Chapter 11

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Yuzu and the gang drove to the town heading to school. They saw some of the students evacuated from school and standing outside sobbing
"They're here!" The principal said and walked up to them
"Thank goodness you're all here!" The vice principal said
"Where are they?" Yuzu asked
"Inside somewhere around the school. You could here their footsteps through the vents and laughs. Please hurry there are still a few students inside" The vice principal said
"Alright let's go girls" Mei said walking to the entrance
"Wait Mei let me go first" Yuzu said
"It's not dangerous" Mei said walking to the door and opened it
"What the fuck happened?" Shai asked looking around and walked inside
"What's with all the-Woah!" Matsuri exclaimed and slipped on the ice floor
"Son of a bitch!" Matsuri said
"We're in school!" Harumin said
"Bitch like I give a fuck! I slipped and fell! Besides there's no one here!" Matsuri said
"Call me a bitch one more time and you'll see what the fuck I'll do to you slut!" Harumin said
"Both of you fuckin shut up" Mei growled shutting both of them up
"Um girls..." Maruta whispered as she pointed upward. They all looked up and saw red stuff drip down to the icy floor
"Is that blood?" Himeko asked
"Ketchup..." Mitsuko said
"What the hell? Why is there ketchup?" Shai asked
"Who knows what they're doing.." Matsuri said. That's when they're ears perked up hearing insane laughs coming through the halls
"Where could they be?" Harumin asked
"Hmm?" Yuzu said and sniffed the area
"Is that?" Mei asked
"Gasoline?!" Yuzu exclaimed
"Get down!" Shai said. Suddenly they all heard an explosion near the hallways but the building didn't collapse since it had ice around it so it wouldn't fall apart.
"Bitch! What the fuck!" They heard Hasura
"I tried to burn her! Mokuro told me to" They heard Misuki
"Yeah but what the fuck!? You were going to make her explode?!" Hasura exclaimed
"I thought it would be funny to see her body fly into pieces" Misuki said
"It's coming from there!" Yuzu said and ran through the halls. The others followed trying to look for them
"Girls!" Harumin said
"Bitch! Run!" Hasura said as she teleported. Misuki's tentacles stretched out and climbed into the vents
"Misuki come back here this instant" Mitsuko said sternly
"Make me!" Misuki said and crawled through the vents
"Come back here young lady!" Mitsuko growled but no answer
"Damnit...she's so grounded" Mitsuko growled
"Micchan it's not her fault. It's that terrible side of hers..." Maruta said
"I guess you're right..." Mitsuko mumbled
"Mmmph!? Mmmph!"
They heard muffled screams coming from a room. Matsuri walked over to a room and opened it
"Oh hello" Matsuri said
"Hey are you ma'am okay?" Yuzu asked as she started to get rid of the rope
"Your kids are mad!" The woman said
"S-sorry ma'am. I know we're so sorry. We'll-"
"Your son is the reason for all this! He influenced the others! He has my son captured!" The woman said
"Listen I'm sorry but-"
"Maybe it's best for him to just die-Gaaah!" Mei interrupted her by grabbing her neck and raised her palm using her Royal Blood powers
"M-mei!?" Yuzu exclaimed. Mei growled at the lady and squeezed her neck hard as she attacked her
"You deserve to die. My son attacked for a reason. He wouldn't just randomly attack people..." Mei growled
"G-grrrh...u-urrgggh...k-keelp..." The woman said struggling to breathe
"M-mei calm down" Yuzu said. Mei looked at Yuzu then back at the lady
"You're lucky to live..." Mei mumbled and raised her body then slammed her body down on the hard ice breaking her back
"Gaaaaah!" The woman said and cried in pain. Mei growled and let go of her then walked away. Yuzu looked at Mei and looked at the woman
"Yuzu lets go" Mei said in her stern voice. Her stern Master voice
"Y-yeah" Yuzu said and left the poor woman on the floor. The rest of the gang followed Mei walking through the halls looking for the children
"Seems like the Prez hasn't changed.." Harumin said
"Without Yuzu-chan I bet Mei-san would kill that woman taking her insides out" Matsuri said
"That's extreme" Harumin said
"I can do worse than that..." Mei added
"Um...okay let's just forget about that and focus on what we're here for" Yuzu said
"Hahahahahaha!" They heard Shinjo's laugh echo through the hallways
"Should we be scared?" Himeko asked
"Nah he's doing just fine" Shai said. That's when they saw ice crystals start to form on the walls
"Whatever he's doing he better not plan on hurting us" Shai said but they saw some students skating through the halls
"Hey Shinjo! Try and catch me!" His buddy Dakich said. That's when Shinjo came in with his werewolf form. Shinjo tackled Dakich and they both rolled on the ice floor
"Gotcha baka!" Shinjo said and laughed but stopped as his ears perked up seeing the adults
"M-mama?" Shinjo asked
"Shinjo!" Himeko said and walked up to him but Shinjo ran away and climbed up the walls
"Shinjo come back!" Shai said but Shinjo transformed back to normal and left through the vents
"Hey you. Explain what's going on" Yuzu said
"Huh? We're just having fun" Dakich said
"Fun? How do you call this fun?" Matsuri asked
"Well after Mokuro and Shinjo got in trouble they both escaped. Hasura and Misuki did as well and the four of them attacked the teachers and a couple of students but only the ones who treated them like shit" Dakich said
"Have they murdered anyone?" Yuzu asked
"Hmm? I don't know but you'll have to go to Mokuro's palace" Dakich said
"Palace?" Yuzu asked
"This is his kingdom. All of us are free to do whatever we want. He freed us!" Dakich said and ran away
"Hey wait!" Yuzu said but he left
"Guess they created a playground" Mitsuko said
"It's not bad" Matsuri said
"At least they didn't kill anyone" Harumin said
"That's what you think...but I know Mokuro very well. He could've killed at least one person...or more than one" Yuzu said. Meanwhile in Mokuro's room was covered in guts and blood. He was sitting on his chair like a king or something and heard a knock
"Come in" Mokuro said
"Alpha Mokuro! Parents are here!" Shinjo said panting softly. Mokuro sighed and stood up
"Did they see you?" Mokuro asked
"Y-yeah..." Shinjo mumbled
"Say it with confidence" Mokuro said
"Yes Alpha. They did" Shinjo said
"Good boy" Mokuro said and walked up to him stepping on a few guts
"Aren't you scared that we'll get in trouble?" Shinjo asked
"Nah mom wouldn't care...especially since she's done this before" Mokuro said and smirked
"So what should we do?" Shinjo asked
"Just go out and have fun" Mokuro said and patted his head. Shinjo blushed and hugged him
"G-get off me bastard" Mokuro said and pushed him
"Hehehehe sure Alpha!" Shinjo said and ran away leaving the room. Mokuro just rolled his eyes and looked at the dead bodies
Time to clean up before they find me

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