"Little angel"

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off of him!" The boy yelled, being held back by the bully's friends, his hands covered by a special cloth to keep him from using his powers. "I swear to God!" Jonah yelled once more, seeing Jack laying on the ground and whimpering as Kyle's hands met with his body and visited for thousands of times over the years.

"Stop," The curly haired cried, feeling the blood going down his head and screaming out as he felt the feathers of his wings being plucked out. "Stop, please!" He choked out, the pain becoming too much for him to handle. "Stop it, you're killing him!" Jonah growled, his eyes turning the horrifying maroon everyone was terrified of. His whole body burned up in flames, making Kyle's friends let go of him and cry at the third degree burns on their hands.

"I told you to stop!" He yelled out, his voice deep and extremely loud; even with headphones on, you could have heard him clearly and even hear the high beep in your ear once he had stopped his sentence. The yellow-orange flame shooting out of his hand quickly wrapped around Kyle's throat, squeezing the air out of him as Jonah made sure not to burn the skin, nor the body.

Throwing Kyle against the lockers and letting go of him, Jonah turned to Jack and ran towards the hurting, whimpering boy. "Calm down, baby, i'm here. I'm here," Jonah whispered out, holding Jack close to his chest. "Y-you're hurting m-me, Jonah," The boy cried out, feeling the warmth of Jonah's powers burning his skin. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," Jonah rushed out, turning his body heat to cold, trying to relieve some of the pain the younger felt with the coldness of his body.

"It hurts, it h-hurts," Jack cried out, motioning towards his angel wing, a part of the soft, white feathers laying on the ground. "It's alright. You're fine," The brunette spoke to him, taking Jack's hand in his and mumbling the only spell he had used in the last four years. "No s-stop," Jack spoke out, sighing as the pain was shooting through his veins and over to Jonah who's face crunched up in pain.

"Are you okay?" Jonah questioned, his skin burning from the pain he had taken in. "Yeah, i'm alright," Jack spoke out, his fingers intertwined with Jonah's. The younger could see in how much pain Jonah honestly was, although he just smiled at him when Jack questioned him about it.

"Let's get you to the nurse, baby boy," Jonah spoke softly, picking Jack up bridal style and ignoring the whispers and looks the rest of the creatures in the hallway gave them. "What are you looking at?" Jonah growled, making everyone take a step back, with a frightened face expression and Jack close his eyes, leaning against the boy's chest to hear his heartbeat.

"Jonah they're looking at your skin," The brunette came up to them, stopping the two from walking and grazing his fingertips over the blackened out veins. "I'm fine," Jonah spoke out, feeling Jack go limp in his arms as the boy had fallen into a slumber, just like Jonah wanted him to; it always happened when the older took away his pain. "Jo, i really don't think you're okay," Daniel spoke out, seeing the veins blacken out in his face, his lips turning a shade of light gray.

"I'm fine, Dani. Please, don't worry about me," He smiled at him, the warm, loving smile Daniel was oh-so used to; the smile that would brighten his day on occasions. Jonah was like a brother to him and nobody could ever take that away from him. "I'm fine. Please go to class, Daniel. I will see you after school," The taller brunette kissed the crown of Daniel's hair softly, pushing the boy out of his way as gently as possible. "I love you," Jonah turned around with a smile, his lips black to the core. "I love you, too, honey," The older spoke, making Daniel's heart melt at the comment, as well as break at the condition Jonah was in.

Jonah could feel the burn glide through his body, the hot, prickles sent down every corner. "You're fine," He told himself, keeping his gaze on Jack's face to try and focus on something else other than the fire his body produced. The brunette knocked on the door, feeling his leather jacket slide down his arms as the school's nurse had taken Jack in his arms and settled him on the bed. "Jonah, are you okay?" His vision blurred as the blonde rushed up to him, trying to keep the taller on his feet. "Jonah? Jonah, can you hear me?" The younger of the two fell to his knees, a high beep being heard in his ear, while his hearing was giving out.

"Call an ambulance, i know what's wrong with him," The blonde told his assistant nurse, Zach, rushing him to get the phone and call the number. "They told me they would be here in five minutes, Corbyn," The brunette walked up to the conscious and unconscious males, both seated on the ground, while Corbyn held Jonah to his chest.

"Don't die on me now, Jonah," The blonde whispered, holding his stepson tight in his arms. "Don't leave me, baby," The thirty-nine year old whispered out, his fingers brushing over the evident, black veins in the younger's neck.

"I told you not to do it again, i hate that you never listen," Jonah's hand was held by the smaller's, Jack's tears having dried over the hours of being in the hospital next to his boyfriend's bed. "I love you, Jo and i'm sorry i haven't told you before, because i've known for a long ass time; i'm in love with you," The curly haired kissed the older's knuckles softly, holding their hands to his forehead as he closed his honey-brown eyes.

"I love you, too," Jack looked up at him, seeing Jonah having a hard time with swallowing as he tried to talk, but his throat was too dry to do so. "I love you so damn much," The icy-blue eyes Jonah owned had turned red, his heartbeat quickening. "Calm down, baby, they will think something's wrong," Jack giggled, seeing the number on Jonah's heart monitor increase. "I will go get the nurse, okay? You stay here," Jack placed a kiss to his forehead, walking out of the room and leaving the brunette to lay on the uncomfortable bed on his own.

"Everything seems to be fine, you possibly will be going home today," Jonah let a smile break out on his face, an enthusiastic sigh slipping past his lips. "Thank God," He spoke out, he was done with all the hospital food and the uncomfortable bed he had been laying in for months now.

"This is your last warning, though, Jonah. If you ever use that spell again, it will kill you. You were lucky it didn't this time. Some boy isn't worth dying for," The nurse told him, a smile on her lips. "He isn't just some boy, though," Jonah spoke softly, his back turning to her and laying his head on the pillow to ignore the woman walking around and checking everything for the last time, until the doctor came in and told him he was okay with Jonah leaving.

"I'm okay with you leaving under a few conditions," The doctor smiled at him, taking the golden bracelet in his hand. "You will have to be wearing this to assure you won't be using any spells that could harm your body, nor health," The teen looked up at him, nodding slowly. "You will also have to come in for a checkup every two weeks, i need to know how you've been feeling; we never had this extreme type of diseases from magic before," Jonah raised one eyebrow at him, rolling his eyes and nodding once more.

"Alright," The blonde haired male walked up to him and clipped the golden chain around his wrist. "Using your powers normally will be painful, but it assures you don't use any spells that will harm you in any way," "So, i can't do the health spell? I mean it's supposed to hurt, obviously," The doctor shook his head at him, taking the clipboard back in his hands and scribbling down a few things, before looking back up at Jonah.

"You're allowed to leave. Also, your boyfriend has been waiting for you in the hall," Jonah nodded his head, telling the two a small 'thank you' and leaving the room.

"Hi, baby," Jonah said softly, walking up to the curly haired and taking the younger into his arms immediately. "Hey," Jack giggled softly, pecking Jonah's lips. "I love you," "I love you, too," Jonah could not ever get enough of those words.

His little angel loves him to death and Jonah swore on the world he loved him just as much.

wc: 1511
I finally did a 'kinda' cute one for a change, is it any good?

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