A Tragedy

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Age: 15/16

Okay. So, if you remember, recently, there was a shooting on April 27th, 2019, at the Poway Synagogue here in San Diego. The shooter, who will not be mentioned in here, took the lives of multiple people at the mass during the shooting. With all the shootings that had happened in the USA over the past decade and beyond, I felt like I have to talk about this. And, as you might know, I use this book to talk about serious topics. So, if you are sensitive to this type of stuff, do not read and wait for something else from me. My prayers go out to the victims and their families. May God bless you all.

So, without further a do, let us go in.

"Come on you idiot, talk to her!" Penn thought.

The redhead teen was in the halls of Middleburg Central High, getting his books from his locker. As he did, he was thinking of a particular person. It was an Asian teen girl with short pink and purple hair and almond eyes. Her name was Sashi Kobayashi. And Penn had a crush on her. He thought that she was cute, smart, a bit violent, but nice girl. And, at least he had talked to her and was basically good friends with her. Now, he just had to tell her how he felt. And he better do it soon, otherwise, he might loose his chances with her. Anyways, Penn had closed his locker and stuffed his books into his backpack, when he heard something.


Penn heard a two very loud booms. His ears instantly perked up. His eyes widened in shock and his breathing stopped for a few seconds. The other students heard the noise to and looked around in worry. With his father being a police officer, the redhead instantly knew what the sound was. It was one that should never be heard in a school building or anywhere in general. It was bullets. There was someone, shooting bullets, in campus. In other words, there was an active shooter, and Penn had to tell everyone.

"Guys! Those were bullets! We have to go! Now!" Penn said. The students heard him and began screaming and running around. Penn left the backpack on the floor like some people and ran. Of course, his parents taught him of what to do when something like this happened and the school did do drills. But he hardly believed that this could happen in a peaceful town like Middleburg. He had three options here. Run, hide, or fight. Penn thought that hiding himself and finding a way out would be a good idea.

Penn took a sharp corner to the left and saw students running around, trying to find some place to hide. As he ran, he saw something that caught his eye. It was Sashi, cowering in a corner near a pillar. The redhead stopped running and looked at her. The girl looked visibly afraid and she had the right to be. "Remember son, if there is a case where a active shooter is in school and you see someone in danger or afraid, do NOT hesitate to help that person out. For all you know, you could be saving their life." Those words from his father rang in Penn's mind. He knew what he had to do.

Penn ran over to Sashi. He stood in front of her and held out her hand. "Come with me." He said. Sashi looked up at him, revealing the fear in her eyes. "Come on. You have to trust me here." The redhead said, trying to convince the girl in front of him to join him. The girl looked at the hand and took it. Penn flashed her a quick smile and pulled her up. Penn led Sashi back into the halls, gesturing for her to be quiet. Then, a couple of gunshots from the end of the hall. Tightening his hold on Sashi's hand, Penn began to run to the opposite side of the gunshots.

The two teens ran into a random room. Penn slammed the door shut and locked it. He turned of the lights and closed the blinds on the door's glass. Finding a desk along with some chairs, he gestured Sashi to help him move the stuff to barricade the door. After doing so, the two teens sat on the floor in a corner of the room. It was just them. They both breathed heavily. "You okay?" Penn asked as quietly as he could. She nodded. "Dad. You and the rest of the force better get yourselves here now!!" He thought.

He gave Sashi's hand a tight squeeze. "Hey. We're gonna be just fine." He said quietly with a soft, reassuring smile. "If you say so." Sashi said. Penn looked around the room. There was a metallic baseball bat, a good weapon just in case, there was also a fire hydrant, another good weapon. There was also a window and blanket. Hang on a second. "Wait here." Penn ordered. Sashi nodded. Quietly getting up, he walked over to the fire hydrant. He grabbed it and walked over to the window. Getting a good grip, Penn have a grunt and smashed the fire hydrant into the window.

The window broke and it created a large hole, big enough for both Penn and Sashi to go through. The redhead grabbed the blanket and draped it over the glass. He looked at the girl. "Come. Out the window and Scott free." He said. Sashi nodded and walked over to the window. With the help from Penn, she climbed over the window. Penn himself then climbed the out the window, but got himself a cut in the arm. The redhead quietly cursed to himself and jumped out the window.

Taking her hand once again, Penn and Sashi walked to the main entrance of the school. There, they both have sigh of relief when they saw that the cops were arriving. Both teens put their hands up in the air as they walked over to the police. "You two okay?" The officer, who happened to be Penn's dad, asked. "Yeah. We fine dad." Penn said. "He's your dad? Huh. No wonder you knew what to do." Sashi said. "Anyways, where was the last time you two saw the shooter?" "Around the gym area." Sashi said. Brock nodded and ushered his men to follow him. "Please be safe dad." Penn muttered.

He then looked at Sashi. Without any hesitation, Penn wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. He felt her bury her head against his chest and felt her tears stain his shirt. "Shh. It's okay. We okay. We're alive." The redhead whispered sweetly. "Please. Don't leave me, PZ." She said. "I won't. I promise." Penn said and whispered sweet nothings to her to calm her down.

Throughout the rest of the 45 minutes, people came out of the school. The paramedics treated Penn's wound and tended the others who were injured, which included Boone, Penn's best friend. Unfortunately, some lives weren't saved. In total, the shooter took out 15 people in total. When the shooter came out, both Penn and Sashi gasped. It was Teddy, Sashi's ex. Sashi bursted into tears again and hugged Penn again. The redhead hugged her back and menacingly glared at Teddy. The guy in question glared back before being shoved into the cop car.


About an hour later, Penn and Sashi were sitting on the bleachers, with the girl resting her head on his shoulder. "Well. That escalated quickly." Sashi said. "Yeah." Penn said. "I'm just happy your okay." She said. "Same. I couldn't imagine of the love of my life dead." He said. "Wait. What?" "Sashi. I actually have a crush on you for a while now." Penn said. "Well, I should tell you the same thing." Sashi said. "Wait. You do?" "Yeah." Penn gave a heartily laugh and kissed her cheek.

"So. Wanna go on a date with me tomorrow?" He asked. "Sure. You've seen most of the Marvel movies, right?" Sashi asked. "Yeah, why do you- you wanna see Endgame, don't you?" Penn asked. She nodded. "Okay then. Wanna meet up around 5?" She nodded. "Okay then. Our date is the Endgame." Penn said, earning a chuckle from Sashi. "Want me to walk you home?" He asked. "Yeah. That would be nice." Sashi said. Both teen got up and walked to the Kobayashi house.

"My Hero." She thought.

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