"Vehicle incident"

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The nineteen year old sat still in his car, paralyzed by the moments of time before his stop. Jack Avery was gripping the steering wheel with all the strength he had left, staring ahead of his car, that had swerved into another lane in shock.

There were human beings around the vehicle, people screaming loudly, but he couldn't move. His hearing was replaced with the ringing he couldn't bare, his eyes not daring to move away from the highway. All he could think about was the woman he had just hit, her falling from the sky unexpectedly.

Fists punched against his glass window, help trying to get the curly-headed's attention. Jack didn't notice the sound, though, his mind settled on one thing only, how her blood spattered across the highway and onto his windshield, the drips still visible, almost as if he felt them on his pale skin. He could only think about how she fell down from the bridge and jumped just before his car, where he hit her and swerved to the other lane, he was still sat in soundly.

Jack wanted nothing more than to rewind those few moments, to stop his car and step out, catch the teenage female even if it would kill him. He knew it wasn't an option, but that was the only thought in his mind. Save her. But he couldn't.

When they finally managed to open the car door, a male put a hand on his shoulder, talking to get his attention, but Jack hadn't heard, nor felt a thing. His honey orbs were wide open, silent tears running down his pale cheeks, his fingers to knuckles white from gripping at the steering wheel.

Noah pulled Jack out of the car, catching him when Jack fell to his weakened knees. Noah sat down, sitting the younger on his lap and brushing his fingers through the curls, while swaying them from left to right. "It's okay," He whispered softly, wrapping his arms around the crying boy tighter and letting the nineteen year old lean his head on his shoulder.

Sirens and screams were all Jack could hear, not getting the yells out of his mind. The sounds had nestled their way into his brain and he couldn't get them to leave.

"Sir, we want to check up on him if that's okay?" Jack looked up at the woman once her shadow fell over him, seeing her paramedics clothes reflect in the sunlight. "We need to know if he has any brain malfunctions, because of the incident,"

Incident. They called it an incident.

A murder.

That's what it was called in Jack's brain and he couldn't help but want to scream at the words falling from her mouth.

Noah only nodded at her, locking Jack's legs around his waist and standing to his feet with the younger in his arms. The ravenet walked them to the ambulance, feeling Jack's head turn to take in the scene he had created. Noah only pushed Jack's head onto his shoulder, keeping him there, to refrain him from seeing something he knew would scar the boy, but it was no help.

The body bag was filled and Jack looked onward when he saw her being carried. He felt the eyes on him, not being able to do anything, but stare at the body, which was covered, but Jack was reminded of her brunette hair falling along her face and her pale skin reddened from the blood. Jack was blaming himself for her death, maybe if he hadn't been there, hadn't hit her, she would have survived.

"Everything seems to be just fine," The paramedic told Noah with a warm smile, trying to comfort the anxious boy. "Wha-what about the non-responsive thing?" Noah questioned with a stutter, biting his lower lip and holding onto Jack's hand tightly, so the younger knew he was there and wouldn't leave. "He's in shock, but he's okay, physically. This is going to be a hard few months, if not years, for you two," Noah didn't correct her, just nodded as he didn't want to be a bother.

She shined the white light into his held-open eyes, seeing the pupils subtract. "He's totally okay, physically. I would suggest just taking him home and lots of rest, if not a few hours of emotional release," The ravenet nodded, picking Jack up into his arms again and feeling the tears roll down his neck as Jack hid his face. "Then we'll be going, thank you, by the way," She only nodded in return watching the two step out of the vehicle.

"Jack Avery!" His name was yelled among the journalists, cameras pointed their way as well as many questions, but the two ignored them and Noah tried to get out of the chaos, not responding, nor giving them a glance.

"Sir, we would like to escort you home, regarding the incident and journalists on the scene," Two officers came up to them, Jack feeling Noah nod at their question, the older's fingers raking through his knotted hair. The twenty-one year old walked them to the car, sitting Jack next to him in the back of the vehicle and fastening both of their seatbelts. "Where to?" The officer in the passenger seat asked, looking at the both of them, before hearing a whisper. The first thing Jack had let fall from his mouth was his boyfriend's address, knowing the older was at home with his bandmate and friend.

The three adults of the household stood outside, panicking and trying to open the damn car doors. "For fuck's sake!" Corbyn Besson yelled out, kicking his own vehicle in anger. "Corbyn?" Eben Franckewitz tugged at his arm, pointing at the police vehicle that entered their private property.

Jack stepped out with Noah's help, the younger ending into his arm in shock.

"Oh, thank fucking God," Corbyn ran up to him, bringing his boyfriend into his arms, but his heart broke as Jack collapsed, his sobbing growing louder and the heavier tears falling.

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