"Hundred-fifty days"

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his chest, his hands covering his face and his body overall shaking. He leaned his head against the mold covered wall, it being the only cold surface in the room.

It was the hottest summer day in Los Angeles and he had not seen him yet. Although he should have been happy, he was not; he was lonely and needed to communicate with someone, even if it was the male that had hurt him.

It was dark in the room, there was no light from the lamps, no sunshine shining through the cracks of the walls. There was nothing. The only light that could shine into the room, would be the light from the hallway, which only entered the room if the door was opened; which it was not.

Just as the curly haired brunette closed his eyes, the door opening gave a loud crack; the lock was taken off. Soon after the heavy door was opened, making him shield his face.

"Happy hundred-fifty days of not trying to escape day!" The darker brunette walked into the room with a smile, the lamps turning on, as he presses the button on the wall in the hallway. He walked up to the teenager that was huddled together in the left corner. "Hundred-fifty, Jack, that's your new record. I'm so proud of you," He pulled Jack's arms away from his face, slowly uncovering the big, honey brown eyes.

"So, since it's your hundred-fiftieth day, i decided i would finally tell you my name. What do you think about that, sweetheart?" He questioned, Jack hesitantly nodding at his question. "Alright, my name's Zachary; Zach for short," Zach brushed his fingers through Jack's messy, curly hair.

Jack relaxed at the feeling, loving that there was someone in his presence. A small smile formed with his lips, making Zach's heart melt. He slowly moved himself to be situated on the floor and hold the boy tightly in his arms. Jack held Zach's waist in his arms, loving the warmth radiating off of his body; although his body was sweating a whole pool together.

Slowly, with only seconds passing, his eyes close and he falls into a deep, comfortable sleep. While sleeping, he dreamt of nothing. Because there was nothing to dream about, nothing that he wanted, nor something to warn him about.

Zach looked at the boy, asleep on top of him. He smiled, brushing his fingers repeatedly through the older, but smaller, boy's hair. "You're all i've been dreaming about, don't ruin it now, sweetheart," He smiled once more, kissing Jack's forehead softly and himself closing his eyes; to him only for seconds, to Jack, and the rest of the world, for eight long hours.

The boy's eyes shot open. "Holy fuck," He muttered, feeling the strong grip around his body. Jack's breathing was heavier by the second, he was panicking. Slowly, he removed his kidnapper's arms from his body and stood up, running away from the male. Zach's eyes shot open at the movement, but he quickly closed them, wanting to know what the boy would do next; it's been a hundred-fifty days of no punishments, he wouldn't ruin it and have himself hurt again, right?

Jack looked around the room, seeing the door was open. He stared at his last chance of freedom, but looked back at the male on the ground. It wasn't necessarily fun to be kept in a room of an abandoned house, but he liked it better here than at home. Here he had gotten a meal, three times a day! He had gotten cuddles, when Zach was in the happy mood. He had gotten 'tv-time', as Zach called it, which were only on Thursdays; he could watch whatever he wanted, upstairs, with Zach in his presence, of course. He had gotten hurt, trying to escape, but he could have seen it coming.

He looked back at the male, who was pretending to still be asleep and then back at the door once more. Slowly walking to the door, he closed it, not wanting the light to wake Zach up.

Jack turned back around, only to be surprised when Zach's eyes stared into his own. "What are you doing?" He said through gritted teeth, which made the boy back away in fear. "I just c-closed the door," He stuttered out, not knowing if Zach would believe him, although it was the truth. "I know. You had a chance to escape, you didn't take it. Why?" Zach glared at Jack, almost with the most irritation he had ever had. "Because— i don't know, i just didn't," He replied, not wanting the other male to come closer to him in his angry state of mind.

Zach let out a huff, sitting back down on the ground and signaling for Jack to come towards him. Once the older was close enough, Zach took him back in his arms, making Jack let out a yelp of surprise. "Good job, sweetheart," He kissed his forehead with a smile.

In surprise, Zach harshly took ahold of Jack's curls, making him scream out, while Zach's fingers ripped out a few hairs. "You're becoming too attached and we can't have that now, can we?" He mumbled with his lips against Jack's cheek.

Taking the knife out of his pocket, he set it against Jack's neck, the sharp point of the blade already inside of his skin. Tears pricked in Jack's eyes, ready to fall out in less than zero point zero one seconds.

A droplet of blood followed the blade all the way down to Zach's index finger. He laughed, looking at the liquid that was slowly becoming more, while he pressed harder. "Stop, please," Jack whimpered out, not even taking ahold of the blade, or Zach's hands to stop the knife from going any further and killing him.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," Zach's heart was beating quickly, almost at an inhuman pace. Jack's heartbeat was slowing down, he lost more and more blood, until eventually Zach slid the knife across Jack's neck, making him choke faster on his own red liquid.

"I'm sorry," Zach spoke out, holding the older boy tightly against his chest in his last seconds, rocking them both to the left and right, repeatedly, while singing one of his favorite lullaby's.

Wc: 1057

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