Jealousy Leads to Love

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Age: 13/14

Well, we all know that Penn was jealous that Sashi liked Blaze. Time to talk about that. This takes place after the episode 'Where Dragons Dare'. Enjoy!!!

The trio zapped out of the Dragon World.

Sashi still has that dreamy look in her eyes. "Man. That's a place I wanna visit again." Boone said as they stepped out of the warp pad. "Yeah. I'll admit. That place was really cool." Penn said. "Yeah." Sashi said in a dreamy tone. "Oh. Someone's thinking of Blaze!" Boone teased. "Say anything else about that and I'll rip your head of!" Sashi threatened, grabbing Boone by the collar of his shirt. Boone nodded fearfully nodded.

Penn rolled his eyes. He was jealous. He hated to admit it, but he was. Penn was in love with Sashi, ever since they met. Sure, she threatened to beat the ever living crap out of him at that moment, but things changed. He found her really pretty, and she could be nice when she wanted to. Sashi really did care for him and Boone and she wants to help out the redhead find his parents. But, today. Today was killing him. Granted, Blaze was a good friend and ally. But the fact that he was swooning Sashi, he just wanted go give Blaze a piece his mind for doing that.

"Um, Penn? Are you okay?" Boone asked. "Yes. I'm perfectly fine. Why wouldn't I be?" Penn asked in a sarcastic tone. It didn't take Boone what was going on. "Oh my meatballs, you're j- mhm!!!" Boone was interrupted and Penn silenced him with his hand. "Dude! Not out loud." Penn whispered to him. "What was that?" Sashi asked. "Nothing! Right Boone?" Penn asked, eyeing his friend. "Yeah. Nothing." He said. Sashi raised an eyebrow. "Okay. Whatever, we should go home." She said.

They all left the theater. "Say, Penn. What was that all about?" Sashi asked. "Oh, that! Nothing, really." Penn said. There was an awkward silence. "Well, I'm off." Boone said. "But... your house isn't till past the lake." Sashi said. "I know." He then pointed at Penn and Sashi. "You two. Need to talk." He said. And with that, he left. "What do you think he means by that?" She asked. "Nothing!" Penn said quickly. Too quickly. "Okay, PZ. What are you hiding?" She asked, her eyes narrowed.

And as if they were in some romance movie, it began to rain.

"Nothing. I swear!" He said. "Yeah, right." Sashi said. "Just tell me the truth." She said. "I can't." Penn said, looking down to the ground. "Come on, PZ. We're friends. Didn't you say that friends should tell each other everything?" "Well, yes." He said. "Then tell me." Sashi, I can't." "Penn. Tell. Me." She said, getting angrier the seconds went by. "Look. There is nothing to talk about." Penn said, giving the girl a glare. He turned around and was about leave. Only for Sashi to stop him. "Listen here, Zero. Tell me what is going on. Right now!" Sashi said. "What part of 'nothing' do you not get Sashi?" Penn asked. "Can you stop being a coward and tell me?!" Sashi asked. "FINE!! I'M JEALOUS OF YOU AND BLAZE!! There. I said it!! You happy now?!" Penn asked in total anger.

"Wait. What?" Sashi asked in shock. Penn's eyes widened. He sighed and look down at the floor. "Okay. I admit it. I'm jealous of you and Blaze. And that's because, well... I have a crush on you. I have ever since we met. I know that sounds weird, but it's true. When I saw you going after Blaze, I got jealous, and scared. I was scared of losing you. However, I was so caught up with that, that I nearly botched up the mission. Look, I understand if you don't like me that way. I also get it if you like Blaze." Penn said.

"Penn. If I can be honest, I have a crush on you to." Sashi said. "Wait. Really?" Penn asked in surprise. "Yeah. I may have crushed on Blaze, but he won't be there forever. But you will. I know you will. But, why me? Everyone sees me as this girl who gets angry to quickly, doesn't act like a lady, and well, a monster. And I think they're right about the last part." Sashi said, looking down at the floor. "Hey. Look at me." Penn said as he placed a hand under her chin and lifted her head up.

"What those people said. They're wrong. So wrong. Sure you get angry at times, but that's just because you care about what is happening. And so what if you don't act like a lady? Everyone has a certain way they act. That's just your nature. Heck, I admit, you're one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. And Sashi. You are not a monster. I know you're a good person and you should never ever say that about yourself. It's just that people tend to judge quickly. You wanna know why I love you? I love you because I know you. Thanks to this job, I've come to know that you're not what those people said. Sashi, you're the one who glues this team together. Without you, Boone and I would be dead a long time ago. I know that you do care about your friends and I know that you're a nice person. Sashi, you are a great partner, friend, and if you want to, a great girlfriend. So, what do you say? Wanna give this a chance?"

Sashi looked at him. Her cheeks were running down with water, which the redhead couldn't tell if it were either tears or the rain. "Yeah. I like to." She said. Penn's smiled at her sweetly. "In that case." Penn wrapped his arms around her, dipped her, and kissed her. Sure, he thought that a kiss under the rain was a bit of a cliche, but he didn't care at the moment. Penn pulled back and hoisted the girl up. Sashi then hugged the redhead teen. Penn hugged her back. "You really think I'm pretty?" She asked. Penn chuckled. "Of course I do."

"On the day that you were born,
The angles got together.
And decided to create a dream come true.

So they sprinkled moon dust in you hair.
With gold and starlight,
In your eyes of brown.

That is why, all the boys in town,
Follow you all around.
Just like me, they long to be,
Close to you.

Just like me, they long to be close to you."

"You have a really nice singing voice." Sashi said. "Well, everyone needs a hobby." Penn said. "Want me to take you home?" He asked. She nodded. The redhead reached for her hand. She accepted it. Their fingers interlocked. "I promise that I'll try to be not so jealous." He said. "Okay." Sashi said. 

And nothing broke them apart.

Not even Dragons.

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