Chapter 18

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"Awwww puppy!" Misuki said entering the pet store. There were a couple of small pups out of their cages and barked happily
"Hey Misuki" The lady said
"Hey Mrs. Tracy" Misuki said
"Hello Misuki. Do you want to help me feed the pups?" She asked
"Yes!" Misuki said and followed the lady. The others stayed behind and looked around
"Awwww look at the small babies" Hasura said and kneeled down in front of a bunny cage. She watched the small little baby bunnies cuddled up against their mother. She smiled softly and decided to grab a baby bunny. She opened the cage and grabbed the fluffiest bunny. The bunny's nose twitched and looked up at Hasura. Hasura smiled softly and petted the bunny softly. The bunny nuzzled her hand and squeaked. Hasura's stomach growled and the bunny tilted her head. Hasura looked at the bunny and growled but Mokuro came in and grabbed the bunny
"Hehe I think you should calm down" Mokuro said as he put the bunny back into the cage. Hasura gasped softly snapping back to reality and shook her head
"You alright?" Mokuro asked
"Y-yeah..." Hasura said and rubbed her head. Shinjo walked by and watched the small pups in the cage. They all barked and jumped happily when they saw him
"Awwww they all like you" Mokuro said. Shinjo just looked away and kept walking. Misuki came back holding the two bowls filled with dog food. The pups barked and hopped up. Misuki giggled and she put the bowls down. The pups barked and started to eat their food. Misuki smiled and petted their head softly. Hasura looked at her then walked up to her and ruffled her hair
"You really love taking care of animals" Hasura said
"Of course I do. They're all so adorable" Misuki said and watched them eat. Hasura sat down next to her and leaned against Misuki
"Hey...remember when you said that you were afraid of everything?" Hasura asked
"Um yeah...what about it?" Misuki asked
"You're not the only one who's afraid" Hasura said
"Oh shut up. I know those are lies" Misuki said
"You think I'm joking...I'm a bunny and a fox so I can end up killing anyone or get killed. That fox can control me...whenever it controls me my hunger starts to drive me insane. Sometimes I'm afraid of true self. Hehehehe..." Hasura giggled softly. Misuki looked at her and touched her bunny ear. Hasura's ears perked up and looked at her
"You know what's my favorite meal?" Hasura asked
"What?" Misuki asked
"Hehehe you" Hasura smiled innocently
"St-stop that.." Misuki said as her cheeks turned slightly pink. Hasura just giggled and stood up
"We should get something else to eat" Hasura said
"I was thinking the same thing!" Mokuro said
"You two really love food" Shinjo said
"Hell yeah we do! Food is delicious!" Hasura said
"But before you kids leave mind helping out cleaning and feed the animals?" Mrs. Tracy said
"Sure. We can help out ma'am" Mokuro said
"Wonderful" Mrs. Tracy said. The kids began helping the woman out by cleaning and helping the animals
"Oooooh! Fish!" Mokuro said and tapped on the glass scaring the fishes
"Don't tap on the glass dumbass" Hasura said as she was cleaning the fish's tank
"But these fishes...look...tasty" Mokuro said and his eyes turned into cat eyes. Suddenly Shinjo smacked his head with a newspaper
"Bad dog. Sit" Shinjo said. Mokuro blushed and sat down
"Wouldn't it be bad kitty since he acts like a cat?" Hasura asked
"Definitely but whatever as long as he doesn't eat the poor fishes..." Shinjo said
"Haha reminds me when we were much little and our parents took us out to town then you attacked a guy in a fish suit" Hasura said
"Really?" Mokuro asked and thought for a moment
"Mokuro! Mokuro stop!" Yuzu said to her wild five year old son. Mokuro growled and chewed on the suit tearing it apart
"A-ahhhhhh! Please get him off me! I'm not tasty!" The guy said
"Mokuro! Enough!" Yuzu said and grabbed Mokuro by his legs then pulled him back but Mokuro's jaw was locked onto the suit not letting go
"Matsuri! Help!" Yuzu said
"Hahahaha! This is so fuckin hilarious!" Matsuri laughed
"Mom why is he biting him?" Hasura asked
"Because he thinks it's food! Hahahaha!" Matsuri laughed
"Food!" Hasura said and jumped on the guy biting the suit
"Matsuri! Get her off!" Yuzu said
"N-no! Hahahahaha! Wait let me take a pic!" Matsuri said and took a pic
"Matsuri!" Yuzu said
"Okay okay" Matsuri said and grabbed Hasura
"Let go" Matsuri said. Hasura growled and tore of a piece of clothing
"Blegh! This doesn't even taste good" Hasura said
"That's because it's not food you dumbass" Matsuri said
"Well bitch you should've said so" Hasura said. Mokuro tore of the cloth and gulped it down
"Shit why the hell did you do that?" Yuzu asked
"I thought it was food" Mokuro laughed
"Your mother is going to kill me. Don't tell her about this..." Yuzu said
"But she's standing right there" Mokuro said pointing at Mei
"M-mei!?" Yuzu exclaimed. Mei stood there glaring at them both. Mokuro just smiled while Yuzu just smiled nervously trying to hide her fear but obviously she was terrified in the inside
I'm dead...
End Of Flashback
"Those were the good times. Hahaha!" Mokuro laughed
"Yeah they were. Glad my mom didn't get in trouble" Mokuro said
"That's because Auntie Mei fucked her hard" Hasura said and giggled
"Don't you ever feel uncomfortable talking about that kind of stuff?" Shinjo asked
"Nah I'm good motherfucker" Hasura said
"You're crazy" Mokuro said
"Do you plan on doing those things?" Shinjo asked
"Yep!" Hasura said
"You have to be joking" Shinjo said
"Haha I wish it was a joke" Hasura said
"Seriously? You plan on fucking girls?" Mokuro asked
"Yep but I don't plan on fucking any girl" Hasura said and smiled innocently
"Do you have any idea who'll be your first victim?" Mokuro asked
"I do have some girl in mind" Hasura said as she looked at Misuki who was busy feeding the animals
"E-eh!?" They exclaimed
"No way! You want to fuck your own cousin?" Mokuro asked
"And? There's nothing wrong about that" Hasura said
"That's incest since you two are related. You can't date her" Shinjo said
"Who says I'll be dating her?" Hasura said
"Huh?" Mokuro asked
"It's not like I'll be telling the whole world I'm dating my cousin. We'll be keeping it a little secret" Hasura said
"Is that what you plan on doing in the future?" Mokuro asked
"Well duh! I am a Mizusawa after all" Hasura said
"And you're okay with being a slut?" Shinjo asked
"I'm not a slut if I'm just fucking one person" Hasura said
"Hasura-senpai" Misuki said
"Yes Misuki-chan?" Hasura asked walking up to her. Mokuro just watched her leave and chuckled softly
"She really wants her..." Mokuro said
"But isn't it wrong?" Shinjo asked
"As long as she truly loves her then I guess it's okay. long as she's happy" Mokuro said. After cleaning and helping out the lady the kids walked out of the store
"Hey where the hell is that Archie dude?" Hasura asked
"Yeah he's suppose to be out here" Mokuro said. Suddenly the four wolves came in dragging Arch who was drunk
"Ugh he reeks of alcohol" Shinjo said
"Why would he even drink at day time? I thought people drink at night time" Misuki
"Whatever let's forget him" Mokuro said walking away
"He was very useless anyways" Hasura said following Mokuro. The kids followed Mokuro heading to the store
"Food" Mokuro said and dashed inside
"Hey wait up asshole!" Hasura said walking inside
"Ugh Mokuro..." Shinjo mumbled and walked in. Misuki followed Shinjo but she turned around seeing a man staring at her. Misuki shook her head and looked up where she saw the man and realized he was gone
"U-um guys" Misuki said and ran inside the store. Mokuro was checking a few things out of course especially chocolate
"Mokuro you'll get sick" Hasura said
"He's going to have cavities" Shinjo said
"I can heal myself which means I can heal my tooth" Mokuro said
"G-guys I saw someone outside. H-he might be spying on us" Misuki whimpered
"Oh calm down Misuki. Here why not play the pocky game with me?" Hasura asked as she grabbed a box filled with pocky sticke
"This is not the time to be playing games" Misuki said
"Awwww not one game?" Hasura asked and grabbed a pocky stick from the box then grabbed one end of the stick
"Hasura I'm not playing" Misuki said. Hasura pinned her ears down and whimpered softly. Misuki looked at her hazel eyes and sighed surrendering to her. Misuki always surrendered to Hasura which is why Hasura loved her. Misuki would always allow Hasura to do whatever she wanted to her. Misuki grabbed the other end and Hasura took a bite. Misuki just shut her eyes tightly and started biting the pocky stick. The pocky stick got smaller each time they took a bit. Misuki trembled as she could feel Hasura's hot breath closer to her lips
Pull away!
Misuki pulled away their lips almost barely touched
"Awwwww man" Hasura mumbled. Misuki looked away trembling and blushing deeply
M-my little heart can't handle this! Stop beating so loud!
"You were this close?" Mokuro asked
"Yep! This close" Hasura said
"Cutie play with me" Mokuro said
"No...I'm not" Shinjo said
"Why? Please? Mokuro asked as he grabbed Shinjo
"St-stop" Shinjo said looking away
"Hasura pass me a pocky stick" Mokuro said
"Sure" Hasura said and handed him a picky stick. Mokuro grabbed the end then looked at Shinjo. Shinjo blushed deeply and looked at Mokuro's lavender eyes
D-damnit...he's so a-adorable...grrrrr
"Come on please?" Mokuro said with the pocky stick in his mouth. Shinjo blushed and grabbed the end of the pocky stick. Mokuro wagged his tail rapidly and started biting the pocky stick. Shinjo started biting the pocky stick as well and the stick got smaller and smaller. Shinjo pulled away and pushed Mokuro
"Th-there we did it" Shinjo said
"But our lips didn't touch" Mokuro said
"Our lips aren't suppose to touch" Shinjo said
"Awwwww but Shinjo" Mokuro whimpered. Suddenly there were wolves barking and howling
"Hey what's up with the wolves?" Hasura asked
"Let's check it out" Mokuro said. The kids ran out the store seeing a man in a black coat. The wolves growled at the man and ran up to him trying to attack but the man attacked the wolves cutting their neck
"Hey! What the hell!?" Mokuro exclaimed. The man pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger aiming at Mokuro but he caught it with his finger
"Look sir we don't want any trouble. So if I were you I would leave before things get messy..." Mokuro said. The man didn't reply and kept shooting but the bullets were blocked by a force field. Mokuro just yawned and rolled his eyes
"Hey guys...let's have some fun" Mokuro said
"Fun? Mokuro what are you talking about?" Shinjo asked
"I don't think we should" Misuki said
"We should. Besides we have to protect the people here" Hasura said
"I-I guess..." Misuki said. The man just left and ran away
"Catch him!" Mokuro said putting down his force field then shifted into his werecat form. Hasura smirked shifting into her fox form and the two other kids turned into a puma and werewolf since they were going to use their strong side. Mokuro growled as he watched the man leave
I'm going to kill!

Yuzu and the gang came in a few minutes after the kids left. Yuzu's eyes widen as she saw her four wolves on the ground bleeding. Yuzu ran up to them and held them closely
"What happened?" Yuzu asked. The wolves whimpered and spoke to Yuzu about the mysterious man and the kids followed him
"M-mysterious man? Could it be...?" Yuzu asked herself and healed her wolves wounds. The wolves barked and walked to Arch
"Hey what the hell happened?" Yuzu asked. Arch just groaned and looked dizzy
"Did they drug him?" Shai asked
"It seems like it..." Yuzu said
"Where are the kids?" Mei asked
"They said there was a man here. He attacked them but he ended up running away. The kids chased after him" Yuzu said
"Let's go! Quick!" Mei said shifting into her werecat form
"Alright I guess. Matsuri use teleportation" Yuzu said shifting into her werewolf form
"That means I have to use my Royal Blood form..." Matsuri said transforming into her Royal Blood form then vanished. Matsuri stood in a branch and saw the kids running into the forest. A smirk formed in her lips and giggled
Hmmm? I guess letting them have fun wouldn't hurt...what do you think?
'We should let them hunt'

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