"Abandoned souls"

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blonde stepped into the home, shaking on his feet. He had pointed his flashlight before him, the sounds around him making him jump with every second passing by. "Calm down, Corbyn. You're alright, there's nobody there. They told you to prove it, now do so," He whispered to himself, keeping his head up and stepping through the shards of broken glass from the windows.

He took a deep breath, stepping forward further and further. "You're alright, you're alright," He took deep breaths, suddenly feeling extremely cold. He bit his lip. He had read about it. About spirits, ghosts, demons; you could get extremely cold when in their presence, but Corbyn thought it was all imagination. He had heard about the rumors. They spread there were weird sounds and screaming heard from the inside of the abandoned home where a family had been murdered more than two hundred years back.

Once more taking a deep breath, Corbyn turned around to see his friends outside in the car. They only nodded their heads at him, curious to everything surrounding the small home. He turned around, taking more steps into the home, while his body was shaking from the cold; it was absolutely freezing and Corbyn was scared to death from everything surrounding him. It felt like someone was there, it going from one side to the other, just centimeters apart from his body.

"Why are you here?" The whisper and breath he could feel tickling his neck made him stiff. His flashlight fell from his hand, while the boy could not move. "You should not be here. It's dangerous here," The same whisper entered his ears, his body shaking. The blonde felt hands on his body, tugging at his clothes, feeling up his skin. "They're stealing your body, don't let them," Corbyn was shaking, hyperventilating from the strange presences tugging at his clothes.

"Calm down, don't let them. They can't do harm," Lips were placed on his cheek, the skin where the lips were placed immediately burning. The kiss earned a scream from the blonde, making him fall down to his knees. The burning entering from his cheek went through his whole body, he was screaming in pain.

His friends looked at their fallen band-mate, their eyes wide hearing his screams. "Holy fuck. What is happening?" The brunette behind the steering wheel was lost, he did not know what the hell was going on. The deafening screams imprinted in their minds, as Corbyn went limp on the ground.

The blonde laughed, standing up with a smile. He walked out of the abandoned home slowly, with a teasing smirk on his face. "Gotcha suckers," He laughed, stepping into the vehicle. "God, you gave us a heart attack," The blue-eyed brunette said to him, giving him a tight hug.

"Welcome back, brother," He whispered into the ear of Corbyn's body.

The deafening screams never stopped inside of the home. Corbyn screamed and screamed and screamed. Once he was sobbing and out of breath on the ground, the soul of the blonde looked around the room; multiple souls of different people just sitting on the ground, waiting for the next human for one of them to steal the body of. "I'm sorry, Corbyn. I tried to warn you," The blonde looked to his right, seeing the soul of his boyfriend sitting next to him. "I'm sorry," Daniel said, holding the blonde close, while the vehicle containing three of their friends drove off into distance.

"Good to be here, Lincoln," Elijah whispered back to Daniel's body, which contained the soul of his brother.

Wc: 603

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