It's Gonna Be Okay

258 5 4

Age: 13/14

Hi! It's me again! Now, in this story, there's gonna be some deaths of minor characters. If you have lost a loved one recently, DO NOT read this!! However, if you did lose someone close to you a really long time ago and have moved on, them you're okay. I say this because I care for all you readers. And if you have lost someone you really love, then my wishes and prayers go out to you.

On a side note, it took inspiration for this form a scene in Stranger Things, season 1. It was the scene where El finds dead Barb and says that she's, "gone."

So, let us begin.


It was a Friday night.

Penn Zero was sitting on the couch, watching a movie. The redhead's parents were in a last minute business meeting, therefore, leaving his son home alone. Ironically, that was the movie the boy was watching. "Oh Culkin, you poor unfortunate soul. What has the media done to you?" Penn asked out loud. The redhead was currently wearing a gray T-shirt, black jeans, and black converse sneakers, and a black leather jacket.

"We interrupt this program for some breaking news." The tv said as the movie then turned into a news broadcast. Penn raised an eyebrow. "Wonder what it is?" Penn asked. "We break the program to bring you some breaking news. There has been a murder spree in town." The male reporter said. "Wait. What?" Penn asked and turned up the volume. "The murders all took place in Golden Gates apartment building earlier today." The relame reporter said. "What?!" He yelled. "But the murderer has been stopped, but left a body count of." The tv was turned off. The redhead already had his phone and house keys, and ran out the house, but not before locking the door.

Five minutes later, the redhead arrived at the apartment building. He was horrified at the sight of the cops, firefighters, and ambulances everywhere. Injured people were being loaded into the ambulances and the cops were holding the bystanders away from the building. Penn looked around frantically for his girlfriend Sashi and her family. "I swear, if that guy did anything he considers funny, I'll be sure he gets the death penalty." Penn muttered.

"Penn! Over here!" A voice said. Penn looked at his left and it was Boone, waving his arms up and down. Penn assumed that Boone would be here first, after all, he was the one closest to her house. Next to Boone was Sashi sitting on a bench, wearing her usual outfit, a blanket over her body. He quickly walked over to them, a wave of relief hitting him as he did. "Oh thank god you're alright." Penn said. "Dude! Thank goodness you came. She won't talk to me. Think you can get something out of her?" Boone asked. "Yeah. Think so." He said and sat down next to his girlfriend.

"You okay, Sash?" He asked. She only shook her head. Now Penn was worried again. "Did that murderer hurt you?" Penn asked. She nodded. "Where?" He immediately asked. Sashi pointed to her heart. "Your heart?" Penn asked. Sashi nodded. Penn raised an eyebrow, but eventually figured what she meant. "The murderer hurt you emotionally?" He asked. She nodded. "What did he do?" Penn asked. And it was at this when Penn finally noticed three important people not here by Sashi's side. "Where are your parents and brother?" He asked. Sashi didn't say anything. He was going to repeat the question when he looked up and noticed the ambulance load up three people. Sashi's Family. "Time of death of all three: 7:50pm." A paramedic said. The nurse nodded somberly. "Oh god." Boone muttered. Penn and his friend couldn't believe it. Sashi's family, was dead.

"Gone." A soft voice said. Penn looked down. It was Sashi. "Gone." She said a little louder. "Sashi." Penn began. "Gone. Gone. Gone! Gone!!" Sashi yelled, tears pouring down her cheeks. "Sashi, listen to me!" Penn said, placing his hand on her shoulders, and started shaking her. "Gone!! Gone!! Gone!!" And with that, Sashi broke down in tears in her boyfriend's arms. Penn pulled her closer and felt her sobbing violently into his chest. "It's Okay. It's okay. I got you." Penn said, rubbing her back. "They're gone. It's all my fault." She said. "No It's not." The redhead said.

"Yes it is, Penn! If I wasn't so scared, I would've beaten him. I would've still had them. I just stood there, did nothing. I could have done something, but I didn't. All because I was some idiotic coward." Sashi said. "Sash! You're not an idiot. You're not a coward either." Penn said. "But I am. All this time. I thought that I could protect them form him. I failed my mom! I failed my brother! I even failed my dad, and that was before all of this!" She said. "Sashi? What are you talking about?" Penn asked her. She sighed. "My dad. He didn't love me. He wanted only boys. I failed him. I failed him ever since I was born. Let's face it PZ. I failed everyone I love." She said.

"No." Penn said. "What?" Sashi asked. "Sashi. You did not fail anyone. You didn't fail Boone. You didn't fail me. But most importantly, you did not fail your family. You did not fail anyone. We all love you just the way you are. Don't blame yourself for this. If anything, blame that crazy man. And just know, I will always love you. You're the love of my life. Look. Things are going to be difficult, especially with all of this. But we're going to get through this. Me and the others will always be there for you. Alright?" He asked.

Sashi nodded against his chest. "Okay. Just don't leave me now." She said. "I won't." Penn said, gently stroking her hair. "So. Is there anyone that can take you in?" Boone asked. "To be honest. I don't know." She said. "Well good for you that I have a solution." A voice said. The trio turned around and saw that it was this friend, Luna Loud. "Luna?!" The trio asked. "I thought you were in Hawaii." Sashi said. "The trip got cancelled. Anyways, the fam and I heard what happened. We're so sorry." Luna said, offering a sympathetic smile. "Anyways, with Lori now moved away because of college, we have room for one more." She said.

"Wait. You mean..." Sashi began. "Yeah. I talked to my siblings and the rents about it and we agreed to take you in." Luna said. "Really?!" She asked. "Yeah." Luna said. "Oh thank you so much!" Sashi said, getting up and hugging the brunette. "Hehe. No problem, sis." Luna said. "Group hug!" Luna's younger sister, Lola, said. And everyone group hugged. "By the way, PZ. This is coming from the sister me: break Sashi's heart, I'll turn you into a human pretzel. Got it?" Luna asked with a glare. Penn gulped, but nodded.

"What did I tell you? Everything's gonna be alright." Penn said. Sashi rested the back of her head against his chest. "Yeah. You're right. Everything's gonna be okay." Sashi said.

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