Chapter 45

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8 years later

"Nathan! Natasha!" Nitski said. The two Lauper twins were giggling as they hid from their mother. They both had red hair and brown eyes. They were born mouses but they did have their fox soul as well. The two peeked their head from underneath the bed and looked around
"Gotcha!" Nitski said and as she found them
"Hey!" They both said
"Come on you two. We have to get everything for your birthday" Nitski said
"Yes mom!" Nathan said and got out of the bed then helped his sister
"Thanks Onii-chan" Natasha said smiling softly. Nitski ruffled both of their hairs messing it up
"Alright help us with the balloons" Nitski said
"Yay! Balloons!" Nathan said and ran out the room
"Hey wait for me!" Natasha said following him. The gang helped them out to prepare the Lauper twins birthday
"Onee-chan!" The twins said as they saw the 17 year old Mizusawa. Hasura's fox ears perked up and looked at the two red head twins
"Hey!" Hasura said and opened her arms around. The two twins hugged her and looked up at her or well tried to since their view was blocked my Hasura's big chest. Yep! Hasura had Harumin's body and her looks including the haircut. The only difference is the pink strands of hair she had on her dark auburn hair and a huge difference is that Hasura was a huge pervert just like Matsuri. She smiled at them and messed with their hair
"You two excited for your birthday?" Hasura asked
"Hell yeah!" The twins said and jumped up and down
"Hehe then help me out with the balloons" Hasura said as she handed them balloons
"I want red!" Nathan said
"No! Red is mine!" Natasha said
"Jeez you two there is plenty of red for you two" Hasura said and handed each one a separate bag with red balloons
"Yay!" The two said and giggled. Hasura just laughed a bit and grabbed a balloon
"You two are idiots" Hasura said
"Hasura" Harumin said
"Mother I meant it in a kind way!" Hasura said
"Still you shouldn't be saying things like that to them" Harumin said
"Leave the girl alone already. She isn't a little girl no more" Matsuri said as she wrapped her arms around Harumin's waist
"But still she shouldn't be saying things like that to them" Harumin said blushing slightly
"Jeez I'm not a little kid" Hasura said
"But you still act like one" The 14 year old Taniguchi said as she walked in the Lauper's house. Misuki was tall that she reached Hasura's shoulders but her chest wasn't that big since she was still growing. They were still big but they were still developing. Her hair was just like her mother Mitsuko but she decided to dye a bit of her hair dark purple. She had a stern and serious look like her that scared the other people but Hasura was not scared of her adorable cousin and secret lover
"Misuki-chan!" Hasura said and ran up to her to wrap her arms around but Misuki pulled her arm out
"Waaaaaah! Misuki-chan!" Hasura whined against Misuki's hand
"Back off..." Misuki said sternly. Hasura smirked a bit and licked her palm
"P-pervert!" Misuki exclaimed removing her hand and Hasura took the opportunity to tackle her down. Misuki and Hasura fell on the floor then looked up
"Oh hi Auntie Mitsuko" Hasura said smiling softly
"Help me..." Misuki groaned
"Hasura get off of your cousin" Mitsuko said
"Fine fine..." Hasura mumbled and got off of her
"Thanks mom" Misuki said as she got up on her feet
"You're no fun at all" Hasura said pouting
"Shut up you perverted idiot" Misuki said
"Misuki don't say things like that" Mitsuko said sternly
"Sorry mother" Misuki said
"You two really get along so well" Matsuri laughed
"Forget it. Let's get the decorations ready" Harumin said
"Harumi is right. Hasura and Misuki you two go outside and start decorating the tables" Maruta said
"Yes ma'am" Hasura said
"Sure mother" Misuki said. The two girls walked outside seeing the 16 year old white haired boy with dark violet eyes setting up the tables with his mother Shai. He was pretty strong and very adorable. He was slightly the short one in the gang but he didn't care. He had a six pack and strong muscles. He ended up having eyebrows just like his mother Himeko
"Hey Shinjo-kun!" Hasura said
"Hey Hasura and Misuki" Shinjo said as he set up a table
"Where's your boyfriend?" Hasura asked with a smirk. Shinjo's werewolf ears perked up and blushed deeply
"H-he went with his mother Yuzu to get the food. My mother left with Auntie Mei to get the cake" Shinjo said
"Ah okay" Hasura said. Misuki just helped out by setting up the chairs while Hasura was chatting
"Hey mind giving me a hand?" Misuki asked
"Oh yeah! Sorry!" Hasura said and grabbed a chair helping her setting up the chairs. After hours of setting up the decorations and tables with the chairs the people who were in charge with the food came back
"Hey there back!" Hasura said
"Finally...I was starving" Misuki groaned
"Hey guys mind setting up the grill?" Mokuro asked
"Sure" Shinjo said as he went to grab the grill and set it up so they could cook the meat they bought for the party. The 18 year old Mokuro had black hair but he had blonde on the tips of his hair. He was in his werewolf form and he was pretty muscular. He had sexy abs and muscles that whenever he passed by girls he would make them have nosebleeds. Some girls even broke up with their boyfriends just to be with him but of course Mokuro was hella gay. He even made gay guy's dick go hard or turned boys gay for him. In the pack and in the Royal Bloods he is the hottest and sexiest one out of everyone thanks to his parents traits. He was sweet and kind like Yuzu but get him on his bad side he'll give you the Aihara glare and rip you apart just like Mei. He had a gay heart for his adorable mate Shinjo and he already graduated from the Aihara Academy. In the Academy they decided to change it from an all girls school and turned it into a public school for anyone with good grades though and Mokuro ranked the highest grades out of everyone. The Aiharas were very impressed and many have wanted him to join into the training program but Mokuro always rejected them. He didn't care about power or strength because he knows what the Aihara really want from him
"Thanks Cutie" Mokuro said and kissed him softly. Shinjo blushed and kissed him back softly
"Get a room so you can suck his dick and shove his big ass dick-!"
"Hasura Mizusawa!" Harumin shouted
"Oops...sorry" Hasura said rubbing the back of her neck. Shinjo broke the kiss and blushed deeply. He still wasn't used to kissing Mokuro in public
"Come on now love birds. You two have plenty of time to be with each other if you help us out" Yuzu said
"Sure mom" Mokuro said smiling softly. Suddenly the two twins came outside running with their balloons
"Ooooooh! Cake!" The twins said and ran up to Mei and Himeko
"Auntie! I wanna see the cake!" Natasha said
"No! I wanna see the cake!" Nathan said
"Me first!" Natasha said
"No! Me first!" Nathan said
"Now now you both shouldn't be fighting. You two must share the cake" Himeko said patting their heads softly
"Besides it's a surprise" Mei said and smiled
"We love surprises!" The twins said and laughed softly. They ran around the area to play with each other. Nathan and Natasha were both very close since they were young. Nathan was a very overprotective brother. He wouldn't let his sister get near other guys but only a few he found that were nice. If he ever found out that you hurt his little sis he would go berserk and fight you to the death. Natasha is a sweet and kind girl who enjoys making friends. She played with other kids but she mostly spends her time with her brother. The two sometimes didn't get along and sometimes they did. They treated Hasura like their big sister since the three of them were part of the Mizusawa family. Of course they learned a few things from Hasura and what they learned were cuss words.
"Fuck you!" Nathan said
"Suck a dick!" Natasha said. Nitski just watched them played and giggled
"Those two are exactly like you..." Cyndi said groaning a bit
"Hehe they're adorable like you" Nitski said booping her nose. Cyndi blushed a bit and Nitski kissed her softly. Cyndi blushed and kissed her back softly. They broke the kiss blushing deeply
"I love you Cyndi" Nitski said
"I love you too Nitski" Cyndi said and wrapped her arms around her hugging her

After hours of preparing and cooking the food the Lauper twin's birthday party was ready. The Lauper family and some Royal Bloods decided to join the party and celebrate the twin's birthday. Nathan and Natasha were the center of attention. The music was loud and the lights shined like crazy in the dancefloor. Drinks were served and of course Matsuri and Hasura took the drinks and gulped it down. Like mother and daughter the two went drunk
"Are you serious!?" Harumin exclaimed watching her wife and daughter stumbling around
"Mama! This bitch *hic* is drunk!" Hasura shouted as she was holding onto her mother
"*hic* Maaaaaan! I'm soooooooo *hic* druuuuuuuuunk!" Matsuri said and gagged
"Mama!" Hasura said calling for help. Harumin groaned and walked up to her drunk wife. Matsuri leaned against Harumin and laughed
"*hic* I have double vision!" Matsuri said
Harumin sighed deeply and held her closely
"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up" Harumin said walking away with her. Of course we all know how it'll end for them. They'll both end up in bed having their kinky sex so why not see what drunk Hasura will do. Hasura bumped into a couple of people and danced with a couple. Meanwhile Misuki glared at her as she was drinking
"You jealous?" Shinjo asked
"Jealous? Pfft! As if! She's just a fuckin pervert" Misuki said
"But you keep glancing at her and then use your scary glare" Shinjo said
"I do not!" Misuki said
"Hehe when will you stop denying the truth" Shinjo said
"Because I know the truth..." Misuki said taking a sip of her soda finishing it
"I'm going to get another drink" Misuki said standing up and walked away to grab a drink. Once she got there she felt someone grab her wrist
"Hey what th-mmmppphh!?" Hasura crashed her lips against hers kissing her. Misuki's eyes widen and pulled away
"What the hell!?" Misuki exclaimed. Hasura smirked and took Misuki dragging her away from the party
"H-hasura! You're drunk!" Misuki said and tried pulling away but Hasura held her tightly
"*hic* I know..." Hasura mumbled and hugged her as she teleported them to Misuki's room
"H-hasura!" Misuki exclaimed as Hasura pushed her onto the bed. Hasura smirked and removed the dress she wore at the party. Misuki blushed deeply seeing her beautiful body. Hasura removed her bra and panties then went on top of Misuki
"I love *hic* you so much Misuki" Hasura whispered as she pressed her big boobs against Misuki's body. Misuki blushed deeply as she looked down seeing her big and well developed boobs
"H-hasura you stink like st-mmmmppphhh!" Hasura shut her up with a kiss and pressed her body close to hers. Misuki blushed deeply and kissed her back passionately wrapped her arms around her neck. Hasura shoved her tongue inside her mouth and wrapped her tongue around hers. Misuki moaned and sucked on her tongue gently. Hasura deepened the kiss as she grind her body against Misuki's. Misuki rubbed her naked back softly and moaned. Hasura broke the kiss and panted softly with a strand of saliva between their lips. Misuki trembled a bit and panted softly as well. Hasura caressed her cheek softly and smirked
"I won't go so easy on you this time since you're no longer a virgin~" Hasura whispered

"Hey young Alpha have you decided who you'll mate with?" A girl asked
"Hehe yes I have" Mokuro said
"Really?" The girl asked
"Uh if you'll excuse me I have to go with my mate" Mokuro said backing away from the girl
Ugh that bitch is a total bitch! Pfft...she thinks I'll fall for her...what an idiot
Mokuro walked to the table where Shinjo was and his ears perked up seeing his mate surrounded by other guys. He clenched his fists tightly and growled lowly as he walked up to him
"Hey Shinjo" Mokuro said smiling
"Ah! Hey Mokuro!" Shinjo said waving at him. Mokuro walked behind him and wrapped his arms around his neck from behind. Mokuro glared at the guys warning them and telling them to back the fuck up
"E-excuse us but uh...w-we have to go" The guy said
"Y-yeah" The other guy said
"Huh? But weren't you going to ask me something?" Shinjo asked
"W-well yeah but maybe later hehehe" The guy said and left with the other dude as well. Shinjo just looked confused and felt Mokuro rub his chest
"Hehe I think you know what's next~" Mokuro whispered in his werewolf ear. Shinjo shivered and trembled a bit. He stood up and looked at Mokuro while blushing. Mokuro grabbed his hand and took him away from the party. They headed to the Aihara house and entered inside the house. They walked to Mokuro's room and Mokuro unlocked a secret passage that lead them both into their very own...playroom. Mokuro was able to make a playroom for himself and Shinjo with a little help of Hasura who was a pervert herself. Shinjo removed his clothes knowing what was the rules. Mokuro stared at his small body that still had hickeys that he left on him when they fucked last time. A smirk formed on his lips as he grabbed a collar with a leash attached to it. He walked up to Shinjo as he put everything on him. Shinjo blushed and Mokuro stroked his 8 inch dick slowly then kissed his neck softly
"On your knees" Mokuro whispered. Shinjo blushed deeply and he slowly went on his knees. Mokuro walked in front of him holding his leash
"Welcome" Mokuro whispered as his lavender and glowed

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