Chapter 19

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Mokuro and the kids followed the mysterious man. The man used some kind of powerful
"W-we're losing him!" Misuki said
"Grrr! Hasura!" Mokuro said. Hasura growled and her body glowed as she teleported near the mysterious man but he kept running. Hasura growled and chased after him
Damnit! Who the hell is this guy!? He's fast for a human. Wait! Is he even human?
Hasura panted heavily not able to keep up but her ears perked up hearing someone beside her. She turned around seeing a black fox
"Guess you're still not used to chasing are you...Hasura" Matsuri chuckled. Hasura stopped and looked at the black fox with hazel eyes
"Grrr...wh-who are you?" Hasura asked as she was in a attacking position. The black fox giggled and her body glowed turning into Matsuri who was in her Royal Blood form. Hasura's eyes widen and shifted back to normal
"M-mom? Wait what happened to you?" Hasura asked
"Hehehehe this is my Royal Blood form. Pretty impressive right?" Matsuri grinned
"How did you find me?" Hasura asked
"That's not important. What's important is catching your prey right?" Matsuri said and ruffled her hair
"Wh-what? What are yo-"
"Focus on your prey. Don't let it escape. Kill it and devour it" Matsuri said petting her head softly
"B-but Mama said-"
"Let's keep this a secret from Harumin" Matsuri giggled
"Mama hates lies" Hasura said
"Are you just going to let him get away?" Matsuri asked
"Oh right! I must catch him!" Hasura said and shifted into her fox form then ran. Matsuri turned around seeing the other kids. She shifted into her fox form and teleported. Hasura sniffed his scent and panted heavily
Wh-why am I getting tired? My chest is starting to burn...
"Focus on your prey. Don't let it escape. Kill it and devour it"
Hasura's eyes widen and growled
Must. Kill. PREY!
Hasura somehow picked up more speed and spotted the man. She smirked and kept running. Her eyes were locked on her prey and felt this sensation grow through her body. Her mouth started watering for a moment and her claws came out getting closer to her prey. Hasura jumped and opened her jaw to kill him but something caught her pinning her down. It was a net but it wasn't any ordinary net. It had sharp spikes that sinked inside Hasura's skin making her shift back to normal
"Hahaha we caught one" The man said as he stopped and held a glowing necklace. Hasura trembled and growled furiously
"Don't try anything stupid kid" The man said and pulled out a walkie talkie
"Sur we've captured one of them" He said
"Good work. Now get the three kids left and get out of here the gang will be there in a minute" His boss said. The man put the walkie talkie down and Hasura growled
"Raaaaaah! Ahhhhhhh! RAAAAAAAAH!" Hasura shouted
"Kid stop struggling. That net will tighten around your body the more you move" The man said. Hasura pulled her arms out and grabbed the net pulling it apart then broke it. The man's eyes widen as he saw the small young bloody girl look at him. Hasura clenched her fists tightly and her beautiful hazel eyes turned into bloody scary eyes
"RAAAAAAAAH! DIIIIIIE!" Hasura shouted running up to him. The man backed up and pulled out an electric taser. Hasura bit the taser and felt a shock through her body but didn't cared about the pain then yanked the taser away from his hand and her palm glowed using her Taniguchi powers
"DIE YOU FUCKIN BASTARD!" Hasura shouted giving him a hard and powerful punch in the face breaking his whole face. He fell back and groaned. Hasura growled and used her claws tearing his chest apart then pulled out his guts and ate them
"Flesh! Raaaaah! Eat! Prey! Hunt! Kill! DIE!" Hasura shouted as she was devouring his guts. Blood dripped from her mouth and body because of her wounds from the net but that didn't bother her one bit. All her focus was in her meal. Matsuri stood there hiding behind a tree and smirked
"Looks like our work here is done..." Matsuri whispered as her fox soul stood beside her. Suddenly a van pulled over and three men came out with their guns and began shooting at Hasura but ice crystals grew in front of Hasura protecting her. Mokuro arrived then jumped up shifting back to normal and used his fist punching the ground unleashing a powerful aura. The men stayed in place and ran up to him. Misuki growled as her hissing tentacles moved like crazy. She ran up to them and with her tentacles she pinned them down the ground. Shinjo giggled and wrapped their bodies with ice that came from the ground. Mokuro chuckled softly as he walked up to them
"Hey bastards so why the hell did you attack us?" Mokuro asked
"W-we didn't mean to-"
"Didn't mean to? Oh okay. We get it" Mokuro said and kicked one of the guy's head hard that his head came off from his body
"A-aaaaah! What the hell?!" One of them exclaimed
"Hehehehe so mind answering me?" Mokuro said smiling softly as his werecat ears twitched slightly
"U-um a man ordered to us to capture you because you four are the offspring of those bitches!" The man answered
"So disrespectful" Mokuro said and stepped on his face
"W-wait! No! Please! Forgive me!" The man said
"Too late! Die!" Mokuro said and stomped his head hard crushing it. Mokuro smirked and couldn't help but start laughing
"Hahahahahahaha! Humans are so pathetic" Mokuro said and glared at the last man
"M-mei...Aihara.." He mumbled
"Wow my mother really has a reputation with the humans" Mokuro said and sighed as he walked to the man. Mokuro kicked the ice hard breaking it and grabbed the man making him go on his knees
"Hello sir. You will be my toy so I can try a new movement" Mokuro said and smiled
"N-new movem-Gaaaaarrrrrhhhhhh!?" Mokuro shoved his hand inside his mouth and kept pushing further down
"Almost there" Mokuro said trying to look for an organ
"Aha! Gotcha!" Mokuro said and pulled out his heart from his mouth. The man fell to the ground dead. Mokuro held his heart in the air like he were some kind of hero rescuing the world or something
"Did you guys like that? It's something I've been wanting to try out" Mokuro said and dropped the heart
"I-I think it was amazing Alpha!" Shinjo said looking up at him with blushing cheeks
"Thanks Shinjo" Mokuro said ruffling his hair with his clean hand. Shinjo blushed and kept wagging his tail. Suddenly he tackled Mokuro getting on top of him
"Y-you're hot!" Shinjo said from nowhere. He gasped as his whole face turned red
"Um...hehe thanks?" Mokuro said and pushed him off. Shinjo sat there like an idiot and just kept blushing. He pinned his werewolf ears down and clenched his fists tightly then pressed his lips together since he was about to cry. Mokuro looked at him and rolled his eyes not wanting to deal with a crybaby. He walked up to him then grabbed him by his hair pulling his head back to make him face him then kissed him softly. Mokuro pulled away in about 3 seconds. Shinjo blushed and touched his lips
My lips...and his...made contact! He kissed me! My first kiss!
"M-my first kiss w-with Alpha...A-alpha kissed me..hahahahaha...loves me...hahahahaha...m-my Alpha loves me!" Shinjo said as he covered his face
"Someone is a complete psycho" Mokuro said and sighed. He turned around and saw Hasura still devouring her meal
"Do you want me to heal you?" Mokuro asked
"Nah I'm fine. I rather have Misuki to heal me" Hasura said
"Alright Misuki. Go ahead" Mokuro said
"Wh-what!? You have to be joking! I can't heal!" Misuki said
"Just lick her wounds. Jeez it's not like her wounds are severe just lick the blood off" Mokuro said
"She just wants to touch me..." Misuki said
"You guys are cousins so I don't think it's bad" Mokuro said and shrugged
"I'm not gonna touch you or hurt you. I promise. Besides I wouldn't touch you like that until you're grown up" Hasura said and used her cute and sweet smile as her bloody eyes turned back to hazel eyes. Misuki clenched her fists tightly and sighed deeply
"Fine...but try something stupid and you're dead" Misuki said. Hasura's fox ears perked up and walked up to Misuki then sat down. Misuki sat down as well and grabbed her arm checking her injuries
"You have so many cuts. What the hell happened to you?" Misuki asked
"It was a net that had some sharp spikes so yeah" Hasura said
"At least your cuts aren't that deep" Misuki said and sticked her tongue out then licked her arm slowly tasting her blood. Hasura blushed deeply and wagged her tail rapidly. Her heart kept beating loud and fast. Misuki licked her lips and noticed Hasura's stare
"D-don't stare at me l-like that..." Misuki said blushing deeply
"I can't help it. You're so kawaii" Hasura said giggling softly. Misuki just let a soft growl and licked her other bloody arm. Hasura giggled feeling a little ticklish
"Come here" Misuki said
"Nah you come here" Hasura said opening her arms. Misuki growled and crawled up to her then Hasura wrapped her arms around Misuki's waist pulling her body closer to hers
"Baka..." Misuki growled
"It's just a friendly hug" Hasura said and trembled slightly as Misuki licked her neck slowly cleaning the blood off of her. Misuki still had her blushed cheeks. Hasura smirked and grabbed her cheeks wanting to kiss her until...
"Hey! Kids!" Yuzu said and shifted back to normal. Misuki growled and pushed her
"You're all okay?" Shai asked
"Yeah we are" Shinjo said
"Hey where the fuck is Matsuri?" Yuzu asked looking around
"She helped me out with the man" Hasura said
"B-but you have cuts everywhere!" Harumin exclaimed
"Relax those injuries don't hurt her" Matsuri said from behind and she was back to her normal self
"Where the hell were you!?" Harumin exclaimed and hit her head
"Ouchie! Hey I was just teaching Hasura how to hunt" Matsuri said rubbing her head
"Mama calm down. Nothing bad happened. The others dealed with the rest of them" Hasura said
"And what's going on between you two?" Mitsuko asked
"N-nothing" Misuki said blushing deeply and stood up pulling herself away from Hasura
"Hey I still have some blood left in my body" Hasura said
"Sh-shut up. I'm not licking you down there" Misuki said
"Awwwwwww...I wanted you to keep going" Hasura groaned and stood up
"Pervert..." Misuki said and looked away
"We killed them all" Mokuro said and smiled softly as he grabbed the man's head that he took off from the man's body
"Hehe yeah I can see that..." Yuzu said and walked up to the dead bodies
"I even learned a new move today. I shoved my whole arm inside the guy's mouth and took out his heart from there" Mokuro said
"Amazing!" Mei said and patted his head softly
"Uh okay...hehehe" Yuzu said rubbed her head. Matsuri stared at the van walked up to it. She opened the backdoor seeing a bunch of gadgets
Impressive shit...
"Mom what are you-Oh! Look at this!" Hasura said and entered the van
"Hasura don't touch that" Matsuri said
"Hey assholes! I have a fuckin gun!" Hasura said
"Gun!? Bitch let me see!" Mokuro said running up to the van and entered inside
"This is some cool shit" Mokuro said and walked to the driver's seat
"Imma drive!" Mokuro said
"Mokuro! Don't!" Yuzu said and entered inside the van. Suddenly the radio turned on it's own and a voice was heard
"Hey assholes have you caught the kids yet? I'm waiting!" The man said. Everyone looked at each other and shrugged. Shinjo grabbed the radio and pushed the button
"You're an asshole" Shinjo said
"What the hell!? You bastards! You're all idiots! I'll kill you!" The man replied
"Shut up asshole. You're little idiots died because they got killed by us" Shinjo said
"Ugh! Those idiots defeated by you little children. I'll get you myself you little brats!" The man shouted
"Who is this man?" Mokuro asked
"Who knows..." Yuzu said and growled
Seems that we must fight someone else...

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