The Valentines Day Special

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Age: 14/15

Ha! I finally made a holiday story!! And close to said holiday!!

So, yeah, Happy Valentines Day to you all!! And enjoy the show!


Penn sighed as he looked out the window of the car. It was February 10th, four days before Valentines Day. And he literally had nothing for Sashi. If he could be honest, he had completely forgotten about the holiday until this morning when looking at his calendar. Now, he had to find something for his beloved Sashi, and he had four days to do so.

"Hey son, are you okay?" A voice asked. Penn looked up to see his father. "Ugh. Not really. I completely forgot that Valentine's Day is this week. And I have no clue what to give Sashi." He said. "Oh come on. I sure you'll find something." His father,Brock, said. "Thanks for the support dad, but in need a miracle here." Penn said as he began looking out the window. That was when the radio gave Penn the said miracle.

Penn began hearing music that sounded like Aladdin's "A friend like me." "Ladies And gentlemen, the famous broadway hit show, Aladdin is coming to Middleburg, Colorado." "Wait. What?" Penn said as he lunged forward and turned up the radio. "That's right! Aladdin will come to the Middleburg theater form February 20th to March 1st. Be sure to get your tickets before they run out!"

Penn could've sworn that he heard the angels sing hallelujah.

Sashi was a Disney nerd. I mean, a really huge Disney nerd. Most of her room was filled with Disney stuff. And she always wanted to see the broadway musicals of Aladdin and Lion King. And now, thanks to the radio, Penn finally had the perfect gift for her. 'It was like as if they read my mind.' Penn thought as a big grin grew on his face.

"Oh man. Isn't that you crazy idea smile?" Brock asked as they were driving. "Nope. This is my 'I am saved' smile." Penn said. His father chuckled. "Okay. Just don't do anything stupid." His dad said. "Don't worry dad." The redhead said. "Now, take me home so I can do this!" Penn declared. "You are aware that you have school right now?" His dad asked. "Dang it." Penn said, causing his father to chuckle.

Once getting to school, Penn walked over to Boone and Sashi. "Hey guys. What's up?" Penn asked. "Oh nothing. Just talking." Boone said. The boy then came closer to Penn. "So, did you find a gift for Sashi?" He whispered. Penn nodded. "What was that?" Sashi asked. "Nothing." Both boys said. "Okay then." She said. "Well, Penn and I better get going to class see you later, Sash." Boone said. "Yeah, see you later, love." Penn said, pecking the girl on the cheek and left with Boone. "So, What did you get her?" Boone asked as they walked to class. "Well, I am going to get her tickets to Aladdin the musical, which is coming to town on the 20th." Penn said. "Wait. That show's coming to town?!" "Yep." "Wow! Sashi will freak." Boone said. "That's What I am hoping for." He said with a smirk. "I just hope she likes it." The redhead thought.

Time Skip to 4 days( brought to you by Mater Dei Catholic High School. #GoCrusaders!!)

Well, this was it.

It was Valentines Day.

And Penn was ready.

The redhead had invited Sashi over to his place around 8 so they could have a romantic night together. They watched what was considered the most romantic movies of all time, 'Titanic', which led Sashi to be a blubbering mess and Penn had to comfort her. So, in order to cheer up his lady, Penn put on some Disney films for her, which made her happy again.

After finishing 'The Little Mermaid', Penn decided it was time to give Sashi her gift. "Say Sashi. I have something for you." He said, reaching behind the couch. He pulled out a small paper bag. "Well, I have something for you to." Sashi said as she also pulled out a small paper bag. "Open my first!" Sashi said. Penn let out a chuckle and took the bag form Sashi.

Penn reached into the bag and pulled out a small black velvet box. Raising an eyebrow, he opens the box to see that inside it was a silver ring with a zero symbol on it. His eyes widened and he smiled. "Holy crap. Sashi, it's- it's amazing! Thank you so much, sweetheart!" Penn said, pecking Sashi on the lips. "No problem. I knew you would like it." She said. Penn slipped the ring in his finger. He looked at Sashi and gave her a smirk. "But something tells me that I might have bought the superior gift here." He said.

Sashi smirked back and grabbed the bag form the boy. Reaching in the bag she first pulled out a plushie baby Dory. "Holy shit!! It's adorable!!" She squealed. Penn lightly laughed at her reaction. "It's not ver yet. There are two more things in the bag." He said. Sashi places the plushie in the couch and reached in again. This time, she pulled out a 'Guardians of the Galaxy' T-Shirt. "Woah! Nice!" She said. She reached in the bag for the final time, and this time pulled out an envelope.

Raising an eyebrow, she opened the envelope and pulled out a Mickey and Minnie Mouse card. She opened and read the card.

"Dear Sashi,
     Just know that I will love you for the rest of my life. Also, I hope you can join me for an Arabian Night next weekend.
                                               The love of  your life,
                                                        Penn Zero.

Sashi looked down to see something that she couldn't believe. Two tickets for the Aladdin musical. For a showing next weekend. Slowly, she looked up at Penn. "You... you got us tickets for the musical I've wanted to see?" She asked with tears forming in her eyes. "Yeah. I heard on the radio that the show was coming to town. So, I got us tickets." Penn explained. The was a silence that worried the redhead a bit. "Do you like- OOF!" Penn was interrupted was Sashi jumped on him and hugged him. "Thank you so much!! I love you!!" She cried and tears of happiness fell down her cheeks. Penn laughed lightly and hugged the girl. "Love you too, Sashi." He said.

After that happened, Penn and Sashi resumed to watch Disney movies for the rest of the night. When midnight came, Penn looked down and saw that Sashi was asleep against his chest. The redhead sighed and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"Happy Valentines Day, Sashi."

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