"Number one"

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The curly haired greeted his best friend through the phone; accepting the call. "What's up?" The darker haired smiled at the boy, changing the normal call to a video call. "Nothing much, copying this kid's homework," Jack shrugged, looking at Jonah, who was laughing at him. "Is it that Seavey kid, again, Jack?" Jonah got a mumbled "yeah" as a response, making him wiggle his eyebrows, with a smirk.

"You like the kid," Jonah never let the smirk die, seeing as Jack's cheeks turned the bright pink, Jonah was used to.

Immediately Jack's eyebrows furrowed and he moved closer to his phone. "Jonah, who is standing behind you?" The black silhouette, of a man, or woman; in Jonah's room, made Jack's eyes wonder through his own room, suddenly scared of his surroundings.

As soon as Jonah had looked behind him, the silhouette on Jack's screen had disappeared. "What do you mean? I don't see anyone, Jacky," Jonah furrowed his eyebrows, looking back at his phone to see Jack still with his eyes wide open, as if something had terrified him to freeze into place.

"Jonah, they're standing right behind you," Jack warned him, seeing them with a knife in their hand. "I'm serious, i'm not joking, Jonah." As Jonah laughed, he shook his head in all seriousness.

"Hang up the phone and tell your friend goodbye. Tell him you have homework to finish and you don't die," The stranger rhymes, whispering to Jonah, while standing a few feet behind him. "Hey, Jack, i've got to go. I will see you tomorrow at school, i've got some homework to finish. I love you, bub," Jonah told his best friend, Jack only furrowed his eyebrows, at Jonah's nervous state. "Alright, i love you too," Jack smiled before waving goodbye to his friend and hanging up the phone.

"Good job, sweetheart," Jonah was still in his seat, while the call had disconnected. He felt the stranger's breath in his neck, while they leaned closer and closer, until he felt the stranger's lips on his neck.

Seconds later, Jack had called 9-1-1, worried for his friend who was all alone in his home. With a possible killer, kidnapper, rapist. A person who had, maybe, a want to hurt.

His bleached white hair was tickling Jonah's cheek, while the stranger still had his soft lips on his neck. The elder boy was frozen in his seat, not being able to move a muscle.

"You're a pretty boy, you know that?" He softly whispered in his ear, the stranger's breath on his neck as he talked making Jonah shiver. "It's such a shame," The stranger sighed, softly brushing his fingers through Jonah's hair. "I just had to choose this house," He muttered to himself, pouting.

"W-What do you want from me?" Jonah stuttered out the question, frightened of the feeling from the knife on the side of his neck, where moments ago the other male's lips were planted.

"I want nothing from you, sweetheart, i just need life. I need to know how it is to feel alive," The male laughed, brushing the pads of his fingers on Jonah's cheeks. "I read a few things, earlier this year, you want to know what it said?"

Jonah nodded, not knowing what would happen if he shook his head, or even used his voice. "Well, it said robbing was number three to feel alive, number two was kidnapping and number one was killing," He giggled. "Number four though, didn't have to be a crime, it said making love was number four, but obviously i'm not here for that,"

"W-What are you h-here for then?" Jonah now had his eyes shut closed, too frightened to even hear the answer. "Do you remember number two?" Jonah nodded, clenching his fists. "And do you remember number one and three?" Once more he nodded, once again not getting the answer he was really searching for. "I'm here for all of them, sweetheart, although number one should have to wait. Just until i'm tired of your crying and trying to escape me; just remember it will never work." He hissed, but with a smile, kissing Jonah's cheek.

"Well if i'm going to be in your presence i might as well know your name," Jonah now shrugged, soon realizing that was a mistake, as the point of the knife slightly entered through his skin. The male stood there for a second, thinking it over, before shrugging. "Corbyn." He whispered into Jonah's ear, his lips grazing over the skin.

"Now, can i trust you not to do anything stupid?" Jonah just nodded, knowing he had no chance against the stranger, who had the want to kill and also was stronger than him. "Alright, now we are going to play a game," He giggled once more.

"We're in love once we leave this house, want to know why?" Corbyn questioned, holding Jonah's hand in his. "Y-yeah," Jonah answered, his cheeks turning a slight pink color. Although Corbyn was trying to kidnap him and was also succeeding, he was in Jonah's words 'hot'.

"There are police outside and they think that i didn't see them, so play with me and you get it easier once we arrive home," Corbyn giggled once more, kissing the elder's cheek. "As we walk out the door, you're going to kiss me, make sure it looks real, sweetheart," Corbyn once more smiled, pulling Jonah with him by his hand.

Corbyn opened the front door, once they arrived and slowly stepped outside, a smile on both their faces, although Jonah's eyes looked drained. "Kiss me," Corbyn whispered. Without second thought, the older had pushed his lips onto the other's. But with yell they broke apart.

"Guns down, false alarm!" Corbyn acted shocked, but Jonah just stared at the three known officers helplessly, which made them think he was shocked too. "May i ask what's going on, officers?" Corbyn blinked a few times, pretending as if he had no idea of what was going on. "I'm sorry, boys, i guess it was a false alarm. Someone had called to check on the house, since there was a potential murderer as they had said,"

"I don't think so, me and my boyfriend have been here all alone," He frowned. "But it could have been one of his friends? He was video calling when i surprised him today," Corbyn smiled, squeezing Jonah's hand harshly, making him wince, but put a bright smile on his face; as he knew that was what Corbyn wanted.

"Is that true, Jonah?" The officer questioned him with a frown. "Y-yeah, i just haven't told anyone, including my parents, yet, Teddy. Please don't tell anyone, i'm begging you," Jonah looked him straight in the eyes, hoping his parents' friend would be able to read his desperate blue eyes.

"It's alright, Jonah, i won't. Although i do want to meet your boyfriend sometime over dinner with your parents. You know they will accept you, just tell them," He smiled softly, hoping to reassure the boy everything was going to be alright.

Jonah nodded, but had this painful expression on his face, while Corbyn was squeezing his hand too tightly. "Okay, well we're going to the concert in town, so i will see you later, Teddy. Oh, and if you see my parents, tell them i love them, a lot," Teddy nodded, since it was a normal thing to be said between them. "Later," Corbyn said his goodbye, still holding onto Jonah's hand and pulling him towards his car.

They both stepped in and drove away from the scene. Nothing could help the boy now.

Number one was waiting.

Wc: 1284

" 'Cause i'm feeling awkward as-"

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