Chapter 4

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10 years later

During the afternoon the kids were playing
"Hey! Come back Shinjo-kun!" The 10 year old Mokuro said as he chased after his friend. He was small with chihuahua ears and tail and had curly white hair and dark violet eyes
"You'll have to catch me first!" Shinjo said running away from the werewolf. Mokuro smirked and jumped tackling him
"Gotcha puppy!" Mokuro laughed
"D-don't call me that!" The 8 year old said as he blushed
"Oooooooh! Mokuro and Shinjo sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G-"
"SHUT UP HASURA!" Mokuro and Shinjo both said as their faces turned red. The 9 year old with long dark auburn hair and beautiful hazel eyes laughed at the two young boys
"Hasura stop that..." A 6 year old girl with short black hair and with aqua eye color said
"Oh come on Misuki. Don't you think they are great together?" Hasura asked
"I'll admit. They do make a cute couple" Misuki said
"Oh shut up" Mokuro said as he got off of Shinjo
"Yeah and besides...I'm not gay" Shinjo said as he stood up
"Oh please. Our parents are so gay that it must've passed their gay traits to all of us" Hasura said and laughed
"Hahaha very funny but I'm serious. I'm not gay" Shinjo said
"How are you so sure?" Hasura asked
"Because I am sure" Shinjo said
"Hmmm? Mokuro kiss him" Hasura said
"What!? No! I'm not!" Mokuro said as he blushed
"You two blush so easily even Misuki-chan" Hasura said
"H-huh? Me?" Misuki asked
"Of course. You're so kawaii when you blush" Hasura said and booped her nose. Misuki's doggy ears perked up and blushed deeply
"Hehe see? You're blushing~" Hasura giggled. Misuki just looked away blushing deeply
"Hey Hasura-san have you heard about that new transfer student. He's a dumbass" Mokuro said
"Right? I hate him so much. He thinks he's so perfect. Every girl in the school is in love with him. Makes me wanna gag" Hasura said
"But doesn't he have the hots for you?" Mokuro asked
"Don't remind me..." Hasura said
"Huh? What does that mean?" Misuki asked
"Well he's in love with me" Hasura said
"Hehe yeah. He even asked her out but if course Hasura rejected him immediately" Mokuro said and spotted him
"Can't believe he decided to live here" Hasura said
"Can't believe Mom allowed it" Mokuro said
"He's coming this way" Shinjo said
"Alright guys. Ignore him and walk away. Don't make eye contact with him" Hasura whispered and pushed them making them walk. The kids walked away trying to get away from the transfer student
"Mizusawa-san! Mizusawa-san! Hey wait!" He said
"You know what. Let's all run home" Hasura said
"Good idea" Mokuro said and carried Shinjo while Hasura carried Misuki. They all ran home and entered the Aihara's house
" guys okay?" Yuzu asked
"Yeah we saw you run here" Harumin said
"We're hiding from some dude" Mokuro said putting Shinjo down
"He's coming!" Hasura said
"Hide. Mom please tell him we're not here" Mokuro said
"Kids why-"
"Just please say we're not here" Mokuro said and the kids walked to the kitchen and hid under a table
"Do you really think that's a good hiding spot?" Matsuri asked looking at them
"You're right Mom. To the closet!" Hasura said and they all got out and went inside the closet
"Why not scare him?" Shinjo suggested
"Yes! We should scare him...but how?" Hasura asked
"Leave it to me. Mama! Do me a favor and scare this dude please?" Mokuro asked as he poked his head out of the closet door
"Why would I do such thing?" Mei asked
"Because you're scary and you can scare him easily and because I'm your son" Mokuro said
"Nahhh bitch just ask Aunt Mitsuko. She hella scary" Hasura said
"Hasura! Language" Harumin said
"Sorry Mama!" Hasura said
"No my mom is scarier" Mokuro said
"Misuki right that your mom is scary" Hasura said
"She isn't scary at all. She's really sweet and kind" Misuki said
"Of course she is...good thing she didn't hear me" Hasura mumbled
"You know my mom is standing right in front of the closet" Misuki said
"And I heard every word" Mitsuko said as she was leaning against a wall
"Shit.." Hasura whispered
"How did you know your mom was there?" Shinjo asked
"My palm tells me. See?" Misuki said showing her glowing palm
"Cool" Hasura said. Everyone stopped as they heard the door knock. Yuzu sighed and walked up to the door
"Mom! No!" Mokuro said. Yuzu just opened the door and saw the boy
"Hey Mrs. Aihara. Is Hasura here?" He asked
"Um well she's-"
"She's just busy with her girlfriend" Matsuri said
"G-girlfriend?" He asked
"Yes she has a girlfriend and she's busy" Matsuri said
"Matsuri what the hell" Harumin whispered
"What?" Matsuri asked
"They left from the back door" Yuzu said. Suddenly noises came out from the closet.
"Bitch don't fuckin touch my bunny tail!" Hasura said
"Hey! My hair!" Misuki said
"Ugh! It's getting hot in here!" Shinjo said
"My ears!" Mokuro said and came out of the closet covering his sensitive wolf ears
"Hey guys" The boy said waving at them
"Um...we're busy" Hasura said
"With what?" The boy asked
"None of your business" Mokuro said
"It's just that we uh...we to do for something. That's why we came here to help our parents" Hasura said confused
"But I just came by to ask if you wanted to go out with me" He said
"N-O. No. Never. I'm lesbian and I like girls. I have a girlfriend so bye bye" Hasura lied
"Prove it" He said
"Prove it?" Hasura asked
"Prove that you have a girlfriend" He said
"Oh uh well fine" Hasura said and grabbed Misuki wrapping her arms around her
"This is my girlfriend. Okay. There I proved it" Hasura said
"Hmm? Still don't believe you" He said
"Mokuro...please kick him out" Hasura said. Mokuro's palm glowed and aimed at the body but Yuzu glared at him which made him stop
"Listen uh they can't come out at night. It's not safe for them and they need to get to been early since they have to take their medicine" Yuzu said
"Oh okay Mrs. Aihara. I understand. Guess I'll see you guys tomorrow in school. Bye" He said. Yuzu smiled and closed the door then glared at the kids
"Nevermind...Auntie Yuzu is actually the scariest" Hasura said
"Mokuro what were you thinking using your powers on him. You can't control it" Yuzu said
"Sorry mom. It's just that well...we hate him" Mokuro said
"Why?" Yuzu asked
"He's an asshole" Hasura said
"Hasura. How many times do I have to tell you? Don't say any cuss words" Harumin said
"But Mom always gets to say cuss words. She said it was okay" Hasura said. Harumin turned to look at Matsuri who was playing video games and not wanting to look at Harumin in the eye
"Matsuri.." Harumin said and walked up to her
"I didn't say such thing.." Matsuri said. Harumin grabbed her hair and made her look up
"Be honest" Harumin said
"W-well uh...maybe" Matsuri said still avoiding eye contact
"Maybe?" Harumin said raising an eyebrow
"Okay fine. Yeah I uhm...told her it was okay" Matsuri mumbled
"Mama don't get mad at Mom. Please?" Hasura pleaded pinning down her bunny ears
"Fine. If you stop saying those cuss words okay?" Harumin said
"Yes mama" Hasura said
"Mom I'm hungry. Can we eat now?" Mokuro asked
"Sure. All of you go wash your hands" Yuzu said
"Food!" Mokuro said and
"Hey! Ladies first asshole!" Hasura said
"Hasura! What did I just say!" Harumin said
"Sorry Mama!" Hasura said

After dinner the kids helped wash the dishes and clean the table. Yuzu looked outside seeing the sun setting down and the sky turning dark
"Kids are you done yet?" Yuzu asked
"Yep! We are" Mokuro said
"Alright. Time to take your medicine before going to bed" Yuzu said
"Okay" Mokuro said. All the kids went upstairs and walked inside. They all had to sleep together during this one night. Why you may ask? Well firstly it has to do something about their animal souls. During the full moon their souls awaken but with the medicine that Lady Liana gave them it helps them be in control. The kids had to share a bed but of course the boys were one one bed and the girls were on the other bed. Mokuro slept with Shinjo on one bed while the other bed Hasura and Misuki slept together. Their parents walked in with small bottles which contained their medicine
"Mama I'm scared..." Shinjo whispered
"It'll be okay. We're going to be here to see if anything bad happens" Himeko said stroking her son's hair softly. Shinjo whimpered and hugged his mother. Shai joined in hugging her wife and son
"Don't be scared. Remember that we're always here" Shai said and kissed his head softly. Shinjo smiled softly and kissed both his mother's forehead. He stared at his drink and drinked it all up
"Ugh! I don't want medicine!" Hasura whined
"You need to drink this" Harumin said
"Yeah but it tastes horrible!" Hasura said
"Listen to your mother Hasura" Matsuri said ruffling her hair. Hasura just groaned softly and stared at her drink
"Can't I stay up all night?" Hasura asked
"No you need to rest..." Harumin said stroking her hair. Hasura whimpered soft as she pinned her bunny ears down
"M-mama...she keeps...s-saying things to it sc-scares me..." Hasura whispered. Harumin hugged her and kissed her forehead softly
"'ll be okay. Nothing bad will happen" Harumin said
"Pr-promise?" Hasura asked
"We promise" Matsuri said and kissed her head softly. Hasura smiled a bit and nodded then drinked her medicine
"Mom...what if that happens again?" Misuki asked
"Don't worry about it. We'll be here to stop it" Mitsuko said stroking her hair softly
"'s so d-dark" Misuki whimpered
"If you think about your family you'll always see a bright light ahead. That light will always free you from the darkness" Maruta said and kissed her daughter's forehead
"Okay Mama" Misuki said and took a sip of the drink. Mokuro gulped down his drink and sighed deeply
"Mom...Mama...will I ever be free from this?" Mokuro asked
"You will Mokuro" Yuzu said
"B-but he keeps saying I can't hide from my true self" Mokuro said
"Don't listen to him. He just wants you to believe that..." Mei said stroking his hair
"Now get some sleep. We'll be watching you okay? So if something bad happens we'll be here to help you" Yuzu said
"Okay" Mokuro said and got under the covers. The rest of the kids laid down and went under the covers getting ready to sleep. Their parents turned off the lights and said goodnight to them. The kids closed their eyes and fell asleep as the bright moonlight lit up their room slightly

"Hahahaha! Full moon! Full moon!" The white with black stripes werewolf and with blue eyes said
"Shut up! You're going crazy again" The fox with dark auburn and pink stripes said
"What the hell is going on?" The black puma with tentacles attached on her back said. The tentacles hissed and growled since the tentacles had teeth on the end of the tip
"He's gone mad again" The fox said annoyed
"Not surprised..." The puma mumbled
"When can we eat?" A tentacle asked
"Eating time?" Another tentacle asked
"Can you guys shut up" The puma growled
"Hahahahaha!" The werewolf laughed
"Enough..." The werecat said and walked up to them. He was big and strong with beautiful emerald eyes and black soft fur. He growled and bit down on the werewolf making him stop
"Baka...shut up. You're so annoying" The werecat growled
"S-sorry.." The werewolf said
"So...the full moon is finally here" The werecat said
"Give it up now will you? We can't escape" The fox said
"Our parents will keep us trapped in here for eternity" The puma growled
"That's what you all think but we will take over and do whatever the hell we want" The werecat growled
"How do you plan on doing that?" The werewolf asked
"Hehe...we convince them into using us. They need us...for power" The werecat growled and unleashed a dark aura
"Hehe...we'll escape. Tonight will be the night to escape...hehehehe. Now let the night...begin" The werecat growled

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