Darting a Celebrity

404 7 2

Age: 14/15

This is a Christmas special. That's right, a Christmas special in late April. I regret nothing. Enjoy!!

Penn Zero McCartney was in the local mall in Middleburg, buying his beloved a Christmas gift.

Yes, you read that right. Penn has two last names, Zero and McCartney. While in his youth he just used Zero, but as his popularity grew up, he began using McCartney. So, in other words, Zero was when he was a regular person, and McCartney was for the celebrity life. It was like if he was living a double life. And as you might have guessed, Penn was related to the legendary Paul McCartney. How? Simple, Paul was his grandfather. The redhead got interested into music ever since he was a kid. Paul would always sing him one of his famous songs that her wrote along with the Beatles.

When he was thirteen, Paul told his grandson to consider singing as a career. Penn wasn't really sure about it. However, after the insistence of his grandfather to use the Beatles songs to keep up the legacy, Penn gave it a chance. The rest was history. Penn Zero McCartney, or just Penn McCartney, slowly became more and more popular. He eventually became as popular as his grandfather and his band mates. Luckily, Penn was wiser and said absolutely nothing about him being more popular than Jesus, unlike John Lennon.

Cut to when Penn was fourteen and was in his hometown of Middleburg. Around the winter time, the redhead singer was minding his own business when he bumped in a girl. And I really mean bumped into her. After helping her up to her feet, Penn noticed that she was crying, so he asked her what happened. The girl introduced herself as Sashi Kobayashi and explained to him that her boyfriend, Teddy, broke up with her. He offered her his sympathy and told her that if she needed anything, he could come to him. After that, Penn and Sashi hanged out a bit more. They turned from acquaintances to friends. Then, from friends to lovers. It had been a year now since they began dating. Of course, the public didn't know about this, so Penn had to be more careful. Today, he was not only going to meet Sashi's parents for the first time, but he relatives as well. So, he was a bit nervous.

"Anything else?" The lady asked, wrapping the gift for the redhead. "No. Just that." Penn said in a raspy voice. He didn't want anyone to recognize him. So, he was wearing a hat to cover his hair, and made his voice more raspier than usual. "Okay then. Have a nice Christmas." The woman said. "Thanks. You too." Penn said. But the redhead dropped something by accident, so he had to pick it up. Unfortunately, it caused his hat to fall off. "OMG! It Penn Zero!" A girl said, causing the other girls to turn to his direction.

And wouldn't you know it, his version of A Hard Day's Night was playing now in the mall.

Quickly picking up his stuff, Penn began to run for it. Right behind him, he could hear the girls following him, screaming his name and fangirling. "Why do I have to be popular as the Beatles?!" Penn thought as he ran. Penn knew that he had to put maneuver the fans, but how. That's when he saw another store and an idea sparked into his mind. He rushed inside and began running around to store. He saw the fans following him inside the store. After running around as fast a He could, Penn ran out of the store and looked behind him. No one was following him.

He gave a sigh of relief and walked away. The rest of the journey to Sashi's house was fan free, thankfully. Giving out another sigh of relief, Penn entered the apartment building and walked to the elevator. Going up to the fifth floor, the elevator doors opened and Penn immediately came face to face with Sashi. "Oh. Hey." Sashi said. "Hey." Penn said, stepping out of the elevator. He looked at his girlfriend. She was wearing a nice white sweater, black jeans, and black boots. "Wow. You look very nice today." Penn said, kissing her on the cheek.

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