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Omg she literally came out of nowhere, no hints or nothing lol. bUT DAMN SHE HOT THO.

Ok she's a new character and now I'll add her to the story. Now I thought about two possible roles for her: McCree's shooting teacher or a student. And I think the story would be better if I had her as a student. So here's her profile!

Name: Elizabeth Caledonia, "Ashe".
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Personality: Ambitious, tougher than she looks, has a soft side but no one ever sees it, relies on her older boyfriend Bob to help her out on situations she can't do on her own, got pulled into a neighborhood gang by her boyfriend, childhood rivalry with Jesse, goes to the same shooting class that he goes to.
Physical features: White hair she dyed herself, red eyes (contacts), strong eyeliner game, a mole to the right of her lips, cowgirl fashion mixed with emo fashion, short (but mean lol).
Friends: Amelíe, Jesse (frenemy), Olivia.

I'll have her be the next character I do a Q&A for so I can fill in more information for her, so if you have any questions that you want, ask away here!

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