"Be careful"

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The stranger chuckled, taking a hold of the swaying blonde's hips. Daniel whined and tried to get the older's hands away from him. "Calm down, sweetheart," Corbyn whispered in his ear, bringing him closer and holding the younger against his front. The dozens of people around them didn't notice a thing while Daniel drunkenly failed to push the older blonde away from him.

"Let me g-go," Daniel hiccuped, falling against Corbyn when he tripped. "Shh," The blonde shushed the younger with a devilish smile, holding Daniel tightly against him and walking out with the protesting blonde's eyes falling closed.

"Hey, wake up," Corbyn slapped Daniel's cheek softly, trying to get the younger male to wake with no success. "Of course not," With a sigh, Corbyn started the engine of the car he had placed Daniel in and drove away towards his home.

It took a while, until they stopped and Corbyn parked the car in his own, paid-for, parking spot. He stepped out of the car with another sigh falling from his lips, walking around it and to Daniel's side; which he opened the door of. He placed one hand under Daniel's knees, while he placed the other firmly on the young male's back.

He closed the car door with his butt and laughed silently at himself. He carried Daniel up the steps towards his apartment, holding the blonde tightly so there wasn't even the slightest chance for him to slip out of his grip. With deep breaths, Corbyn finally stood in front of his apartment door; opening it with the key and trying his best not to let the younger fall from his arms.

Once more, he closed the door with his butt and carried Daniel towards his bedroom. Laying the younger blonde down, Corbyn turned around and slipped off his shoes. He continued to change into his sleepwear, before turning around to face Daniel's passed out body.

Corbyn's fingers brushed through the dyed hairs, laying a soft kiss on Daniel's forehead. He removed Daniel's heels, as well as his red skirt and black shirt. His fingertips grazed over the blonde's body while taking off his clothes. Taking the sweatpants into his hands, Corbyn pulled them up Daniel's legs and brushed his fingers once more through the blonde locks.

The blonde walked to his bathroom and opened his sister's drawer, taking out the package of makeup wipes and pulling one of the wipes out of the baby-blue package. He removed the red lipstick, skin-colored foundation, highlighter, mascara and eye-shadow from the younger's face and neck with a small smile.

"Sleep well," He whispered, before pulling the covers over Daniel's body and walking to the living room; where he would be sleeping on the back-killing couch. He got as comfortable as he could, laying on his side and facing the back of the couch to prevent the scary thoughts coming to life; he hoped he wouldn't do it again.

The following morning Daniel woke with a frightening feeling emerging in his stomach. He didn't know where he was, had not a single clue. His own clothes were folded on the nightstand. Seeing the material, he quickly lifted the covers to discover he had a pair of unrecognizable sweatpants on, which actually fitted nicely, with a relieved sigh.

"Good morning," Daniel's head shot up at the blonde standing in the doorway, a tray in his hands with the breakfast he had finished cooking only seconds ago. "Why am i here? Who are you? We didn't do anything, right?" The rushed questions made Corbyn raise one eyebrow at the distressed male. "Does your ass hurt?" Daniel's eyes widened, but he quickly shook his head truthfully motioning a 'no'. "Then, what do you think yourself, sweetheart?No, we didn't do anything," Corbyn confirmed, walking in and dropping the tray on Daniel's lap.

"I don't know around what time, but someone put something in your drink, you passed out and i didn't know where you lived, so i brought you home with me," Daniel's heart warmed at the confession, brushing his hair away from his eyes with his fingertips. "Thank you," Corbyn only nodded, not having any more words as he sat down next to Daniel and leaned against the headboard.

"Do you know where my phone is?" Daniel frowned when he asked the question, weirdly enough looking around and noticing there was no sunlight coming from the windows. "And what time is it exactly?" "You won't be needing it anymore. And, can't tell, i don't know how long i've been awake. It's been a while since i woke up last night and brought you here," Daniel slowly turned his head to look at Corbyn, who had the devilish smirk formed with his lips.

"W-what do y-you mean, i w-won't be needing it a-anymore?" "You won't be using it, so why would you be needing it, sweetheart," Corbyn's long fingers raked through the former brunette's hair, Daniel's eyes widening. "I- i need to g-go home," Daniel stuttered out, trying to move away from the older, but Corbyn gripped the younger's hips, letting the tray fall in the process, as he placed Daniel in his lap. "You're staying with me from now on, Daniel. I'm sorry, sweetheart, but as i've said before, you won't be needing it anymore,"

Tears glazed the ocean-blue eyes, the hands roaming his body only increasing his want to cry. "Should have been more careful," Corbyn whispered into his ear, placing his lips on Daniel's neck as the restraints caused bruises on the younger blonde's wrists and ankles. This was his everyday life now, he should have watched how much he drank, had someone with him instead of going out alone. He should have been more careful.

wc: 971.

Was this confusing, because both Corbyn and Daniel are blonde?

If yes, i would like it if you commented on it, so i could maybe continue Daniel as a brunette in these oneshots, if wanted...

✯ if you have requests leave a comment on the cloud, <3 .

↳ ☁︎

09:49 am

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