Chapter 71

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Meanwhile with the kids everyone stood in a circle as Hasura activated her powers
"Okay ready?" Mokuro asked
"Yeah I am..." Hasura said and closed her eyes. She body released a powerful aura and everyone in the circle glowed as they were all teleported to the artic nearby the building
"Shit! It's freezing!" Mokuro exclaimed
"Well what do you expect? It's the fuckin artic!" Hasura said and shivered as she held the two twins closely to keep them warm
"Shinjo! The spell!" Mokuro shouted. Shinjo's body glowed as he released his powers that cast a spell to help the other survive the cold weather
"Alright everyone! Let's go! Now!" Mokuro shouted and shifted into his werewolf form as they headed towards the building. Suddenly everyone stopped hearing a roar and the dragon landed on top of them crushing a couple.
Shit! This dragon!
"Everyone! Back up and avoid it's attacks! Aiharas and Momokinos! Try and weaken him! The rest head follow Hasura and Misuki!" Mokuro shouted
"Alright everyone! Let's go!" Hasura said and ran with Misuki as the twins followed behind them. The humans and the Taniguchi Royal Bloods followed the two heading close to the building. Mokuro and Shinjo stayed behind activating their powers
"You ready Shinjo?" Mokuro asked
"Hell yeah. Time to beat this lizard!" Shinjo said. Mokuro and Shinjo jumped as the others did the same attacking the dragon in difficult places but mostly the chest. The dragon roared and swinged it's tail. The Momokinos used their shield blocking it's attack while the Aihara took the opportunity to attack it and weaken it. The dragon stood up using his two back legs then stomped the ground hard as it began to crack
"Look out!" Mokuro shouted as the ground shook and it cracked creating a huge gap. Some Royal Bloods fell but suddenly the birds arrived just in time to help them out
"Hey! You guys came!" Mokuro said
"Of course we did! We came just in time too!" The vulture said. The dragon opened its jaw as it devoured some birds but those birds used their power on him. The dragon's eyes widen and coughed as he spat out those birds
"Haha! What an asshole!" They said. Mokuro found his opportunity to attack as his eyes landed on the target
"Shinjo! Back up!" Mokuro said as he went towards the chest. Shinjo used his shield as he blocked the dragon's attack then Mokuro jumped and headed straight to his chest. His symbol glowed as his chest glowed
"DIE YOU ASSHOLE!" Mokuro shouted as he tried to punched his chest but the dragon attacked him with his powers. Mokuro coughed blood and fell to the ground but Shinjo caught him and landed in a safe place
" are we suppose to weaken him!?' Mokuro exclaimed. The dragon slammed his front legs to the ground creating a larger gap then used his tail to push some Royal Bloods inside the gap but the others helped each other. The dragon growled as he flew towards Mokuro then grabbed him as took him up in the air but Shinjo held onto him and used his ice powers. The dragon looked down seeing the young Momokino and growled
"You little bitch!" He roared before using his powers and attacked Shinjo making him fall into the gap
"SHINJO!" Mokuro shouted and the dragon blew fire at Shinjo as he was falling into the dark. Shinjo tried to use his claws but failed then felt the fire get to him
Sh-shit! I'm dead!
His eyes widen as something entered his body. His eyes darken and his claws came out as he grabbed onto the sides then his body covered itself with his Momokino shield. He immediately began to climb up and got back on land. He watched the dragon begin to fly away and he growled as he shifted into his werewolf form then followed the dragon. He ran and the enemies aimed their gun at him. Shinjo's eyes turned red and threw ice crystals that stabbed them. Once they made contact with the ice crystal that crystal froze them to death since it spread all over their body. Shinjo growled and tackled the humans devouring them
"Sh-shinjo?! What the hell are you doing!?" Hasura exclaimed
"That dragon took Mokuro! We have to get to that building! Now!" Shinjo said. Hasura looked at the building and the twins
"You two do you think you're able to get inside and help out?" Hasura asked the twins
"U-uhm but isn't that a bit dangerous?" Natasha asked
"Yeah but it'll be okay. Just don't let them see you. Hide in the air vents and stay quiet. If anything goes wrong I'll immediately save you both" Hasura said and patted their heads
"We have to hurry. It's now or never" Misuki said
"O-okay so what do we do?" Nathan asked
"Hold onto each other. Misuki will throw you both towards the building" Hasura said
"W-will we be okay?" Natasha asked
"Just take this necklace" Misuki said handing them the necklace
"Alright get ready and hold onto each other tightly" Hasura said. Nathan and Natasha wrapped their arms together around their bodies then Misuki's tentacles wrapped around them then threw them both towards the building
"Aaaaaaaah! We're gonna die!" Nathan exclaimed
"Shut up and hang on!" Natasha said. The two shut their eyes tightly as they were about to make contact with the building and once they did their bodies crossed through the building entering. They both ended up in the security cameras room and stood up finding a man asleep. They gasped and hid but the took a small peek realizing he wasn't going after them
"What should we do?" Nathan asked
"'re the oldest. Aren't you suppose to know?" Natasha asked
"Well yeah but...ugh what if he kills us?" Nathan asked
"Hmm? Not if we kill him first" Natasha said
"Excellent idea I came up with" Nathan said
"Hey that was my idea" Natasha said as she hit his head
"Well I helped you come up with the idea so it's my idea" Nathan said
"No it's mine!" Natasha said tackling him. Suddenly the man woke up and turned around finding the two twins
"Kill him!" Nathan and Natasha said as they both jumped at the man clinging onto his face and teared off his skin
"G-gaaaah! Get o-off you kids!" The man cried moving around knocking down a few things. Nathan used his claws and clawed his chest ripping it open then grabbed his heart pulling it out
"Got it!" Nathan said
"Yay!" Natasha cheered. The two kids got off the body and the man fell onto the floor with a puddle of blood underneath his body. Nathan's ears twitched and looked at the big screen with multiple cameras
"Mama! Mom!" Nathan said
"Where!?" Nastash exclaimed
"Over there in the cages. We're close. Come on let's go" Nathan said as he was heading to the door but Natasha noticed something missing
"W-wait...Onii-chan. Why is Auntie Matsuri and Shai gone?" Natasha asked
"Huh? What are you talking about?" Nathan asked as he walked up to her
"L-look...there has to be 10...but there are only 8 a-and Auntie Harumin and Himeko are crying..." Natasha said and trembled
"N-no...what does th-that mean? A-are they really g-gone?" Nathan asked
"I-I don't see them anywhere. In the cameras there is nothing...n-nothing.." Natasha said and teared up
"Th-they're...dead?" Nathan asked and pinned his ears down. Natasha covered her mouth as tears built up in her eyes. Nathan looked at her sister and hugged her
"W-we're...too late..." Natasha mumbled as tears began to roll down her cheeks. Suddenly they heard footsteps nearby and a couple of men talking
"We have to get out..." Nathan whispered and looked up seeing the air vent
"We have to go up. Come on climb quick" Nathan said but Natasha was crying as she felt fear take over her body
"Natasha I promise we will see our parents but right now we have to escape" Nathan said
"We have to hide...we're small" Natasha said
"Huh?" Nathan asked
"I have a plan..." Natasha said. Suddenly the door opened and the men looked at the dead body
"Shit...what the hell happened here?"
"Damn...I think those kids have arrived"
"Should we tell the boss?"
"Are you insane? He's going to kill us for not fucking doing shit to stop them"
"I don't think we can even stop them"
"The one thing I regret the most is joining him...I never thought he would take things so far"
"Anyways what should we do with the body?"
"Let someone else handle the problem. Let's go"
"Do you want to get killed?"
"Of course not..."
"Well let's go..."
Once the group of men left the two small mice came out of the dead body
"Damnit we're covered in blood" Nathan said as he rubbed his face taking some blood off
"It was the only way to hide from them. Now let's go" Natasha said as she headed out the door
"Are we going to be in our mouse forms?" Nathan asked
"They won't be able to see us. Now let's go" Natasha said. The two small mice were running through the hallways but stopped by an air vent
"Let's go in there" Nathan whispered
"Alright" Natasha said. The two mice entered inside the air vent and shifted into the fox form
"Now time to look for our parents. Can you sniff their scent?" Natasha asked
"Yeah I can. I think I caught something" Nathan said as he began sniffing out his mother's scent
"This way!" Nathan said and lead the way to their parents. Natasha followed him and they passed by many other rooms filled with caged animals. Once the two finally arrived at the place they gasped seeing Mokuro walk in all tied up
"Oh no...what should we do?" Natasha asked
"I don't think there's nothing we can do" Nathan said
"But we have to do something or else they might kill someone else" Natasha said
"Shhh..." Nathan said. The two twins looked down seeing the situation. Mokuro was on his knees all tied up and clenched his fists tightly
"Glad you could join us today. Hehe I guess you could tell something bad happened to the two bitches who broke the rules" The man said and chuckled softly. Mokuro had tears built up in his eyes and growled
Damnit...we were too late to rescue them. Shinjo and Hasura will be devastated once they found out...why...why...
"Anyways I'll just wait for the others and let me say this one more time...if you don't want to meet the same fate as the other two then just don't do anything" The man said and laughed. Mokuro looked down and felt this urge to kill. He clenched his fists tightly as he kept hearing voices
'Kill him...we can help'
'Use this power Mokuro...'
'Use it...'
'Kill him...'
'Do you want to protect them?'
'Then kill...'
Mokuro growled as his eyes shifted from lavender to red again but the only difference was that his left eye was pitch black. His skin darkened and broke the chains
"DIE! YOU BASTARD!" Mokuro shouted as he ran up to the man. The man backed up dodging his attack but Mokuro punched the floor hard which pushed him back. The man groaned and glared at the wild Aihara
"Siwoon! Deal with this kid!" The man ordered. Siwoon came in kicking the boy but Mokuro grabbed his leg then threw him down. Siwoon's eyes widen and coughed blood. He turned to look at the boy's eyes and for some reason felt fear run through his body
Th-this boy...h-he...he's scaring me...n-no way! I'm the King! I shouldn't be scared of some boy! This boy is just a pathetic boy!
Suddenly his eyes widen seeing both Mei and Yuzu inside him
He has both their souls inside his body! Impossible!
While Mokuro was attacking wildly fighting the old King, Natasha started sniffing a scent. Her eyes widen and took a massive whiff
"Natasha something wrong?" Nathan asked
"Th-this''s..." Natasha paused and gasped
"Auntie Matsuri..." Natasha mumbled

Meanwhile in the dump where trash was left and dead corpses. There was a slight glow in the two dead bodies as their chest glowed. Suddenly their wound healed up leaving a scar and stood up. Matsuri's hair was long and pink but the pink had darken. Her eyes were hazel colored and her skin darkened as she smirked devilishly
"Hehe...I'm alive..." Matsuri mumbled as her voice mixed in with Soha's voice. Shai's hair was much longer and her white hair had a blue strand of hair. Her skin darkened as well and walked around wobbling a bit. Her blue eyes were dull and an insane smile formed on her lips as her father's soul was inside her
"Haha! I'm back!" Shai laughed as her voice mixed in with her father's voice...Shailung.

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