The Badass Nerd

300 6 3

Age: 15/16
An AU where there's no multiverse, Penn's the badass nerd, and Sashi's the hyper girl that can break your face. Enjoy!

Sashi's POV

I yawned as I enter school. I really hate Mondays.

This weekend was so stressful for me! My extended family visited for the weekend. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but I just barley finished my homework thanks to this visit. Ugh. Whatever. It's the start of a new week, I'm sure things will get better from here. Well, I hope. As I walked through the halls, I glared at the people who looked at me weirdly. I mean, just because I am capable of taking care of myself and that I am over hyper at times, that automatically labels me as the scariest girl in school. Come on! I mean, in this world, you need to know how to defend yourself. Especially if you're a girl in my age. These people just don't get me. Which is why I am technically also an outcast here at school.

Anyways, I suddenly hear something slamming against the lockers. I look at my right and see a group of  four boys in my grade pinning another boy in my grade. I didn't recognize all of them, but I did recognize the guy that was getting pinned. It was Penn Zero. He had red curly hair and blue eyes and wore a teal green long sleeved shirt with blue flannel cuffs and collar, dark blue jeans, and black converse sneakers and a brown backpack across his back. Penn was in short terms, a nerd. He was a really smart guy, always getting good grades and helping out with others with homework. And I wasn't gonna lie, Penn was cute. Handsome at times, actually.
Okay fine, yes. I have a crush on him. Happy?!

I saw Penn roll his eyes. "What do you want? I'm gonna be late for class." He said, clearly annoyed. "We're our of money. So give us yours, nerd." A blonde guy said. "Seriously? You could've asked somebody else. I have to go go now, bye!" Penn said, trying to get away, only to be blocked. "Come on! Ditching one class is not that bad. Hang with us. We're about to go for a smoke." The blonde said. "Geez, how about, NO! Excuse me for trying to have a successful life. At least I'm not gonna throw my life away down the drain like you and your friends are." Dang, his comeback is good! "Take that back, nerd!" Yeah, no." "Alright, you asked for it." The blonde said.

Oh crap. Okay, I may be a bit harsh at times, but I'm not mean. Looks like Penn needed my help. However, before I could tell the group to back off, the blonde went for the punch on Penn's face, and the unexpected happened. The redhead swiftly goes to his left, causing the fist to hit the locker. The blonde grunted and massaged his hand. He then was going with the other hand. Penn caught his fist, and the next thing I knew, the blonde was on the ground on his knees, and Penn glared and was close to twisting his hand. "Look. No, means no. So fuck off, and leave me alone." Penn let go off the guy and he and his gang walk off.

My jaw was slightly dropped. Never have I ever thought I would see the nerd win a fight. Penn huffed. "Son of a bitch." He muttered. He turned and looked at me. "Oh hey." He said. "Hi." I said. "Did you see all of that?" Penn asked. I nod. "I am surprised you handled your own." I said. "Well, ever heard of the term of the badass nerd?" He asked me. I shook my head no. "Well, basically, just because I am a nerd, that doesn't mean I don't know how to fight. I took karate for about 5 years I would say." Penn said, raising an eyebrow, probably trying to remember something. I gave a low whistle. "Wow. Call me impressed." I said. Penn chuckled. "I guess. You're Sashi Kobayashi right?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes. Penn Zero, right?" He nodded.

"Yeah. I remember you. We have chemistry together." He said. Suddenly, the bell rings. "Oh shit. We're gonna be late." Penn said, grabbing me by the hand and dragged me to class. I wasn't gonna lie, I felt the heat rising to my cheeks as we walked to class. "You okay?" Penn asked me, giving me a concerned look. "Yeah. I'm fine." I said. "Okay then. Just making sure. I think I overheard something about chocolate being involved in todays class-" no sooner than the word chocolate, I was running straight to class.


Penn's POV

I smile a bit as Sashi practically ran to class after mentioned chocolate. I laugh and shook my head and playfully rolled my eyes. She was always so cute when she was her hyper self. Okay, fine yes, I'll admit it, I have a crush on Sashi. She's cute, smart, and a fun person to be around with. Sure, she can break your face if you piss her off, but she's still a nice person. I just don't see why people consider her a weirdo. She's just your average teen, all be it, a more hyper one. But that doesn't make her less lovable than se already is.

We got chemistry over and done, and sadly, there was no chocolate( Boone, how could you lie to me?!). After an unfortunate boring class, the bell rang, indicating it was time to go home. Finally! Weekend free from homework, here I come!! I walk over to my locker and put my books away and shut the thing close. I was about to leave, when I heard voices behind me. Ever the curious person, I went over to where the voices were coming from and I saw a bunch of kids gathered around, looking at something. I spotted my best friend Boone Wiseman among the people and I went over to him.

"Hey. What's going on?" I asked him. "Well, um... you should see it for yourself." He said. I raised an eyebrow before making my way to the front. What I saw broke my heart. It was Sashi, sitting on the floor, trying not to cry as I saw a bunch of notes around her. Taking a closer look and read the notes and... holy shit. They're freaking hate notes. As I read the notes, anger rose through my veins. Who could want such a sweet girl to cry? And my girl for god sakes?! "Wait... did I just refer Sashi as my girl?? I shook my head and forgot about it. I looked up and saw those idiots from before,  it this time, their leader, Teddy was there with them.

I saw Teddy was laughing his ass off. Okay, that's it. Now, I'm pissed off!! "Hey!" I barked at him. Everyone goes absolutely silent as I walk over to him. "Yeah?" Teddy asked, no even giving a damn. "What the hell is wrong with you?! What makes you think this you think this is okay?" I asked him. "Look nerd, why don't you back of from the freak." Teddy said. Okay... I think I had enough bull crap for today. Grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, I slammed Teddy against the lockers. I heard everyone gasp in shock.

"Look buddy, I only going to say this once, so you better listen up. If I ever see you hurt that girl again, I will beat the ever living shit out of you. Just because she's not how you want her to be, doesn't mean you have the right to do this to her." "Wait. Holy crap, the nerd likes the outcast!" That blonde from before said as he and his gang laughed. I rolled my eyes. "So what?" I challenged. Once again, absolute silence. "So what if I'm in love with Sashi? I am definitely not ashamed of that. I see her as this bright, happy, smart girl and she's really pretty. No. She's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. So, hurt her again, and I will murder you." To emphasize this, I push him further against the lockers. "But before you leave, apologize." Teddy gave me a fearful look, and looked at Sashi. "Sorry." He said. "Good. Now, this one is for me."

I punched the jerk right in the face. I heard the other kids gasping. "Fuck. Off. Now." I growled and let go of Teddy. He scrambled off the floor and ran off wit his goons after him. I stood there for a few seconds, trying to calm myself down. I turn around and crouched down to the girl's height. "Hey." I said, lifting her face up to see her tear stained face. "Just want you to know that I meant every word about you." I said as I leaned in and planted my lips against hers. I heard Boone and the other kids either going like "aww!!" or just cheering. I pull back to see her blushing like a tomato. I laugh and shook my head. "You are adorable. You know that right?" "Wow." She said quietly. "Look. Don't pay any attention to those notes. Same with Teddy and his goons. If they ever bother you again, just let me know." She nodded.

I grabbed her hands and pull her up from the floor. "Now come on. Let's go get some ice cream to cheer you up. My treat." I said, wrapping an arm around her and leading her outside. "Okay. Thanks. I love you." Sashi said. "Love you to, Sashi." I said.

And that's how the hyper girl and the badass nerd got together.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2019 ⏰

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