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The door opened. With a sigh the man that opened it, brushed his fingers through his blonde, dyed hair. "It's November first, Halloween was yesterday," The blonde looked at the teenager before him. "And anyway, aren't you a little old to go trick or treating? Especially in those clothes?" The teenager smirked at him, the gun that was held behind his pillow case, full of jewelry and money, being loaded.

"I mean, i guess? But i like these clothes and you're never too old for Disney, why would you be too old for Halloween?" The brunette shrugged his shoulders. "So, where is my candy?"

The blonde sighed saying, "I don't have anything anymore. I'm sorry, sweetheart, but you will have to go on and find somebody else," The brunette once more laughed, shoving the blonde into the house, harshly.

"Yeah, no thank you." He laughed, closing the door behind them and pulling the gun out. "So, you have no candy, but you probably have something else that could make me happy," He smiled, the blonde's eyes were wide, seeing the gun aimed at him.

"I don't have anything," He stuttered out the sentence, his eyes only seeming to focus on the death that the younger boy held in his hand. "Your wrist says otherwise," The blonde looked at his wrist, around it was the Rolex watch he had gotten from his father, who was now safely and peacefully up around the other angels.

"No, please, you may take anything else, just please not the watch," He begged, never had he thought anyone could give him this frightened, angry and most upset feeling, but the brunette was doing just that. "Hmm, no, i think i like the watch the most," He kneeled down, sitting in front of the blonde. "You're agreeing with me, aren't you?" He softly giggled, cupping the blonde male's cheek and brushing a frightened tear away. "Aren't you?" He said through gritted teeth, when he was given no answer. "Yes," The older whimpered out, feeling the burning sensation through his cheek, while Daniel, the brunette's, hand connected to it.

"See, giving an answer isn't that hard, sweetheart," He laughed, leaning back on the palms of his hands. "Now, what more do you have?" Daniel questioned wanting to leave as quickly as possible, he had been here too long, far too long. "Stand!" He yelled at the blonde, who quickly stood to his feet, almost falling over.

"What's the time?" There was a split second of fear shooting through Daniel's eyes. "Eight-fourteen," The blonde, Corbyn, stated. "Fuck," Daniel muttered out, taking the gun back in his hand and pointing it at the side of his head. He needed to pull the trigger. He needed to, but couldn't.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," He screamed out, looking at Corbyn, who was standing before him, scared not only for his own life, but for Daniel's. "You, come here," Corbyn slowly stepped towards him, while Daniel ripped open the shirt he was wearing. Corbyn's eyes once more widened, tied to Daniel's chest was a ticking bomb, the timer only having less than thirty-five seconds to go.

"Shoot me," Was the first sentence that came out of his mouth, after handing Corbyn the chance to a more peaceful death. "Please," Daniel was desperate, he needed the blonde to shoot him before the bomb went off and gave him more pain than a shot through the head, which was only going to be seconds.

"I'm sorry that you went through this. Even if i don't know you, you're loved and i love you," The gun went off and Daniel went down to the ground, his heartbeat being gone and stopping the bomb from going off.

Since that day on November first, an innocent human being, that loved life, was lost. And nobody, ever, found out who had attached that bomb to him, nor who shot him. But there was one special ending, the bomb would have never went off.

Would you know why the bag with jewelry was gone, as well as the older male?

Wc: 685

I wrote this on November first 2018, shhh

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