Chapter 16

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"Yay! We have no school!" Hasura said
"That's not a good thing" Misuki said
"Hell yeah it is!" Hasura said
"But what will they do if we come back the next day? I bet they'll gang up on us" Misuki said
"So? What if they do beat us up? We can defeat then very easily" Hasura giggled. Suddenly Shinjo came by running away from Mokuro
"Protect me!" Shinjo said hiding behind Hasura
"Cutie!" Mokuro said
"Ugh! Go fuck somewhere else you guys!" Hasura said and pushed Shinjo
"H-hey! Save me! He's going to tackle me!" Shinjo said
"Just tell him to sit" Hasura said
"Sit!" Shinjo said. Mokuro barked and sat down
"See? You just have to tell him to sit down" Hasura said
"Yeah right. When he was chasing me he didn't listen to one thing I said to him" Shinjo said
"Maybe because he's around us" Misuki said
"All that running got me tired. Guess I'll go inside" Shinjo said
"Cutie! Let me go with you!" Mokuro said
"No! Stay! I'll be right back" Shinjo said and patted his head softly like a puppy. Mokuro's eyes widen and wagged his tail rapidly as his face redden. Shinjo blushed slightly and walked away heading to his house. Before he even got there he sensed something nearby. His ears perked up hearing someone out in the forest. It almost sounded like a cry for help
Should I go check? No...I shouldn't but...I-I think...ugh! I'm gonna regret this...
Shinjo ran away heading out to the forest
"Hey kid! Where are you going?" The guard asked but Shinjo ignored him. Shinjo kept running feeling that sense inside him grew stronger. He stopped as he arrived and his eyes widen seeing a young boy under attack by an anaconda. The anaconda wrapped itself around the young boy suffocating him. Shinjo's eyes widen noticing the boy's palm
Another Momokino...l-like me...
Shinjo clenched his fists tightly and ran up to the anaconda
"Let him go!" Shinjo growled. The anaconda looked at him and hissed. Shinjo's skin turned into ice using his protective armor suit then attacked the anaconda using his weapon he created out of ice. The anaconda hissed and slithered towards him. Shinjo backed up and fought the large snake. The anaconda let go of the young boy and the anaconda used its scales then attacked Shinjo
"You brat! Let me eat my meal!" The anaconda shouted. Shinjo created a shield and blocked the scales that came towards him. His ears perked up noticing his leg being wrapped around by the anaconda's tail. Shinjo growled then raised his weapon to attack but the anaconda attacked striking him breaking the shield. The anaconda used its speed wrapping Shinjo's body tightening him and suffocate him to death
"U-ugh! St-stop!" Shinjo said struggling to set himself free
"Hehe absorbing your power will help me get stronger and powerful" The anaconda hissed and squeezed his body. Shinjo squirmed and growled furiously as his eyes turned blue and his hair turned black
"Raaaaah! Get off!" Shinjo growled and ice crystals grew from his body injuring the anaconda's body. The anaconda released him and groaned. Shinjo growled as he ran up to the anaconda with his sharp and ice weapon. He raised the weapon and attacked him cutting off his head. The anaconda's body turned back to normal and Shinjo glared at the dead body and looked at the head
"Hehehehehehe...that was fun" Shinjo chuckled. His ears perked up hearing the young boy move slightly trying to escape the scene
He seems like the same age as me...
"Who the hell are you?" Shinjo asked walking up to him. The boy trembled and covered himself
"D-don't hurt me..." The boy cried
"Woah hey don't cry. I'm not going to hurt you" Shinjo said as his skin turned back to normal and reached his hand out helping him up. The boy uncovered himself and looked at up at Shinjo. The boy reached his hand out and grabbed his hand then stood up
"Um so...what's your name?" Shinjo asked
"C-chris Momokino" Chris said
"I'm Shinjo Momokino" Shinjo said
"Huh?! A Momokino!?" Chris said and grabbed his hand looking at his palm
"B-but you're an animal. How is it possible for you to have powers?" Chris asked
"Chris! Where are you!?" A woman said
"I'm here mom!" Chris said. The woman came and hugged her son
"Thank goodness you're okay! I told you not to go out here alone! You should stay by my side at all times! The woman said
"I-I know mom. I'm sorry it won't happen again. I promise" Chris said
"You better..." The woman said and looked at the other boy. The woman stood up and glared at the boy
"Did you attack him?" The woman said. Shinjo trembled and stepped back
"N-no ma'am. I saved your son's life" Shinjo said and whimpered
"Mom he didn't do anything wrong. He recused me" Chris said. The woman glared at him and walked up to him recognizing his look
"You look so familiar to look like her" The woman said
"Shinjo!" Shai said and shifted into a werewolf then snarled at the strange woman
"M-mom I'm okay" Shinjo said. Shai growled at the woman as she pinned her ears back
"Shinjo! You're here!" Himeko said and ran up to his son wrapping her arms around him
"Hey mama" Shinjo said. The woman smirked and giggled softly
"Hey Himeko. It's been a while hasn't it?" The woman said smiling
"Chrissy...what are you doing here?" Himeko asked
"Just looking for my son...and I can see the rumors were really true. At first it was hard to believe that you were actually dating a slave but guess that's all in the past now the whole slave and master rules" Chrissy said. Shai shifted back to normal and stood beside Himeko
"Nice to meet you. I'm Chrissy Momokino" Chrissy said
"Shai Momokino" Shai said
"Ah so you two got married. Hehe congratulations. I never thought you would end up with someone so beautiful...I thought you liked that Aihara" Chrissy said
"She's my best friend" Himeko said
"Ah yeah. That Aihara was taken away from you by that Okogi but it seems that your heart was stolen by an Okogi as well..." Chrissy said
"We should get going.." Shai whispered
"M-mom is right..I don't feel safe.." Shinjo whispered
"It was nice seeing you Chrissy but we have to get going now" Himeko said
"Hey! What's the hurry? We're all family right and you and your friends never introduced your new wifes to the family. You should come and join us at the family dinner. The most famous Royal Bloods will be there. It's tonight at the great Aihara mansion. It would be a perfect place for you and your friends to fully introduce your family or we can just come by for a small visit in your territory" Chrissy said. Himeko just glared at her then grabbed Shinjo's hand then walked away with Shai following her
"Are you planning on going?" Shai asked
"No..." Himeko said
It feels like something bad always happens whenever we go last time

"Hey! Cutie! You're safe!" Mokuro said spotting him. Shinjo's eyes widen and clinged onto Himeko
"Shinjo dear don't be scared" Himeko said patting his head softly
"Yeah Shinjo-kun. I won't hurt you" Mokuro said. Shinjo just glared at him and got out of his mother
"S-sorry about that mama. It was just a refle-Ahhhh!" Mokuro tackled him and licked his face
"Um Mokuro mind not doing that?" Shai asked
"Oh sure" Mokuro said and got off of Shinjo. Shinjo stood up and his whole face was red
"Awwwwww he's blushing" Hasura giggled
"What?! N-no! I'm not!" Shinjo exclaimed
"Yes you are. Go look at yourself in a mirror" Hasura said
"Grrr it's because of him!" Shinjo said
"Oh so you're saying I make you blush?" Mokuro asked
"Ugh! Ahhhh shut up!" Shinjo said. Himeko and Shai walked away leaving the kids with their arguement and went up to the Aiharas place. Himeko knocked on the door and in about five minutes Yuzu answered with a couple of marks in her neck and her hair was a mess
"Ah M-momokino-san hehehe h-hey" Yuzu said nervously
"Sorry for interrupting. I must have a word with Meimei" Himeko said
"U-uh sure" Yuzu said and allowed Himeko in
"Um...did something happen?" Yuzu asked
"Shinjo was out in the forest and I guess he was protecting this boy from danger. I found a lady talking to my son so I went up and was protecting him. Himeko came as well and it turns out that the lady is a Momokino. They're related" Shai said
"Did you get the lady's name?" Yuzu asked
"Chrissy Momokino. She was the one I was suppose to attack. Remember the meeting and our plan to attack the village?" Shai asked
"Ah yes. I remember now. What about her?" Yuzu asked
"Well...she invited us to this event I guess or whatever at the Aihara Mansion. I don't know why but she said she wanted Himeko to introduce her family...and I have a bad feeling about going there" Shai said
"Yeah now that you're telling me I have a bad feeling about it too" Yuzu said. Meanwhile Himeko told Mei about her cousin Chrissy and the invitation
"No...we won't be going" Mei said
"But they'll end up coming here" Himeko said
"Then we won't let them in..." Mei said
"Won't they force themselves in?" Himeko said
"Probably but we won't let that happen. But why on earth would she invite us?" Mei asked
"I'm not so sure doesn't seem like a good idea to go" Himeko said
"You're right. Besides why on earth would she invite us? I mean our family was never there to our wedding or to meet the children. They rejected the invite and left us so there is no reason for us to go..." Mei said
"They're probably wanting to see how powerful they are" Himeko said
"They better not be thinking about training my son to become the powerful Aihara" Mei said
"I guess they're planning to do that...or well probably Chrissy" Himeko said
"We'll just see what happens if we don't go. It's not like they miss us or anything. They're just fuckin assholes. They don't understand anything..." Mei said and stood up. She walked to the window and looked outside seeing the children play
"We can't let the kids suffer like we did in the past. If they do train and get stronger...who knows...they might turn into monsters" Mei said
"But they weren't born with a gem" Himeko said
"Yes but their heart is the source of their power. If they end up feeling some emotion that could probably activate something inside them to go mad and kill showing no mercy to no one..." Mei said
"True. Who knows if the heart is their gem..." Himeko said. Mei clenched her fists tightly and growled
"I swear...if the Aihara decide to train my son into becoming an unstoppable beast. I'll eliminate the Aihara...all of them" Mei growled
"Meimei...calm down. I'm sure the Aihara will leave him alone. Besides Mokuro is a really nice boy. I don't think he would want that..." Himeko said
"I know...what I'm worried about is his werecat soul. He can kill them all in one hit if he attacked with his full strength. Who knows if he'll end up losing control for having too much power or two souls in one body" Mei said
"But he has his loved ones. I'm sure he'll be able to control it like you did Mei" Himeko said
"Hopefully. The Royal Bloods are probably looking for new and powerful members in the family" Mei said
"What do you think about the Taniguchi? They lost their powerful member Mitsuko. She was the only one who inherited such powerful strength" Himeko said
"The Taniguchi will probably be aiming for Misuki but I have a feeling Hasura could be a stronger Taniguchi only because she has that Mizusawa blood coursing through her veins" Mei said
"But that Taniguchi despise the Mizusawas since...well you know the whole fight and that Mizusawa attacking the Taniguchi" Himeko said
"True..." Mei mumbled and pinned her ears began to twitch slightly
"I have a feeling the Royal Bloods still don't get the whole family thing...they must be planning something" Mei said
"Like what?" Himeko asked
"I don't know...maybe something dangerous" Mei mumbled

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