Tiny Dancer

286 6 2

Age: 14/15

Any Elton John fans here? You people are in a treat today. Enjoy!!

It was the night of the Spring Formal in Middleburg Central High.

Everyone was having a blast. There were kids dancing and laughing and of course, wearing their best. A bunch of kids had dates of course, while some didn't and just said 'screw it.' Penn Zero was one of these kids.

The redhead wore a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, a pair of pitch black jeans cause the dress pants weren't really that comfortable, a pair of black dress shoes and a black tie. Yes. He didn't come with a date. He was planning to, but thing got a bit, well, complicated. You see, Penn wanted to asked Sashi out, but there was a problem with that. She already had a boyfriend named Teddy. But in the end, Penn decided that he would go by himself just for fun.

"Hey dude. What's up?" Boone asked as he walked over to his friend. "Nothing. Just chilling out. You?" Penn asked. "Nothing. You sure you're okay with Sashi going out with Teddy?" Boone asked. "Well, I do hate that guy's ass. But I can't destroy Sashi's heart. If I do, she'll put me in the hospital." Penn said. "Okay then. Punch?" Boone asked, handing the guy a cup. Penn would've asked if it was spiked. But, come on, it's a school dance. Surely one can't get away with it without being caught. So, he accepted. "Thanks." Penn said and took a sip.

In all honesty, he did feel a bit lonely. But he just shrugged it off. Penn scanned around the room, curious as to where Sashi and Teddy were. While he was single, he knew that he was helplessly in love with Sashi, and knew that he needed to keep an eye on Teddy, even from a far distance. He didn't want the bastard to hurt her. However, he then came across something that caught his eye.

It was Sashi, sitting on a chair, her face buried in her hands. The girl was wearing a beautiful blue dress, and even dyed part of her hair blue. "What the..." Penn muttered. "Hey. I have to go check on something." Penn said, handing the cup over to Boone. "Okay." He said. Penn nodded and walked across the room. As he got closer, the redhead noticed that the girl was shaking. "Hang on. Is she... crying?" He thought to himself. He grabbed a chair and sat down next to the girl.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Penn asked. Sashi raised her head up to reveal red eyes and tear stained cheeks. "Sash. What in the world happened?" Penn asked. Sashi said nothing as she pointed back at the dance floor. Penn looked over to where she was pointing and saw Teddy making out with another girl. He then looked back at Sashi. "Oh Sashi. I'm so sorry." Penn said. And that was when he had an idea. He got up. "Give me a minute." He said and ran off to the DJ booth.

He got to the booth to see that a 15 year old brunette girl was the DJ. "Luna! I need a favor!" Penn said. Luna Loud was a new student at the school who had an interest in music. She came from Michigan with ten other siblings, which was really interesting. Luna and the trio quickly got along and became really good friends.

"Hey dude! What's up?" Luna asked. "I need a favor." Penn said. "Sure. What is it?" She asked. "Sashi's boyfriend, Teddy, cheated on her." He said. "What?! Say no more, bruh. I'll help you teach that guy a lesson!" Luna said, cracking her knuckles. "What?! No! I was going to ask if you could play a slow dance song." Penn said. "Oh. Wait why f- oh! Okay, sure. Got any good suggestions?" Luna asked. Penn nodded and whispered something into her ear. "Alright dude! I wish you luck." She said. "Thanks." Penn said and made his way back. As soon as Penn made his way back to Sashi. A soft piano melody rang out around the gym.

"Blue Jean, baby. LA lady.
Seamstress for the band."

"Hey." Penn said. Sashi looked up to see the redhead holding out his hand for her. "Wanna dance?" He asked. Sashi gasped at him for a while until nodding and accepting his hand.

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