The Split

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Hey guys! So, stuff will happen in the chapter. And not the good kind.

The argument of the two parents was heard around the Kobayashi household. And Sashi wanted it to stop.

Ever since she told her parents about her job as a part time sidekick, things have changed. Before her job was over, her parents argued about it. Her father said that it was a dangerous job and shouldn't continue, while her mother said that she should continue. That Sashi was clearly able to take care of herself.

But, things got worse after she was off work. Her parents constantly argued about different stuff. At first, it was just small talk. But now, it was full on yelling.

And Sashi absolutely hated it.

The girl was lying on her bed, hearing her parents argue. She was thankful that her brother was not home. "Why? Why do they have to do this?" She asked herself. Sashi grabbed a pillow and hugged it tightly. She wished that someone was here. To tell her that it was going to be okay.

She needed him.


Penn was sitting on his bed, watching Star Wars. He wore his pjs to be more comfortable and relaxed, and had a bowl of popcorn on the counter next to him. Needless to say, he was pretty relaxed.

"I feel a great disturbance in the Force." Obi-Wan Kenobi said on screen. And Penn didn't know why, but as soon as he hears that, he felt that the air was a bit colder. "That's odd." He said. "Why do I feel a disturbance in the force?"

Suddenly, his phone gave out a ping noise. He paused the movie and grabbed his phone. It was a text from his girlfriend, Sashi.

Come to my house immediately. Use my bedroom window as your entrance.

Please hurry up. I really need you right now.

Penn's eyes widened. He quickly sprang out of his bed. Throwing on a black hoodie, jeans, and white sneakers, Penn raced out of the house and to Sashi. He would text his parents where he was later on.

Penn arrived at the apartment building and ran up the emergency stairs outside. He reached Sashi's bedroom and took a moment to regain his breath. "Probably. Should've gotten. A. Taxi." He said between breaths. After regaining his breath, he realized that the window was unlocked and opened it. He entered the room and took a light step so no one besides Sashi would know he was there.

"Hey Sashi. Are you alright?" Penn asked. He then heard Sashi's parents shouting. The redhead looked over and felt his heart breaking at the sight of his girlfriend quietly crying. Penn walked over to the bed and sat down next to Sashi. "Sash." He said softly. The girl looked up to see her boyfriend's comforting smile. Sashi finally couldn't take it and bursted into tears.

Penn pulled Sashi close to him and felt her tears onto his chest. "Shh. It okay. Everything's gonna be fine. Shh." He soothed as he rubbed her back. He felt her arms around his torso. They both heard Sashi's father said something that caught their attention.

"I never even wanted a daughter!"


The front door of the apartment slammed shut.
That meant only one thing.

Sashi's father left.

Sashi cried even harder into Penn's chest. The boy tightened his grip on her. "Sash. Don't listen to him. You dad's an idiot." 'Actually, I wouldn't call him that. More like a son of a bitch.' "I'll be here for you Sashi." He said.

They both lied down in Sashi's bed, with Penn still holding Sashi in his arms. It was at this moment that Sashi realized that Penn was now more than a boyfriend.

Penn Zero was her guardian angel.

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