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happened to you?" His father walked up to him, their servant having closed the castle door. "Nothing, father," The nineteen year old prince replied, wincing once his father's fingertips brushed over the huge gash on his face; that would definitely turn into a scar. "Don't you dare tell me 'nothing'. First, you go out in those clothes. Second, you don't return for days! Do you know how worried your mother and i have been? And last, i can clearly see something happened. How did you get hurt?" His father demanded an answer, holding onto his son's wrist tightly. Daniel only sighed, there was nothing wrong with normal trousers and a t-shirt, but clearly his parents thought differently.

"Nothing happened, father, i fell from Ares' back; i hadn't tightened the saddle correctly," Daniel explained, although it was clear to their servant, who happened to be Daniel's friend, that he was lying. "Okay," His father nodded, cupping his son's cheek softly. "Don't scare us like that again, son. Talk to us next time," The prince only nodded, his ocean-like orbs closing. "Alright, freshen up and go to your mother, she's been worried about you," "Yes, father," Daniel smiled at him, walking past him with a roll of the eyes once his father faced away from him.

"What really happened to you?" Jonah, their servant, walked next to him, opening the door to the room he was about to enter. "Stop opening doors for me, Jonah. And nothing happened, i told my father already, i hadn't tightened the saddle correctly," The twenty year old sighed, replying. "Yeah, but it was clear to me that you were lying. I've been with you long enough to easily read you like a book, prince Daniel,"

"How many times have i told you not to call me that?" Daniel sighed, brushing his fingers through his dirt covered brown hair and trying to change the topic of conversation. "Too many, but i can't go against king Seavey's wishes, prince," The nineteen year old only hummed at that, entering the bathroom; which connected to his room.

"Could you please get me some clothes?" Daniel questioned politely, looking at the gash on the side of his face in the mirror. "Of course, prince, you shouldn't have asked; that was my fault," Jonah turned his back to him and walked over tot the closet. "Formal, or you?" He questioned, having opened the walk-in closet doors and stepped inside. "Formal," Daniel sighed, making Jonah walked to the right side of the closet and look through the suits, dress pants and button up shirts.

"Maybe you should ask a doctor to check on that," Jonah had stepped into the bathroom, placing the formal clothes on the small table. "It could get, or be infected by now, the whole cut is covered in dirt," Daniel wiped a little of the blood away with his water-covered finger and looked into his friend's eyes through the mirror. "Yeah, no thank you,"

"What really happened prince Daniel?" Jonah asked, leaning against the wall, when he had started the shower for the prince. "It's nothing, Jonah. Don't worry about me, please," He smiled, pushing the older gently out of the door and telling him to go to his room and get some sleep. It was normal for Daniel to do so, since Jonah, when Daniel was around, only served him; that was his job. "Wake me whenever you need something, prince Daniel," Jonah knocked on the locked door and said, getting a soft knock in return.

"God, Daniel, you are an idiot," The brunette told himself, looking at his face and seeing the open wound. If only he hadn't returned to the male, maybe nothing would have happened; nothing like this at least. "I'm sorry, honey," He whispered with his eyes closed, knowing how hurt the boy must have been by now.

A sigh escaped his lips when he had stepped under the streams of hot water, burning his back the slightest as he stood under it. Daniel moved his head back, a whimper escaping his lips as the hot water had dropped on the open, bleeding skin. After he had washed his hair and body, the prince stepped out of the shower cabinet and dried himself with a towel; not letting any droplets of water fall from his hair.

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