Chapter Fourteen~ New year resolutions.

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"happy new year!!!!" We all screamed and immediately the fireworks display began

"happy new year!!!!" We all screamed and immediately the fireworks display began

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We all looked up, totally enjoying the view

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We all looked up, totally enjoying the view. Besides me, I heard a sob. I turned to my left just I'm time to see a tear slip down Aunty. Funke's face. She shook her head and more tears poured down from her eyes. "Four years ago,My husband was standing here, right beside me. Now..." She broke down and all I could do was to hug and console her.

The twins looked so woe-begone that I also began to feel extremely sorry for them. At least I know my parents are out there leaving but this was a different case. I hugged them both, giving them kisses on their forehead. "I miss daddy" Lolade said and Bolade nodded.

*Boom* we all looked up, another round of fire works had just begun. Lolade smiled. "But daddy is watching us from heaven isn't he?" She asked me and I nodded. "That's why you shouldn't cry or you'd make him sad." I said. Immediately she wiped her tear and smiled.

"I want daddy to be happy and smile because one day I'd see him"


New year resolutions, New year resolutions!

This was going to be my final year at the University Of Lagos. Then I'd graduate!! I smiled at the thought. Gosh I'm almost a complete woman. I knew I had to work harder than ever and that only meant one thing.

No distractions.

All I need now is read, learn, eat, sleep. Read, learn, eat, sleep. All I could do was read with my fingers crossed, hoping to get to the next level in life with ease.

I walked through the school block, my new black bag slung neatly on my right shoulder, three text books in my hand. Once I got inside the school I settled down on a table in the front row and took out my physics textbook and began to solve some questions.  "Hey" I looked up and saw Ify. She was taller, fresher, and prettier than ever except my eyes were deceiving me.

"Hi. How was your Christmas?"

"It went well. Yours?"


"So have you settled your differences, you know you and Samuel?"

I rolled my eyes at the topic. Yes, me and Samuel were still angry at each other, or should I say just me? Yup. I didn't talk to him since that day, I avoided him and totally shunned him. You can't blame me, he deserved it big time. He just messed things up for me that day, and I for one am happy that I didn't agree to date him or else I'd probably be...

"Are you even listening?!" Ify's voice brought me back to present.

"Yeah yeah go on."

"Well, I think you and Samuel should come back together and be friends...."

"What?! Sorry ify but I knew you to be sensible so I don't get why you're telling me this. You knew what he did and how much he insulted me that day. Do you know what it feels like to be called a 'Gold digger? Oh right you've never even been insulted.  Perfect girl.  Perfect life "

She looked hurt for a moment, making me guilty.
I opened my mouth to apologise but she beat me to it.

"Look, I know you're mad, but Rachael you need to think, you can't just..."

"Hey" I turned, Samuel was right behind me.

I wanted to die at the spot. I met his stare with a cold one before rolling my eyes and getting up. Ify pulled me back down. "I need to see Mr. Adebayo." I said.

"Mr. Adebayo didn't come to school today. So sit" she narrowly stared at me. I'm sha going to kill this babe later . Remind me. "Okay."

"Look, Rachael I'm sorry.."

"Mstchew. Did you come to tell me sorry? Cause I didn't fall down so either pocket your sorry or get out. The latter would be better though." I said, rudely cutting him off.

"Can you listen to him?!" Ify shouted. I rolled my eyes again. "Just know you're wasting your saliva because I'm not listening" I told him picking at my nails gently.

Ify let out a sigh of frustration and glared at me while Samuel just looked at the floor.

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