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Hey everyone. Happy late Thanksgiving!! Hope you all had a good one.

Anyways, the trio will be 17/18 years old. And as you might of guessed, it's basically gonna by my own version of the ending of "Carrie". Who's gonna die? Who's gonna live? Read and find out.

It's the night of the prom, and everyone was going. Even Sashi Kobayashi.

Sashi was the shy seventeen year old girl that everyone at school picked on. Especially by a girl by the name of Chris.

Chris was a blonde girl around Sashi's age. She was one of the popular kids at school, and was one of the best looking girls in school. And Chris made it her mission to make Sashi's senior year a living nightmare. When Sashi got her first period one day while showering after gym class, she and some other girls threw pads and laughed at her while the Asian girl begged for help.

Luckily for Sashi, the school's female PE teacher came in and stopped the girls. After helping the girl get cleaned up, the teacher gave all the other girls that were involved detention. The girls were mad and didn't apologize to Sashi. Well, except for one. A girl named Matilda came over to Sashi the next day and apologized to her. Sashi forgave her and had her very first friend.

Now, let's move on to Sashi's home life. She had no father nor siblings. It was only her and her mother. Sashi's mother was, well, basically a religious nut. She considered having Sashi as a sin against God. She would constantly mistreat her daughter and would overreact to every single action Sashi made. So yeah, Sashi was not doing well both at school nor at home.

Back to the school, Chris, Matilda, and the other girls who laughed at Sashi had Saturday detention with the gym teacher, Mrs. Desjardin, who was the teach that saved Sashi in the locker room. Chris rebelled and as a result of that, Chris was suspended from the prom.

After that, Matilda went over to her boyfriend, well ex boyfriend, Penn Zero. Yeah, after finding out what happened in the locker room, Penn was not happy of what she did. And while has was pleased that Matilda and Sashi made up, they both thought it was the best if they were only friends. Anyways, Matilda asked Penn if he could accompany Sashi to the prom, which he accepted.

While he didn't know Sashi that much, he was going to make sure that she had fun. So on the next day, Penn attempted to ask her to the prom. However, Sashi said no. Too bad she didn't know that Penn never gave up that easily. So, after days of asking and reassuring her that he wasn't pulling a prank on her, Sashi finally gave in and accepted Penn's proposal.

So, we come back to where we started. Sashi was ready for the prom. She created a pink dress for the occasion. But, of course, her mother protested about her going to the prom. So, Sashi used her powers to lock her mother in a closet.

Oh crap, I forgot to tell you about Sashi's powers. So, apparently Sashi found out that she had telekinetic powers. If she concentrated hard enough, she could move things with her mind. But, Sashi learned to control some of it.

After locking her mom and putting on some music, Sashi made her way outside, only to bump into Penn. "Agh. Sorry about that." Sashi said. "No worries." The redhead said. "Anyways, you ready to go?" Sashi nodded. They both walked over to his car and drove off to the school.

They both arrived five minutes later. "Nervous?" Penn asked, studying Sashi's nervous face. "Yeah. A bit." "Hey, you'll be perfectly fine. I promise." He said, grabbing Sashi's hand into his. Sashi blushed. Penn was the most caring boy she'd met. 'Maybe I can trust him with my powers.' "Can I tell you something?" "Sure. What's up?"

So, she proceeded to tell Penn everything. About Chris, her home life, and most important, her powers. Heck, Sashi even showed him by moving a trash can with her mind. "So, you have telekinetic powers?" Penn asked slowly. "Yep." Sashi replied, worried that  of what he was gonna say.

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