Chapter 60

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Morning came and Mitsuko walked upstairs heading to her daughter's room. She tried opening the door but it was locked. Her eyes widen worried once again then broke the door opening it
"" Mitsuko said confused as she saw her daughter with Hasura. Misuki's ears twitched and groaned. She sat up revealing her naked and marked chest that was filled with hickeys and bite marks
"Ugh...morning already?" Misuki asked
"Misuki...can you explain to me what's going on?" Mitsuko asked leaning against the door with her arms crossed against her chest. Misuki's eyes widen and looked beside her seeing Hasura. Hasura slowly woke up and looked at Misuki
"Morning baby~ Last night was hella fun~" Hasura giggled. Misuki just glared at her then looked at her mother. Hasura looked at Mitsuko and laid her head back down
"Yes Auntie we fucked last night. I'm dating your daughter and took her virginity on her 14th birthday..." Hasura said a bit sleepy
"Hasura!" Misuki shouted and hit her head
"Ugh! What the fuck!? Hasura exclaimed
"Shut up" Misuki growled. Hasura rolled her eyes and fell back asleep
"I'll go talk to Harumi about this and I guess I have a feeling Matsuri knows about your relationship" Mitsuko said
"Yeah she knows" Hasura said
"Why am I not surprised..." Mitsuko mumbled and turned to leave heading to the phone. Once she called Harumim and explained to her about the relationship...
"MATSURI!" Harumin shouted. Matsuri pinned her ears down and growled
"Gah! Shut up woman! Let me sleep!" Matsuri shouted back
"Don't yell at me! Why did you keep Hasura's relationship a secret from me!? I'm suppose to know! I'm her mother! I gave her birth!" Harumin shouted
"Jeez why not ask her yourself?" Matsuri asked
"You're my wife. If she tells you anything then you're suppose to tell me" Harumin said
"Well sorry alright? Now let me sleep" Matsuri groaned. Harumin sighed and grabbed her ass squeezing it
"Come on we gave to get up. Remember today is the training?" Harumin asked
"Mmmm...mommy..." Matsuri mumbled and groaned. Harumin just slapped her ass and groped her asscheeks hard
"Get the fuck up. Now" Harumin said and got up. Matsuri whined and slowly sat up
"Mommy..." Matsuri groaned. Harumin just kissed her nose then petted her head softly
"Come on baby. Let's get up" Harumin said. Matsuri groaned and nodded
"Fine..." Matsuri mumbled

"Do we really have to get up this early?" Mokuro yawned
"Ugh my ass fuckin hurts..." Hasura groaned
"That's your fault for giving me that pill" Misuki said
"I can't feel my's numb" Shinjo groaned. Their parents just looked at them and looked at each other
"Anyways Hasura why did you keep your relationship with Misuki a secret?" Harumin asked
"Well...because I was just nervous and scared about your reaction" Hasura said and looked away
"We just...didn't know how to tell you both. We were afraid that you'll hate us..." Misuki said. Mitsuko sighed and walked up to her then held her cheeks softly then kissed her forehead softly
"Misuki...dear we would never hate you. I've told you many times matter what happens I will always be proud of you and love you" Mitsuko said and smiled
"R-really?" Misuki asked
"Of course sweetie. We will always love you and care for you. As long as you're happy then we're happy" Maruta said and kissed her cheek. Misuki smiledand hugged both her parents
"I love you both so much" Misuki said and smiled brightly. Hasura watched her and smiled softly. Harumin walked up to Hasura then ruffled her hair softly
"And what about you?"?" Harumin asked. Hasura just looked up at her and hugged her. Harumin's eyes widen for a moment and hugged her back stroking her hair softly
"I'm sorry..." Hasura mumbled in her mother's chest. Harumin sighed and smiled as she held her
"Don't worry dear it's fine. Mama Harumin isn't mad but you should be honest and tell me everything that happens in your life" Harumin said
"Even the part where I purposely gave Misuki a pill to fuck me hard all-Gah! Hey!" Hasura shouted as Misuki's tentacle hit her head
"Shut up" Misuki growled
"Make me" Hasura said and sticked her tongue out at her
"Calm down you two" Mitsuko said stroking Misuki's hair
"Honestly I don't get how you two fell for each other" Harumin said and patted her head softly
"But they do make a cute couple" Maruta said smiling softly. Hasura and Misuki blushed deeply feeling embarrassed
"Alright I think everyone's ready to head back to the lions. Time for training" Yuzu said. The kids groaned and some just fell wanting to die
"Get up all of you" Mei said sternly which made them stand back up and look alive
"Okay then let's go" Yuzu said and they headed out once again going to the lion's territory. Once they got there they all took a seat. Lady Liana came in and handed their parents a sorta pill
"Take these. You'll need them" Liana said. Without hesitation they all swallowed the pill
"So what was that for? Some kind of drug?" Mokuro asked
"It's not a drug. That pill will help them heal and get strong" Liana said
"Huh?" Misuki asked
"Why though?" Hasura asked
"Yeah aren't we the ones suppose to train?" Shinjo asked
"Yes you are all going to train but...for you four to get strong you'll need to fight your parents" Liana said. Dead silence was filled in the air as the kids processed the information
"What!? You crazy?!" Mokuro exclaimed
"My ass is getting whooped!" Hasura exclaimed
"We're dead!" Misuki exclaimed
"Why do we have to fight them!?" Shinjo exclaimed
"Trust me. You'll thank me later for this. Anyways...who wants to go first?" Liana asked. The kids looked at each other and pointed at each other
"Oh hell no! I'm not going first! He goes first! Hasura said
"The fuck! I'm not gonna fight my parents!" Mokuro exclaimed
"Girls first!" Shinjo said
"Listen chihuahua! How about you go first become all your parents do is ice and shield!" Misuki said
"That's what you think!" Shinjo shouted. The kids argued and the parents just watched
"Let's just do a draw" Liana said as she had a jar with their names in it. She put her hand inside and pulled out a name
"Shinjo you're up" Liana said
"Wh-what!?" Shinjo exclaimed
"You heard me. Come on up and fight" Liana said
"Good luck" Mokuro said
"Yeah you can do it" Misuki said
"Don't don't die" Hasura said. Shinjo gulped and stood up heading to the small arena
"First you'll fight your Royal Blood mother" Liana said. Himeko entered the arena and Shinjo trembled a bit
"Now...before we start. Himeko...mind using your true form?" Liana asked
"Tr-true form?" Shinjo asked
"There are a few things you don't know about a Royal Blood" Himeko said as her body glowed releasing her aura and glowed. Her eyes were pure dark violet and had much greater defense. Shinjo stepped back and shook his head
"I-I'm not ready!" Shinjo said
"Don't worry I'll go easy" Himeko said and ran up to him. Shinjo's eyes widen and created a shield to block the attack. Suddenly Himeko sprinted to the side and kicked him. Shinjo's eyes widen and fell back but he used his arms landing back on his feet. Himeko ran up to him then began to fight. Shinjo tried dodging and blocking
Damn! Mama's powers are much stronger and she's faster! I have to fight back!
Shinjo created ice crystals trying to separate them then took this chance to try his new power. His eyes widen feeling a dark shadow behind him
"It's okay to try and use me...I can give you power" His mother whispered. Shinjo trembled and his evil mother held his hand from behind then lifted his arm up
"Go ahead and attack" His mother whispered. Shinjo trembled and electric static began to built up then released the whole power. Himeko created a shield and blocked the electric power. Shinjo stomped the ground created ice crystals around Himeko then the crystals surrounded her capturing her inside but Himeko kicked the ice cracking it which ended up breaking
"It'll take more than that to stop me" Himeko said running up to him and swinged an attack at him. Shinjo blocked then stepped back as Himeko sprinted towards him to attack but he was able to dodge. Shinjo aimed his hand at her and unleashed his electric power. Himeko used her shield and this time her shield seemed different from before. When the electric power touched her shield it reflected and this time it aimed at Shinjo. Shinjo's eyes widen and got electrocuted by his own power
"Gah! The fuck it stings!" Shinjo exclaimed and fell shaking his head
"That was a reflective shield. It reflects any power coming towards her" Liana said
"Come Shinjo buddy! You can do it!" Mokuro shouted. Shinjo trembled a bit and stood up panting softly
C-calm's fine...i-it's perfectly...not...grrrr...not...fine...
Liana stood there and watched Shinjo's behavior change
He's losing control again...
"Hehehe..hahahahaha! Let's see how strong you are!" Shinjo laughed and stomped the ground creating ice crystals aiming at Himeko. Himeko's eyes widen seeing the ice had electric static on them
So he combined his powers in one
Himeko created a shield but the crystals surrounded her then stinged her
"A-aaaaaah!" Himeko yelled in pain and covered herself with the shield. Shinjo ran up to her and attacked the shield trying to break it. Himeko stayed inside her shield protecting herself as he crazy son was craving to kill her
"Get out of there!" Shinjo shouted until he was attacked by Shai. Shai created ice crystals aiming at him then Shinjo used his full ice armor covering his body then kicked the ice breaking it. He growled and used his electric power again at Shai
"Hahahaha! Take that!" Shinjo laughed. Shai created her full ice armor and the electric power didn't have any affect on her. Himeko got out from her shield then sprinted towards him. Shinjo's ears perked up and noticed her then stomped the ground creating ice wall but once Himeko got there she kicked the wall breaking it. Shinjo growled and his chest glowed activating his true power as he punched the ground creating small ice crystals with electricity on the ground. Himeko used her shield to stand on the small ice crystal floor. Shai stomped on the ground hard breaking the floor. Shinjo growled and his full body was charged up then sprinted towards Himeko with his fist. Himeko created a tough shield and Shai helped her out creating an ice wall in front of her
"Hahaha! Take this!" Shinjo laughed as his eye turned red then punched the wall hard breaking it and when he made contact with Himeko's shield there was an huge explosion impact. Everyone felt a strong powerful wind hit their face and they all looked at the small arena
"Woah...what happened? Did he win?" Mokuro asked
"That explosion was hella cool" Hasura said. Once everything was clear they found Himeko on her knees and Shinjo on the ground knocked out
"Shinjo! Himeko!" Shai exclaimed running up to them and her armour vanished. Himeko's body glowed as she recovered then walked up to Shinjo then held him. Shinjo groaned as his red eye vanished then blinked
"Wh-what happened?" Shinjo asked
"Are you okay?" Himeko asked
"That was a pretty strong impact back there" Shai said. Shinjo just lifted his arm and winced
"Guess I over did it..." Shinjo mumbled. Lady Liana processed the information and sighed deeply
They all have those shadows attached to them. Those bastards thought they could control their anti selves but they were wrong...dead wrong. Those anti selves attached themselves towards their offspring...
"Liana why did you allow Shinjo to lose control? Isn't it dangerous to allow him to lose control?" Yuzu asked
"Yes but their bad sides are helpful and useful. I thought he could try and control that bad power but it seems I was wrong. They need more practice" Liana said. Shai and Himeko helped Shinjo taking him back to the spot. Shinjo sat down and Lady Liana helped him heal. After that she went to the jar and pulled out a name
"Misuki you're turn" Liana said. Misuki stood up and walked to the arena acting bravely
Okay...relax Misuki. This is practice so don't lose control. Don't kill mom nor mama...
Misuki stood in the arena and Mitsuko walked in standing in front of her. Misuki clenched her fists tightly and took a deep breathe
Relax Misuki...relax...stay calm
"I'll go easy on you. For now" Mitsuko said as her eyes glowed. Misuki smirked and positioned herself ready
"Come at me with all you've got. I can take it" Misuki said. Mitsuko smirked and positioned herself ready
"Very well" Mitsuko said

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