?" I asked

"Shut up." he huffed

"Riley, What are you doing tonight?!" my dad asked drinking his beer.

"I'm going to Elisa's party, all the boys are coming so don't worry." I said as my dad throw a water at me. I caught it and drank it

"Are you drinking tonight?" he asked

"No sir, I'm only 17." I said

"Good." he said

"But I'm drinking." Noah said

"So am I!" Tyler said raising his hand.

They looked at each other and high fived each other. They are so stupid together. I but my ray band on, and I saw Tyler looking at me. I put my glasses down, and looked at him. he winked and blew a quick kiss. I just blushed and put my glasses in my nose.

There was an little rock in the middle of the cove. I looked at Zac, and he looked back at me. I flipped off my tube and we swam to the rock. We made it to the rock, and I stood on it.

"I fell like that movie Mulan, when all those naked men are in the rock. Then there all like I'm the king if the rock. Then they push that guy off." I said pushing Zac while I laughed.

Zac came up and flipped his hair so it was out of his face. I sat on the rock, and started to skip rocks.We talked and laughed for hours.

"So no jet skis?" Zac asked

"Yea, my dad is getting Noah's bumble bee for a truck then he is getting me my own bumble bee." I said "so then we could take both the jet skis and the boat." I said

"Cool, so how long have you and Tyler been going out?" he asked

"Umm I think about 3 weeks." I said

"Oh cool kid." he said


We swam back to the boat, and I saw a huge fish. I screamed and got on the boat. Zac got in the boat and laughed at me. He sat down next to me, and laughed.

We got everything off the boat. Then put are clothes on, and got in the truck. I saw next to Tyler and his shirt was off. I looked at him and bit my lip. He looked so hot.

He looked at me, and winked at me. I just blushed, I leaned my head on Zac shoulder. I blew a kiss at him, then I fell asleep.


So yea Tyler is Sean O'donnell because ZAYUMMM bae




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