
309 7 13

Age: 13/14

Well, here it comes, my dudes. Here's the heartbreaker. Prepare to possibly cry your eyes out.

Takes place during series finale


Sashi couldn't move. She couldn't move for her shock had taken full control. She didn't have time to watch for the attack aimed for her. She didn't have time to defend herself from the sword Rippen was about to plunge into her body. But he did.

And Penn Zero paid the price.

Sashi felt something push her to the ground, which was followed by a scream of agony. Sashi looked up and saw with unimaginable horror Penn getting a sword though his chest. The redhead then fell backwards to the floor, his blood coming out. "NO!!!!!!" Sashi yelled, rushing over to him. She knelt down and looked at him. "Penn! Wake up! Please." She pleaded. The redhead's eyes fluttered open. "Sash." Penn said in a hoarse voice. "Why did you do that?" She asked. "I had to save my... princess." Penn said, giving her a tired smirk. "Penn. Please, don't." "I'm sorry, Sashi... I love you, my princess... don't forget that." And with that, his eyes closed and stayed completely still.

"No. No! NNNNOOOO!!!" Sashi yelled, bursting into tears. "Why?! Why?!" She cried, burying her face into her hands. "Sashi?" A voice asked. Sashi looked up and saw Penn's parents with Boone and Phillis, all of them looking horrified at Penn's dead body. "Oh god..." Vonnie muttered, hugging her husband. Everyone had tears at this point, even Phillis was crying. "Why? Why did he leave us? Why did he leave me?" Sashi said, as Boone tried his best to comfort her. "There is nothing we can do, I'm afraid." Phillis said.

"Hey guys! Good news, we..." A new voice said.

Everyone turned around to see a woman standing there. It was an Asian woman who looked to be around her early 20s. She had fair skin and medium length black hair. The woman was wearing a blue and white kimono with a dark read belt around her waist. Next to the woman was a black horse. No doubt that the woman owned this horse. The woman stopped talking and softly gasped upon seeing Penn. She covered her mouth with a hand in shock. But she quickly brushed it off and ran over to them. "What happened?" She asked quickly, kneeling down on the opposite side that Sashi was.

"He- He to-ok the sword for me." Sashi said with tears. The woman looked at Penn's wound. She whipped her head to look at her horse. "Khan! Get Rapunzel! And hurry!!" The woman yelled. The horse neighed and rushed down the mountain to get this Rapunzel person. The woman then looked at Sashi. "Hey. He's gonna be okay." She said. "No. He's not. I never even got the chance to tell him... that I love him." Sashi said. The woman gave the girl a sympathetic smile and looked down at Penn. "Come on kid, hang in there. She's counting on you." She muttered. "I'm Mulan by the way." The woman said. "Okay." Sashi said. "Why did he do that?" Sashi asked again. "Like my good friend Meg said, people do crazy things when they're in love." Mulan said, slightly smiling at the boy.

All of a sudden, there was a neigh. Everyone turned around to see Mulan's horse, Khan return with another girl. This girl looked to be either eighteen or nineteen years old. She had fair skin and freckles and was wearing a purple and pink dress. But her blonde hair. Sweet Jesus, her hair was super long. "Is that Rapunzel?" Boone asked. Mulan nodded. Rapunzel jumped of Khan's back and rushed over to the group. "Oh my god! What happened to him?!" The blonde asked, kneeling down next to Mulan. "Stab wound through the chest. We don't have much time. You better act now, Raps." Mulan said. The girl nodded and proceeded to... wrap her hair around Penn's body?

"What's that supposed to do?" Sashi asked a bit annoyed. "Just trust me. He'll be okay." Rapunzel said, giving the girl a reassuring smile. "Okay." Sashi said in a quiet voice. Rapunzel took a deep breath and began to sing.

Flower gleam, and glow.
Let your power shine.
Make the clock reverse.
Bring back what once was mine.

As Rapunzel sang, her hair began to glow, shocking everyone except Mulan. She looked like she had seen this before.

Heal what has been hurt.
Change the fate's design.
Save what has been lost.
Bring back what once was mine.
What once was mine.

Rapunzel stopped singing and her hair stopped glowing. She took her hair off Penn's body. Everyone sat or stood there for a moment. "Please, Penn. I need you." Sashi said. "Do you think it worked?" Mulan asked Rapunzel in a whisper. Rapunzel was about to respond when they all some something unbelievable. Penn's eyes opened. Everyone gasped. Penn slowly sat up and looked at Sashi. "Hey Sash." He said softly.

Everyone cheered. "I did it! I actually did it!" Rapunzel yelled, jumping up and down with joy. "I knew you could." Mulan said, hugging her. "Holy cow! How did you do that?!" Boone asked the blonde. "My hair can heal wounds, or in this case, bring back the dead." Rapunzel said. "Woah." Boone said. "Oh thank you so much!" Vonnie said, hugging the blonde. "No problem." Rapunzel said, hugging back. "Oh we're so happy to have you back!" Vonnie said as she and Brock now hugging her son. "Gah! Mom! Dad! I can't breathe!" Penn said. "Oops. Sorry about that son." Brock said. Mulan and Rapunzel chuckled.

Penn then looked at Sashi. The girl in question threw herself to him. Penn chuckled as he caught her in his arms and hugged her. "Hey. It's okay. I'm right here." Penn said, running a hand through her hair and felt her tears against his chest. "I thought I lost you!" Sashi said, crying. "Sashi. You'll never lose me." He said. "Penn. Why did you do that?" Sashi asked, looking up to see him. "Well. Like I heard Mulan say: People do crazy things when they're in love." Penn said. "You mean-" "Yeah. I'm in love with you." Penn said, blushing. "Oh." Sashi said.

"Um. I hate to interrupt this cute moment, but we should go before someone else dies." Rapunzel said. Everyone laughed and they zapped back to the theater, with Penn and Sashi holding hands.


Penn, Sashi, Boone, his parents, Derick, Karen, Mulan, Rapunzel, And their big group of friends stood in the streets of Middleburg, looking at the now vacant lot that once had the Odyssey and fish stick restaurant. All of them incredibly confused as to what just happened. (So think of a huge group of Disney characters with the Penn Zero characters)

"So. What just happened?" Anna asked. "I think they just turned into a space gorilla and went to space." Belle said. "Yeah. That sounds right." Winnie the Pooh said. "So. Should we just keep this to ourselves?" Minnie asked. "Yeah. We shouldn't tell Dreamworks. Don't want them getting jealous." Mickey said. "Same thing with Fox and Illumination." Goofy said. "But you would have to admit. They're faces would have been priceless." Merida said with her Scottish accent. "Yeah. Especially Dreamworks." Sully said. "Yeah. I can already imagine it." Woody said with a smirk. The trio, who were now in their normal clothes, raised eyebrows at the group. "It's a long story." Mickey said.

"Right. Now, where were we?" Penn asked with a smirk. "Oh right. Penn I-" Sashi was cut off by the redhead as he kissed her. Sashi closed her eyes and kissed Penn back. Everyone cheered and clap. "Finally! About time they got together!" Donald said. "Amen to that, Donald." Boone said. Penn pulled back. "Yeah. I know. You love me back as well." He said. "What? How?" "I actually heard everything." Penn said. Sashi only smiled and kissed him. "I love you, PZ." Sashi said. "Love you too Sashi." Penn said. "Say, I have a question." Snow White asked. "What would that be, Snow?" Penn asked.

"What are supposed to do with a vacant lot?"

Author Note: Okay. Who here wants to give Rapunzel a hug for saving Penn? I certainly do!!

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