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The curly haired heard the beautiful singing, it entering his ears from only meters away. Jack followed the voice, the words lingering in his head as he continued into a sprint. There he stood, the one he knew about all along, but has never met.

Jack watched how he danced and sang around with a bright smile on his face. It was surprising Jack could see him so clearly in the dark and with all the stories he was told his heart quickened, but he wasn't frightened, no, he wasn't. He was astonished at the gorgeous teen in front of him.

"Hi," The boy giggled at him, waving to get Jack's attention. "Hi," The younger greeted him back, his voice lower than a whisper, almost unheard, but Zach smiled at him nevertheless; Jack was the first person he had seen so calm— the first that wasn't frightened of his translucent figure. Jack could see the river through the boy, the beautiful night sky shining down on the water and shimmering in their eyes, although Zach's were so dull and dark.

"You aren't scared of me right? Everyone seems to be so scared. I don't like it when they're scared of me," Zach questioned him, sitting down on the flat rock next to the river, his past, human body appearing and removing the translucent ghostly shimmer. The brunet boy slipped his feet in the cold water, sighing when he heard a soft 'no' as reply.

"Why is everyone scared of me?" The much older, dead teen looked Jack's way, seeing him walk over and sit down next to him. "It's not your fault," The curly-headed began, looking down at Zach's teared, old, farm clothes. "It's just that people make up stories and that scares others, because of the things that are said about you,"

"But you aren't scared," His brown eyes looked at the shimmers in the water, following every small fish he could see through the water. "Because i don't believe what they say. Should i?" Jack looked his way with a playful smile, but Zach looked him right in the eyes his face serious. "Sometimes. I get mad sometimes. They always make fun of me, i don't like that. It hurts. And i can't control what he does when i'm angry, or upset. It isn't my fault, i promise, but i can't stop him," Zach shook his head, looking up when he felt the hand on his shoulder.

"He didn't do anything," He spoke softly, feeling the hand grip his shoulder tighter. "You're upset, i can feel it. Don't lie to me," Daniel's bright blue eyes lit up, seeing Jack shot up from his place next to Zach on the rock as he saw the bright blue light leave Zach's eyes. "He didn't do anything, Daniel. It's not his fault," "You wouldn't be sad right now if it wasn't for him," Daniel stood next to him, although he took complete control of Zach's body; the only ghost who could come back in his human form.

"Daniel," Zach whispered as he was forced to pick up the knife Daniel had placed there every afternoon. "I like killing, Zach. And i love my puppets, you know you're one of them," The former serial killer spoke through his head, seeing Jack fall through Zach's eyes.

The knife entered his back, making him shot up in pain. Repeatedly, Zach pulled the knife out and stabbed the first teen that wasn't at all scared. The first teen that could have helped him get his life back. But Zach was in Daniel's control and he would always be.

wc: 606.

This was an idea i had, because i watched 'Sam And Colby' on yt, and welp it turned out like this lmao

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