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you," The teen spoke, his weapon aimed at the seventeen year old brunette. "Jack, please think about this," Zach advised, his hand reaching for Jack's— which held the gun tightly in it's grasp. "Shut up, Zach. I'm not talking to you," The dark, honey-brown eyes stared into cold, blue orbs.

"What's it gonna be, Jonah?" Jack questioned him once more, turning his head to the youngest in the room, who was shaking under the stare Jack was now giving him. "Jack, baby, think about this, please. Think it over carefully. You don't want to do this," Jack's head ticked to the side in anger at the pet name Jonah had given him years ago.

"This is your fault, Jonah. How could you do this to me?" Jonah's breathing pace increased, his breaths now short and fast. "I- i-" He couldn't get the words out, he had hurt Jack in the worst way, but he could not change anything now. "Tell me, Jonah. Him, or you?" Jack continued to keep Zach under his stare; seeing the pale boy's lip tremble, his hands shaking, his almost naked body sweating.

"You don't have to do this, Jack. We're best friends, we've spent seventeen years of our life together," Before Zach could say anything more, Jack cut him off with a shout. "Shut up!" The anger in his voice was frightening to Zach, it felt like the bedroom walls around him were caving in. "We were best friends. We did spend our life together, but going behind my back to fuck my boyfriend— repeatedly?" Jack's voice was shaking and filled with pain. He didn't care as much about the betrayal of his long-time boyfriend, Jonah, as he did of his best friend, Zach.

"I'm sorry," The curly headed shook his head at the sentence. "That's not going to work this time, Zach. It worked all those times before, but not this time," Pulling it off the safety, Jack put his finger on the trigger, ready to shoot the pale boy's brain out. Zach closed his eyes, leaning back against the wall which would soon have his blood sliding down. Jack shot the bullet into the wall on purpose, so close to the brunette boy's head that Zach could hear the nonexistent ringing in his ears.

"Stop," Jonah's voice was soft, but hearable. "Me. I choose me," Jack faced the upset, but sure, brunette with a smirk. "Trying to be brave, right, baby?" Jonah didn't answer, he didn't even look at Jack; the older teen in the room had all the power— he was the one with the deadly weapon. "Silent, now, are we? You weren't so silent when i came home. Both of you weren't," Jack's fingertips brushed over the adult's jawline softly, making Jonah flinch away.

"Just do it, please," Jonah begged, his head leaned back and his eyes shut. "Right in the heart, Jo?" Jonah shrugged, his lips sealed; it could happen any moment now. "Look at me," Jack demanded, gripping Jonah's collar and pulling the brunette down.

"I'm giving you one more chance, baby. You do everything i say, starting now. You don't want your life ripped away from you, right?" With no answer, Jack pulled him closer, their noses touching and the deathly stare going right into Jonah's pupils. "Right?" The curly headed demanded an answer. "Yes, i d-don't want t-that," "Good baby boy," Jack praised him and smiled, his hand cupping Jonah's cheek as the adult kept his crying silent, but visible.

"Zach, go. If you talk about this to anyone; not only you, but your friends, family and everyone you have ever spoken to, will die. As well as Jonah here," Zach turned to the door immediately, his hand on the door knob as he mumbled a small 'yes', wanting to be out of that room as fast as he could.

"Yes, who?" Jack stopped him, his front against the younger's back as his hand was against the door to keep it from opening. "Yes, sir," Zach's head was up, looking directly into the door to avoid any chance of eye contact. "Not it. Think back, baby," Jack's lips attached themselves to Zach's neck, sucking softly. "Y-yes, master," Jack hummed against his neck with a smile, pulling away from the younger teen and letting him leave the house in the quickest pace he had ever seen Zach walk.

"Come here, baby boy," Jack softly said, patting the space next to him on the bed. Jonah did as told, his tears still falling while Jack pulled him close. "You were so scary," Jonah sobbed. "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to scare you. Never will i do you harm," Jonah nuzzled his head into Jack's neck, feeling the arms wrapped around him tightly.

"W-we didn't. N-never, he came t-to me—" Jack cut him off, pecking Jonah's forehead. "I know. I know, love. He just needed a scare, baby boy. I would never," Jack's fingers brushed through Jonah's hair, until the older, bought boy had calmed down. "I would never, baby boy," Jonah sniffled, before looking back up at Jack and kissing his lips softly.

"I love you," Jonah spoke, cuddling closer into his master's side. "I love you, too, baby boy. Always,"

wc: 885

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