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You know, I think it's about time that I do a story where someone is a supernatural monster. Took me a while to decide which monster to do. So, the age is 15/16. Enjoy!!

Also, Merry Christmas!!!!

Penn's POV
I am a vampire.

That's right, I am a vampire. The blood sucking creature of the night. The one of the most popular, yet powerful monsters out there. The monster that sucked in Twilight. Yeah, that movie was terrible. So, you might be wondering how I became a vampire, huh? Well, here's the run down of my life.

I was born as a vampire. That's right, my parents are vampires too. Over the years, I had learn to control my powers, which were obviously turn into a bat, super speed, and float. Yes, I can float in the air. And of course, every night, the three of us go into the night and get our "dinner". As for hiding the fangs, it really easy for any vampire to do. Now, school was both great and a nervous wreck for me. Sure, I was doing great with grades, but making friends was hard! I mean, do you know how hard it is to make friends while hiding your true identity?! But things changed at middle school. The seventh grade, to be precise. That was when I met my first true friend, Boone Wiseman, a normal human boy.

When I told Boone about me being a vampire, he immediately asked me if I was like a Twilight vampire. I said no. He then asked me if I was going to kill him. Once again I said no. And with that, Boone and his friends accepted me with open arms. Boone's friends included:Dipper and Mable who were twins, Melissa, Zack, Milo, Star, Marco, Randy, Howard, and Teresa. All of them were regular humans like Boone. With them, middle school was fun.

Now, I am in high school, and it's both good and bad. The good news was that my friends go to the same school as I do. The bad news is that there are OTHER vampires in the school. And they are the opposite of good. They are rotten to the core. These group of evil vampires included: Oskar, Jackie, Pacífica, Robbie, Wendy, Gideon, Tom, and their leader, Teddy.
And it seems like they have an eye on something they think is delicious.

Enter Sashi Kobayashi, a normal human girl who is a year younger than me. Well, in human years. I am actually 121 years old, while in human years I am 16. Anyways, she's an Asian teenage girl with pretty pink and purple hair and beautiful almond eyes. And yes, I have a crush on her. Is it okay for vampires to fall in love with humans? Not really.

You see, us vampires can't fall in love with humans. It against the law for us. The last time that happened was during the early 60s, which ended up with a dead vampire and a dead human. And no offense, but I don't wanna die. However, there is a small exception. If the human is part of the League of Followers, then you can date them. The League Of Followers are a group of human that are meant to serve the first vampire they come in contact with. Heck, that's how my parents met. My mom was once an ordinary human who was part of the League. She met my dad and been in love ever since. So, my only chance to see if Sashi can date me is to see if she's somehow part of the League, but I doubt that's possible.

I am now currently in the football field, sitting on the grass in the shade provided by the tree, reading a book for English class. Don't worry, the sunlight nor the water doesn't hurt me. Only garlic, Holy Water, and the classic stake to the heart. "Hey. Mind if I sit here?" I hear someone ask. I look up to see that it was Sashi Kobayashi. My crush. Oh boy, this will be good. Note the fear/sarcasm. I nod. "Thanks." She sits down next to me.

And I can feel my heartbeat go slightly faster.

As I examine her face, I can tell that something is a bit off. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Well, not really." "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened?" "I can't tell you. You'll think I'm crazy." She says. "Come on. I heard a bunch of crazy stuff." Sashi gives out a sigh. "Well, I just found out yesterday that my family is part of this group of humans who serve vampires." Oh sweet Transylvania. Could she... "You part of the League of Followers?" I ask. She looks at me with wide eyes. "Yeah. How did you know?" She asks.

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