Chapter 75

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Mokuro punched Siwoon's chest but something strong prevented him from going through. Mokuro just growled as he kept pushing his fist further in using up all his strength wanting to kill him
"DIIIIIIIIIIIIE!" Mokuro shouted as he used up all his strength breaking through his chest. Siwoon's eyes widen as Mokuro's fist went through his chest towards his heart and Mokuro crushed it. Siwoon just fell on his knees then fell to the ground. His soul appeared out of his body then vanished. Mokuro looked at the dead body and another soul appeared and it was Siwoon but he looked much kinder and nicer. He looked at Mokuro and gave him a nod
"Thank you" Siwoon whispered before vanishing. Mokuro just sighed deeply and looked at the crowd of animals who were groaning in pain. Some were just trembling because of the cold and others had a few severe wounds. Mokuro helped out the crowd as he released his healing aura
" head..." Himeko groaned
"What the hell happened?" Shai asked
"Get us out of here" Mitsuko said since she was frozen with Harumin
"Yeah it's freezing in here" Harumin said
"S-sorry" Shinjo said and punched the ice hard as it shattered into pieces. The animals and Royal Bloods looked around wanting to understand what the hell happened. They looked up Mokuro with the dead body next to him. All the animals cheered as they used their animal noises and all the Royal Bloods just kneeled on one knew with their head down bowing down to their king. Mokuro looked at them and let out a mighty Alpha howl. The others walked up to him and stood in front of the crowd. Mokuro patted both the twin's heads and smiled softly
"You two are the true heroes. Without your skill we wouldn't be able to defeat him" Mokuro said and carried both of the twins
"A big cheer for the Lauper twins! Without these two amazing and strong twins we wouldn't be able to defeat the old King!" Mokuro said and held the both twins up. The crowd cheered and the animals went wild cheering them as well. The twins blushed in embarrassment and just pinned their ears down and covered their faces
"Awwww so cute even though you two are covered in blood" Hasura said and giggled
"You better shower" Misuki said
"Of course. I'll be stuck in the bath for a whole damn week to get this shit off of my body" Hasura said
"Finally it's all over" Shinjo said as he stretched out his arms. Suddenly the kids got tackled by their parents as they were pulled into a hug
"You are a strong Alpha" Yuzu said as she patted Mokuro's head softly
"We're so proud of you" Mei said and hugged him. Mokuro teared up as he hugged her back
"I-I was sc-scared...I didn't want t-to lose you b-both" Mokuro whimpered as he pinned his ears down
"It's all okay. We're still here" Mei whispered. Yuzu joined the hug as she held them both closely. The rest were just in tears especially Himeko who was crying
"M-mama...I'm okay. Really I am" Shinjo said as he hugged her
"I-I was so worried about you and Sh-shai...I thought I-I was going t-to lose you both" Himeko cried as she hugged him back
"I-I was worried t-too" Shinjo said as his voice cracked and cried. Shai wrapped her arms around them both pulling them into a hug and held them closely as she stroked their curly hair. Shai teared up and smiled softly looking down at them both
"It'll be okay" Shai whispered holding them closely. Hasura justkept crying hugging her mother Matsuri as she still blamed herself for her death
"Hey there is no need to cry" Matsuri said stroking her hair softly
"B-but...y-you could've b-been gone forever" Hasura cried
"I would never leave you or your mother. I promised you both I would always be here and stay with you both. Hehe I'm still here thanks to your grandmother" Matsuri said and kissed her forehead softly
"You fuckin scared me" Harumin mumbled as she wrapped her arms around Matsuri from behind
"Heh...I scared myself..." Matsuri said. Harumin just grabbed Matsuri's chin turning her head slightly then kissed her. Matsuri blushed deeply and kissed her back. Hasura just stood there and looked away
"Ahem I think it's best if you two fuck back at home" Hasura said rubbing the back of her neck. Harumin and Matsuri pulled away blushing in embarrassment
"Hehe y-yeah" Harumin said. Hasura just hugged Harumin giving her a bit of blood on her
"When we get back you'll take a long bath" Harumin said
"Mama can I take a bath with Misuki-chan?" Hasura asked
"Uhm...w-well that is if she wants to" Harumin said
"Yay! You hear that Misuki! We can take a bath together!" Hasura said. Misuki just glared at her and looked away
"I rather not..." Misuki said and hugged her mother Maruta
"Hehe you two still don't get along so well" Maruta giggled as she stroked her hair softly
"It's her fault. She's a perverted idiot" Misuki said
"Misuki be nice to your girlfriend" Mitsuko said. Misuki's ears perked up and blushed deeply
"E-eh?" Misuki asked
"Did I just hear girlfriend?! You accept me!?" Hasura exclaimed
"As long as you don't hurt her I'm fine with it" Mitsuko said
"Auntie! You're the best!" Hasura said as she ran up to her then hugged her. Mitsuko just groaned a bit and hugged back patting her back softly
"Yeah yeah now let me go" Mitsuko said
"Oh Micchan be kind to your future daughter in law" Maruta said. Misuki choked on her own saliva and looked at her mother
"D-daughter in law?" Misuki asked
"Hehe of course. Won't you two get married one day?" Maruta asked
"W-well uhm...I mean-"
"Yes! I do!" Hasura squealed and ran up to her then tackled Misuki
"U-ugh...get off of m-me" Misuki said. Hasura giggled and pulled her into a kiss. Misuki blushed deeply and tried resisting but of course Misuki could never push Hasura away especially when her lips are against hers. Even if she was covered in blood her lips still tasted sweet and delicious as always
"Get a room you two!" Mokuro said and laughed
"Says the one who fucked their boyfriend in public places!" Hasura said
"Hey! I'm not the one who fucked their girlfriend at the park!" Mokuro shouted
"Says the one who fucked their boyfriend at school everytime he visited!" Hasura shouted back. Suddenly both Mokuro and Hadura got hit knocking them back
"Shut up you idiots!" Shinjo and Misuki shouted as their faces were completely red from all that. The others just laughed and gathered up together again
"Well I guess we should head home" Yuzu said
"Yeah it's getting pretty cold now" Matsuri said shivering a bit
"Hasura you ready?" Mokuro asked
"Hell yeah I am" Hasura said as her palm glowed. Shai's ears perked up and turned to see the artic wolves
"Are you leaving us Alpha?" They asked
"Oh...hehe I don't belong here" Shai said
"But this is your home. You're an artic werewolf" They said
"Yeah but...I'm no Alpha. I may my grandfather's powers but...I don't deserve to be Alpha. I'm not ready" Shai said and smiled
" you're heading home?" Her grandmother asked. Shai turned around and looked at her
"Yes..." Shai said
"...take this" Her grandmother said as she pulled out a necklace with a crystal heart then handed it to her. Shai took it and stared at the crystal heart
"Wh-why do you want me to have this?" Shai asked
"It was your father's...before I left he ended up using his powers to create something for me. I bet he would've wanted you to have it" Her grandmother said
"Oh...why did you hold onto it?" Shai asked. Her grandmother just let out a sigh and turned around to leave
"I might've felt guilty for leaving him behind and created a monster..." Her grandmother said and turned around to look at her
"I hope you enjoy your life and it's probably too late for this but...sorry for everything. I'll be heading back now...we might see each other or not" Her grandmother said as her body slowly vanished. Everyone's eyes widen and Shai just stood there holding the crystal heart. She just let out a sigh and smiled softly
"Are you really leaving Alpha?' The artic wolf asked
"Yeah...I have to anyways since the artic isn't my home" Shai said and walked away. The wolves just howled and they all ran away disappearing in the snow
"Alright everyone! Time to head home" Yuzu said. Everyone grouped up and Hasura activated her powers as they all teleported back home. They arrived and Yuzu's eyes widen seeing the destruction on her territory
Damn...they destroyed everything...
Yuzu walked around and saw a couple of dead bodies
And killed...
"W-we're sorry mom. I wasn't able to protect them all..." Mokuro said walking up to her as he had his ears pinned down. Yuzu just looked at him and patted his head softly
"It's's not your fault" Yuzu said
"Alpha we would like to help you. After all you did help us and we owe you so much for what you did for us" A Royal Blood said as he bowed down. Yuzu just looked at him and smiled softly
"Thanks" Yuzu said

After long hours of cleaning and reconstructing. Everyone headed back with their sore bodies. The kids decided to shower in their new and improved bathrooms that the Royal Bloods installed. Of course the girls and boys were separated in different rooms. Hasura washed her body up before heading to the big and huge bathtub
"Haaaaah this feels so relaxing" Hasura said
"Weeeeeee! Cannonball!" Natasha said jumping in the bathtub with the two other girls
"Natasha be careful" Misuki said
"Hehe sorry Misuki-chan" Natasha said and giggled then bang splashing around
"The Royal Bloods were really kind to install this new bathroom" Misuki said
"Hell yeah this is amazing" Hasura said
"There is so much room and space to swim" Natasha said and giggled. Hasura just went over to Misuki and hugged her
"Hasura...I swear not in front of a young girl" Misuki said glaring at her
"Hehe I just wanna cuddle" Hasura said and smiled softly then nuzzled her. Natasha looked at them both and thought
"Are two gonna get married?" Natasha asked
"Yes! Right Misuki?" Hasura asked looking at her. Misuki just blushed and looked away
"Hm? Misuki?" Hasura asked
"Is it really okay for us to date or get married?" Misuki asked
"Huh? Why of course it's okay. Why are you asking all these questions? Is there someone who's talking bullshit to you?" Hasura asked
"No. Not at all but...we're both cousins and people don't accept these types of relationships" Misuki said
"Are you...scared?" Hasura asked as she held her hand
"O-of you know what those people could do?" Misuki asked
"So? Let them try and do shit. If they fuckin mess with you then I'll beat the shit out of them. I won't let anyone hurt you. I'll always be by your side to protect you" Hasura said leaning closely. Misuki blushed and cupped her cheek
"I-I love you" Misuki whispered before kissing her softly. Hasura's ears perked up and melted into the kiss as she kissed her back. Natasha just stared at them and thought
"Is it okay for me to kiss Nathan?" Natasha asked which made the girls pull away
"E-eh!? Your brother?" Hasura asked
"Wh-why would you kiss him?" Misuki asked
"Because Onii-chan has been there for me and I love him. He's a caring big brother and he's awesome" Natasha said and smiled
"Hell yeah it's oka-ouch!" Hasura exclaimed as Misuki hit her head
"You're such a bad influence" Misuki said
"All I'm saying it's okay for her to kiss him. Just a small kiss that's all" Hasura said
"Well it's okay to kiss him but not on the lips" Misuki said
"Why not?" Natasha asked
"Well...because...I mean-"
"Just forget what she said and it's okay to kiss him" Hasura said
"Hehe okay. Thanks Onee-chan" Misuki said smiling
"No problem little sis" Hasura said as she smiled back
"Oh jeez..." Misuki said rolling her eyes back slightly
"Onee-chan can I be the one standing beside you during your wedding?" Natasha asked
"Huh? You mean a bridesmaid?" Hasura asked
"Yes! I wanna be a bridesmaid!" Natasha said. Hasura giggled and patted her head softly
"Of course" Hasura said
"Yay! I bet your wedding will be awesome!" Natasha said
"It will be! It's going to be better than Mokuro's wedding" Hasura said
"Do you always have to turn everything into a competition?" Misuki asked
"Hehe of course" Hasura said and smiled. Meanwhile the boys were washing up as well in the other bathroom
"Mokuro?" Shinjo asked
"Hm? Yeah?" Mokuro asked
"When I graduate...we will get married r-right?" Shinjo asked
"Pfft what kind of question is that? Of course we'll get married silly. Well I mean if it's okay with you" Mokuro said as she splashed some water on his face
"I-it is" Shinjo said and blushed deeply. Mokuro looked at him and wrapped his arms around him pulling him close to his body. Shinjo blushed deeply and gulped
"M-mind not holding me s-so close?" Shinjo asked blushing deeply
"Hehe why?~" Mokuro whispered
"Ew! Don't do gross things in front of me!" Nathan said covering his eyes as he blushed in embarrassment
"Oh sorry Nathan hehe" Mokuro said blushing in embarrassment
"Hm? Is it okay for me to not be gay?" Nathan asked
"Huh? Of course it is" Shinjo said
"Why are you asking that?" Mokuro asked
"W-well...I mean our parents are gay and Onee-chan is with a girl and you're with a guy. Also I have nothing against those relationships it's just...I thought that...well...since our parents are gay that meant I had to be gay too...but I-I don't think I am. Am I? Should I be gay to make mom and mama proud?" Nathan asked
"Of course not. It's okay for you to like girls only. You don't have to be gay. No one is forcing you to be something you're not. It's okay for you to be who you want to be. Love is love. You can find love with anyone" Mokuro said as he smiled then messed up his hair. Nathan just looked at him and smiled brightly
"Haha! Thanks Mokuro!" Nathan said with his bright smile
"Mokuro do you think we should start planning our wedding?" Shinjo asked
"Heh you wanna start planning?" Mokuro asked
"Is there something wrong with that?" Shinjo asked
"No I'm just surprised. That's all" Mokuro said and hugged him
"Please don't do sex things in front of me" Nathan said
"Don't worry. If he touches me I'll let you hit him" Shinjo said
"What!?" Mokuro exclaimed
"Really!?" Nathan exclaimed as he smiled
"Yeah" Shinjo said
"Hey why are you smiling!?" Mokuro exclaimed
"Because I'm excited!" Nathan said as he jumped at him splashing water everywhere
"Hey! Calm down!" Mokuro shouted
"Yaaaay!" Nathan said

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