Chapter 30

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Mei was sitting down on the couch. She kept thinking about the whole situation and growled
Those damn Royal Bloods won't stop...I hate them so much. I won't let my son get dragged into the training program. They're just going to make him suffer...I'm not letting it happen. Not him...
"Mei are you okay?" Yuzu asked
"Does it look like I'm okay?" Mei asked as she glared at her
"" Yuzu said and sat down next to her. Her ears twitched slightly and looked at Mei
"Hey Mei...what's the training program thing they said back there?" Yuzu asked
"It's some training that help you train and get stronger. I entered in the program and I became a great success for the Aiharas" Mei said
"Oh...I see. So some kind of training camp? It's kinda like the one we have..." Yuzu said
"But it's more painful training that your training. Royal Bloods get a painful feeling throughout their entire body if they overuse their powers. That's what happened to me everyday...they didn't want me to stop training. After a month I got used to it and became what I am powers were strong and dangerous" Mei said looking at her palm
"I'm sorry you had to go through all that..." Yuzu said and wrapped an arm around her
"Now they want me to put my son in that training program just to make him suffer...grrrrr... they piss me off so much. Eliminating them isn't such a bad idea..." Mei growled
"But Mei killing them won't solve anything" Yuzu said
"Killing them will solve everything...besides...they'll keep trying to look for someone new and powerful" Mei said
"Mei...I know you're mad but calm down. We won't see them again anymore okay? We won't communicate with them no more" Yuzu said
"But they won't stop. After seeing Misuki in action they'll want to convince Mitsuko to get her in the training program but of course...Mitsuko will end up beating the shit out of them" Mei said
"I won't allow them okay? We'll order the guards to make sure no Royal Blood gets nearby" Yuzu said. Mei leaned against her shoulder to rest her head and sighed deeply
"I just want them to leave us alone but now we have to deal with them and that man that attacked our son and the others" Mei said
"Right...him. But I don't understand what he wants now? We haven't done anything bad lately.." Yuzu said
"Yeah right. What about you and your killing spree?" Mei asked
"I haven't kill anyone" Yuzu said
"Yet" Mei mumbled
"Okay yeah I admit I did kill but he attacked the kids for a reason" Yuzu said
"This world is filled with power. The more power you get the more strength and respect you'll get" Mei said
"Should we try and track him down?" Yuzu asked
"No...because you'll bump into some bitch and end up trusting her only to find out that she's just a bitch you shouldn't trust" Mei said
"Mei calm down" Yuzu said
"Don't tell me to fuckin calm down Yuzu. I hate it when you meet new people or make new friends...." Mei said
"Mei why do you have to be so jealous?" Yuzu asked
"Because I am okay!" Mei said
"But why?! I love you so much. I always say that every day. Every morning and night. Don't you trust me?" Yuzu asked. Mei looked at her as tears built up in her eyes. She clenched her fists tightly and sobbed. She covered her face and pinned her ears down
"I-I'm sorry it's just...I'm just scared you'll leave me alone. I know I should forget about the past and leave it behind b-but...but ugh! She keeps talking to me! I can still here my mother and all the other people inside my head! I can't control it anymore...I want it all to stop..." Mei cried softly. Yuzu's eyes widen and pinned her ears down. She wrapped her arms around her and stroked her hair softly
"There's okay. I'm here..." Yuzu whispered. Mei hugged her back and trembled. Yuzu kissed her head softly and Mei nuzzled her neck softly
"I'm sorry Yuzu...I just...don't know how to control this jealousy just hurts my heart to see you with someone else other than me...I really love you. Now that we created a family...I'm just worried and scared to lose you and Mokuro. You both mean so much to me and the thought of losing you both hurts..." Mei said
"Mei you won't lose us. You don't need to be scared" Yuzu said. Mei held her closely and nuzzled her chest softly
"I'm still sorry...for acting so clingy and going crazy" Mei said
"Relax Mei. It's okay. I'm sorry for raising my voice on you. I should've spoken to you softly since I know you hate it...and it'sokay to act a bit crazy. I find it kinda hot~" Yuzu whispered in her sensitive cat ear. Mei blushed and trembled as Yuzu licked her ear slowly
"Y-yuzu~ My e-ear~" Mei moaned a bit. Yuzu lifted her chin up and kissed her passionately. Mei wrapped her arms around her neck kissing her back. Yuzu pinned her down on the couch and shoved her tongue inside her mouth
"M-mmm~" Mei moaned and stroked her hair softly. Yuzu broke the kiss with a strand of saliva between their lips. Mei pnated softly and moaned softly as Yuzu blew hot air into her ear
"Y-yuzu~ Ngh~" Mei moaned softly. Yuzu smirked and bit down on her ear hard
"A-ah!~ Y-yuzu mmmm!~" Mei moaned loudly and covered her mouth not wanting her son to hear their little session. Yuzu sucked on her ear hard and grinded against her body
"Y-yuzu mmmmm!~" Mei moaned and tried her best to keep her voice down. Yuzu sniffed something sweet between her legs and licked her lips
"Mmmm~ Mei are you wet already?" Yuzu asked
"U-um...uh..." Mei mumbled and blushed deeply looking away
"Hmmm?~" Yuzu asked as she slowly pulled down her pants revealing her soaked panties
"Damn Mei~ I fuckin love it when you're wet~ It turns me on~" Yuzu said as she took off her shirt revealing her sexy body. Especially her sexy six pack which Mei loved so much. Mei purred as she ran her fingers down her sexy six pack
"You love it don't you?~" Yuzu asked
"I love you more~" Mei moaned and bit her bottom lip seductively. Yuzu leaned down and kissed her passionately. Mei wrapped her arms around Yuzu's neck and kissed her back roughly but passionately
I love her so much~

Mokuro was laying down on the bed. He heard what his parents said and sighed deeply. He stared at the ceiling and thought for a while. He looked at his palm and clenched it tightly turning it into a fist
Mama is right...those Royal Bloods are really annoying and assholes. They don't give a damn about their family. I think she is right about killing them but at the same's wrong...because it won't solve anything. Right? Yeah...I guess...
"Are you feeling okay?" The werewolf asked
"Hey kid. Let's go ahead and kill" The werecat whispered
"Leave him alone" The werewolf growled
"You leave him alone!" The werecat growled back at him. The two argued like they were the angel and the devil. Mokuro groaned and sat up
"You both leave me alone" Mokuro said walking up to the window and opened it. He looked at the beautiful stars and moon. He felt a soft breeze hit his face and he sighed deeply
"Guys...why don't you both get along like brothers?" Mokuro asked his souls. The werewolf and werecat looked at each other and laughed
"Don't make me laugh. I will never get along with this bastard" The werecat said
"This crazy bastard isn't a brother at all" The werewolf growled
"You two are really annoying. You know that right?" Mokuro said
"Hmmm? Guess you don't want to know about the mysterious man who attacked you and your friends" The werecat said. Mokuro's ears perked up and looked at the werecat
"Do you know who the man is?" Mokuro asked
"Hmmmm? I don't I? Hehehehe" The werecat giggled
"Don't play with me bastard. Just say yes or no" Mokuro said
"Hmmm? That's no fun. I wanted something interesting from you. Maybe...a body" The werecat said
"A body?" Mokuro asked
"To be more specific...a dead body hehehehe" The werecat said
"A dead body?" Mokuro asked
"'d be great to have a delicious meal before we talk about this" The werecat said
"Just tell me. Now" Mokuro growled
"Mokuro don't trust him. He is pretty mischievous sometimes...he enjoys to play" The werewolf whispered
"Haha! You got that right" The werecat laughed and laid down on the floor
"Listen Mokuro my boy. I have a few conditions if you want something from me. Like right now you want me to tell you about this man right? Right and I want something in return" The werecat said
"So you just want me to bring you a dead body?" Mokuro asked
" be specific. Bring in an Aihara body" The werecat said. Mokuro's eyes widen and shook his head
"N-no! I'm not going to kill someone who is my family!" Mokuro said
"Oh won't get the answer" The werecat said and chuckled softly
"Mokuro don't listen to him. He might not even know who the man is. He is probably playing with you. He just wants to mess with you" The werewolf said. Mokuro clenched his fists tightly and growled furiously
"Listen you little pussycat. If you really know who that man is then tell me. I want to kill him and eliminate him for good" Mokuro said
"Eh...whatever. Besides I don't know who that man is. I just wanted to see you in action" The werecat said and laughed softly
"Ugh! You're useless" Mokuro said. The werecat stayed silent and unleashed a dark aura surrounding Mokuro and the werewolf
"I'm not useless are. For not using my powers. I am much more useful than this bastard but you won't use me. So sad...hehehehehe...using my powers can make you achieve many things that you haven't done before" The werecat said
"But you hurt mama. You hurt your own mother" Mokuro said
"And? What about it? It was your first time using the power. You're not used to using my powers which is a pain in the ass. You're suppose to be comfortable with my powers by now but it seems that you're not used to it at all" The werecat said
"So you're saying I hurted her?" Mokuro asked
"That's exactly what I'm saying. You were the one having the total control over my powers. So blame that on yourself..." The werecat said. Mokuro clenched his fists tightly and looked down as he pinned his ears down
"It's okay Mokuro. Just ignore him" The werewolf said
"Don't cry boy. You just have to accept me one day...because one day...something terrible will happen and that mutt won't be strong enough to protect all your loved ones. And this isn't a lie whether you like it or not. You'll use me one day...and that day will be coming up in a couple of years since we'll have two new members in the crew" The werecat said
"Two new members? Who are you talking about?" Mokuro asked
"Auntie Nitski and Cyndi are having kids right? They'll make a great use for the team..." The werecat chuckled softly
"How do you know all of this?" Mokuro asked
" that's something...I can't say" The werecat laughed and vanished. Mokuro saw him vanish and he stood up
" you believe in what he said?" Mokuro asked
"There are times when that crazy bastard is being honest and when he's lying..." The werewolf said
"And right now...? Was he lying or telling the truth?" Mokuro asked
"I have no clue...he is a mystery" The werewolf said
"And a nightmare..." Mokuro mumbled

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