Car Accident

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Age: 18/19.
Well, after reading an AppleDash one-shot about this topic, I felt like I had to do one on PenAshi. And this is a crossover with the Incredibles. Enjoy.

Eighteen year old Sashi Kobayashi was sitting on the couch of the living room, checking her phone. She was waiting for her boyfriend, Penn to arrive for work. Though she was concerned about something.

Usually, Penn would arrive at 7pm. It was now 7:30. Now, Sashi would assume that he was dealing with something at work, it he would've called her if he was still at work. So you can say that she was worried.

All of a sudden, her phone rang and Sashi read the caller ID. It was Boone. She sighed, saddened that it wasn't Penn, but picked up none of the less.

"Hey, Boone. What's up?" She asked. "Sash! Come to the hospital now!! Penn got into an car accident!!" Boone said. "What?! I'm on my way." Sashi said. Quickly putting on her shoes and a jacket, she rushed out her house and drove to the hospital.

"Why him? Sweet goddess, why did it happen to him?" The girl thought as she drove. "Please be ok, PZ." She said.

Sashi arrived at the hospital safely, unlike her boyfriend. After parking her car, Sashi ran inside the building and went straight to the receptionist office. "Hello, dear. How can I help you?" "Um, yes. I here to see Penn Zero. He's my boyfriend." "I sorry dear. I can't- " "It okay ma'm. She's with us." A voice said. Sashi turned and saw Boone with a woman who looked to be in her late twenties. She had short brown hair and was wearing a gray business suit.

Sashi walked over to them. "Please tell me he's alive." Sashi pleaded. "Don't worry, honey. I'm sure he's going to be okay." The woman said. "Um, Boone? Who is this?" Sashi asked. "Oh. This Hellen Parr. She's the one that found Penn and took him here." Boone said. "It's true. I was on my way home from work when I saw your boyfriend's car crash into another one. So, I did the only logical thing and brought him here." The woman said. Sashi went over and hugged her. "Thank you." "Aww. No problem hon." Hellen said, returning the hug.


It has been five hours since Sashi arrived at the hospital. Penn's parents were informed about their son's accident and got to the hospital shortly after the girl did. Everyone waited anxiously. Hellen's husband, Bob, and her three kids, Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack, arrived an hour after Penn's parents.

Around this time, Sashi, Boone, Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack have dosed off into sleep. Sashi used the wall as a pillow, though it wasn't that comfy and had her arms wrapped around herself. She was super worried. It's been five hours since Penn was transported into the hospital and they heard nothing from him.

"Penn. I am beginning you, please don't die. I really need you now. With my parents divorce and everything, you've the only one who kept me happy. I don't want my happiness to be taken away from me. I don't want my true lobe to be taken away from me. So please Penn, fight for your life. Fight for the both of us. I love you so much."

"I love you too Sashi. Good for you that I'm still alive." A voice said. Wait. That voice. It sounded so familiar... "Sash. Come on, love. Wake up." She felt something shaking her. Sashi yawned and opened her eyes. And couldn't believe what she was seeing. Standing right there in front of her, was Penn Zero, very much alive. He had a few scratches in his face and had a bandage around his right arm, but besides that, he looked perfectly fine. "Penn?" Sashi asked in surprise. "I'm okay, Sash." Penn said with a smile.

Sashi stood up and hugged him tightly and began to cry into his chest. She felt Penn's arms tightly around her as well. "Gah. Easy darling. I just got back from a car crash, remember?" Sashi immediately stopped hugging Penn. "Sorry." "Hey, since when did I said you couldn't stop hugging me?" He asked with a smirk. Sashi giggled and hugged her boyfriend once again, but not too tightly. "I thought I was going to lose you." She said. "What Can I say? It takes a lot more than a car crash to take me down." Penn said with a smile.

"Say Sashi." "Yeah?" She asked. Penn made Sashi look at him right in the eye. "I'm coming in." He said and kissed her. Sashi eagerly kissed him back. They pulled back after a few seconds and stared at each other happily. "I love you." Sashi said. "I love you, mi amor." Penn said.


It was around one in the morning when Penn and Sashi arrived at Sashi's house. Penn took the liberty to explain what happened.

He was driving to see Sashi, when literally out of nowhere, a car rammed into him. Next thing he knew, he was on the ground with a piece of glass rammed into his right arm. Penn looked up and saw that the other driver was a drunk Teddy. Teddy slowly limped up to the redhead with a knife on his hand. Using the remaining strength he had, he kicked Teddy in the private area, causing him to drop the knife. Then, once he was close enough, Penn used his other arm and knocked Teddy out with a punch in the face. The last thing that Penn remembered before he passed out from exhaustion was a woman calling 911.

When he woke up, he found himself in the hospital. The doctor explained to the redhead that he surprisingly didn't break any bones, just had a few scratches in the face and they had pulled out the piece of glass out of his arm. They also had to bandage his arm in order to stop the bleeding. After rechecking everything, Penn was allowed to go home, but was advised to stay home a couple of days.

"Still can't believe my ex tried to kill you." Sashi said, as she and her boyfriend were laying down on the bed. "Well, in his defense, he was drunk." "But still, I'm gonna kill him." "You can't. I don't want my girlfriend in jail." Penn said with a chuckle. The redhead waited for a response, but heard nothing. Looking down, he saw Sashi had fallen asleep against his chest. Penn sighed and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I'll never leave you, Sashi."

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