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Riley POV:

I woke up from my nap. I looked up and saw Tyler peaceful asleep. I laid my head back down on his chest. I can't believe he forgave me. I mean I'm such a idiot.

I have no idea why I keep on breaking this mans heart. I just sighed, I don't deserve him. He is way to good for me. I started to trace his tattoos. His eyes started to flutter open.

"Hey gorgeous." he said rubbing his eyes like a little child.

"Hey Ty." I said

"What should we do for the rest of the day?" he asked

"I don't want to go to the game tonight." I said still tracing his tattoo.

"Good we are going to my practice tonight." He said

"What time?" I asked

He rolled over and looked at the clock. He rolled over and looked at me with those puppy eyes.

"What?" I asked giggling

"We have to leave now." he said

"You are so lucky I brought shorts and a old T-shirt" I said throwing off Noah's sweats and shirt and replaced them with my hot pink nike tempo shorts, and a black cheer shirt. I tied my Nike 5.0 black free runs.

I knocked on Tyler's door.

"Come in." he said

I opened the door and he was slipping in his pants. He was all ready to go but he didn't have his shirt on. I bit my lip and looked up at him.

"Are you going to put your hair up?" he asked

"Oh yea thanks." I said going into his bathroom and put my hair up.

I walked out and he was fully dressed. He grabbed my hand and lead me out the door. We walked to his beautiful car. He opened the car for me me. I slipped in and he closed the door and ran to his side of the car.

"I really don't deserve you." I said looking at him.

"I was thinking, I don't deserve you." he said holding my hand in his.

I just looked out the window as we drove to the university. We passed different stores and little shops. He squeezed my hand, I looked over at him.

"I think that we believe we don't deserve each other because, we have never been loved by someone else. Like we have never been loved by a lover. So it's all new to us, and it scares us. Because we are scared they will leave like the other person did. So in all reality we do deserve each other, to learn form. I mean we will learn from our mistakes. So like I said before we belong for each other. We are two broken people trying to find love in this cruel world." He said

I started tearing up a little. I wiped the tears away from my face. That was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard in my life. It was all true, I couldn't help but cry.

"Tyler, I love you." I said

"I love you to baby girl" he said "can I say something crazy?" he asked

"Sure." I said

"When you look me in the eyes

And tell me that you love me

Everything's alright

When you're right here by my side

When you look me in the eyes

I catch a glimpse of heaven

I find my paradise

When you look me in the eyes." he sang softly.

"Stop it you are going to make me cry." I said

"It's true." He said smiling.

"Who knew that Tyler Mason knows the Jonas Brothers." I said

"What can I say Luna was a fan of Joe Jonas." he said

"I love Nick Jonas, I miss his curls though." he said "But you are better than Nick." I said smiling and pecking his lips.

"I better be." he said finding a parking spot. "Are you ready to meet the fam?" he asked

"I guess." I said stepping out of the car.


I know in a chapter in the book, I said Tylers middle name was Levi. But I think Mason fits better, so his middle name will be Mason.




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