Chapter 74

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Siwoon growled and ran towards the group then fought them all. All of them fell back to the ground as Siwoon's strength was too strong
"What the hell!? How strong is this guy!?" Yuzu exclaimed
"Is it possible for us to even defeat him?!" Shai asked
"One way to find out" Matsuri said as she teleported near him. Siwoon laughed and kicked her side hard knocking her back
"N-nope... we can't..." Matsuri groaned and coughed blood
"Stop getting yourself killed!" Harumin shouted and grabbed Matsuri dragging her away from the dragon
" might be the only one who can attack him and damage him" Yuzu said
"How the hell should I do that?" Mei asked
"Leave it to us" Mokuro said as he ran up to him with his three other friends
"Mokuro! Don't! It's too dangerous!" Mei exclaimed
"This has to be the only way to save everyone!" Mokuro said
"Yeah and your solution is to kill ourselves or some shit?" Hasura asked
"Shut up" Mokuro said as his red eye glowed then attacked Siwoon's stomach. Siwoon fell back then Misuki wrapped her arms around his legs then raised his whole body up then Shinjo created sharp ice crystals as Misuki slammed his whole body on the ground hard against the sharp crystals. The ice crystals went through his body and coughed blood
"Heh...impressive little bitches" Siwoon said and stood up with the ice crystals. His body glowed and released his aura pushing the kids back. The others ran up to him then attacked all at once
"Now!" Yuzu said. Maruta used her tentacles as she wrapped them around him keeping him in place and everyone attacked at once then Mei punched his chest hard breaking it slightly almost making her fist go through his chest
"U-urgh! You little bitches! Die all of you!" Siwoon roared as he slammed his tail to the ground. They all fell back and he punched the ground hard unleashing his aura inflicting damage to them all. Siwoon panted heavily and chuckled softly
"All of you...think you can defeat the King of Royal Bloods? Pathetic bitches..." Siwoon laughed softly. The artic wolves howled as they ran up to the dragon and jumped as they tried attacking him
"Wow...a bunch of doggies? Seriously?" Siwoon said and with one attack all the artic wolves fell. Shai stood up looking down and walked up to him
"What is someone so pathetic like you gonna do?" Siwoon asked
"I'm gonna fight you..." Shai said
"Haha! Don't make me laugh! You? Haha! A weak werewolf who married a little weak chihuahua..." Siwoon said
"Says the one who married a Momokino" Shai said and chuckled softly. Siwoon's eyes widen for a moment and smirked
"Hehe I see now...I guess you've done a bit of research right...Shailung?" Siwoon asked
"You could say that...but I'm kinda surprised about you killing your own wife. Hehe...was she a pathetic bitch or something?" Shai asked
"Yeah I guess...Momokinos were born with the worse power in my opinion. Having a shield just to defend themselves may sound nice but...they can't fight back" Siwoon said
"Unless they know how to use it..." Shai said as she lifted her head up slightly with a smirk and insane eyes as she ran up to him
"This again? I've told you already that this bullshit-" Siwoon paused as Shai went passed him then used her ice powers freezing him in place. He stood there for some reason feeling surprised as he looked down at her seeing her insane eyes then all the sudden he got attacked directly on his chest by Matsuri who used her claws to rip open his chest and was smirking devilishly then teleported behind him and both Shai and Matsuri attacked him behind. Siwoon fell to the ground and tried to stand up but his body trembled as he went back on his knees again
Ugh...c-can't recover from an attack like that? What the hell?
Mei ran up to him using this chance to kill him but he only laughed a bit as he grabbed Mei then threw her to the ground hard. Mei landed on the ice cold ground but grabbed him then threw him as well to the ground. Siwoon just stood up and tried to attack but Yuzu shifted into a werewolf then bit his shoulder hard breaking it then clawed him. Siwoon just grabbed her throat then threw her to the ground
These bitches need to fuckin die already...guess it's time
Siwoon's eyes glowed and released a powerful aura the changed everyone's eye color. Mokuro and the others stood there and out of nowhere Mei attacked them all four knocking them back. The twins were shaking and crying as they hid behind rocks
"Sh-shit...what the hell happened?" Misuki asked
"Is this what Lady Liana meant by saying our practices will be helpful?" Shinjo asked
"Why aren't we affected?" Hasura asked
"Probably because Lady Liana must've given us the power to not get affected by mind control" Misuki said
"We must destroy his heart! That's his source of power and after that attack they've given him he's weak!" Mokuro said
"Alright! Let's go!" Hasura said
"What's the damn plan!?" Misuki exclaimed
"Beat the shit out of everyone and get Mokuro near that asshole so he can finish him!" Hasura said and jumped in the group as she fought the Royal Bloods and animals
"You heard her! Fight!" Mokuro said and tackled the animals biting their necks then threw them. Misuki used her hissing tentacles and wrapped her tentacles around them then threw them to the ground hard
"Shinjo! Back up!" Mokuro shouted and Shinjo helped out as he created his shield then threw it aiming towards the heads of the Royal Bloods knocking them down. Mokuro rushed towards the dragon as Siwoon shifted into one but got tackled by Yuzu
"Ugh! Mom! It's me! Mokuro!" Mokuro shouted but Yuzu snarled and but his arm. Mokuro growled shifting into a werewolf and pushed his mother off then bit her neck
Sorry mother! But I have to do this!
He tore of a piece of flesh and gulped it as he activated part of his powers then ran away from her until he got tackled by Mei. Mei glared at him and attacked him then jumped at him as she kicked him across his face. Mokuro shook his head whimpering and shifted back to normal dodging her attack. Yuzu stood back up and ran up to him with her glowing emerald eyes
Shit! We need something to get rid of this mind control! If this keeps up we won't be able to defeat him!
Hasura fell back and coughed as Harumin attacked her. Matsuri teleported in front of her then attacked but Hasura reacted quickly then backed up
Ugh! Why are they so damn fast!?
Harumin appeared behind her and raised her fist as she was about to cast her gravity skill but Hasura teleported then dodged the gravity aura. She gasped as Cyndi and Nitski came in joing them
Shit! Four!? I can't fight them!
Hasura's body glowed and dodged all their attacks then tried to attack them but she would always get hit. Her ears perked up and saw the animals head over towards the twins
"Nathan! Natasha!" Hasura exclaimed. Both the twins whimpered and cried as they were afraid. Hasura growled and tried to fight back but Harumin grabbed her then pinned her down. Matsuri bit her shoulder hard almost breaking it
"A-aaaaaah!!" Hasura cried in pain. The twins trembled watching their big sis getting devoured
"Onee-chan!" They both cried. Hasura just coughed blood and looked at them as she smiled with tears rolling down her cheeks. The twins felt a spark ignite inside them as their body glowed and their symbol showed
"Leave our Onee-chan alone!" They both shouted as they ran up towards them then attacked Harumin and Matsuri pushing them off. Hasura's eyes widen and turned around seeing Matsuri's fox soul disappear and Harumin fell on her knees crying in pain. The twins growled and attacked their own parents inflicting them with their paralysis skill
P-paralysis skill!? They have that power!? They are our key to end this!
"Mokuro!" Hasura shouted as she stood up holding her shoulder. Mokuro's ears perked up and turned around
"What!?" Mokuro asked as he fought Mei and Yuzu
"The twins! They have the paralysis skill! They can help us out!" Hasura shouted with all her light so he could hear. Mokuro's eyes widen and howled calling the others back. Shinjo blocked the ice attack then Misuki used her tentacle to wrap it around him taking him back with the others. Mokuro arrived at the group and created a force field. Suddenly the big crowd surrounded the force field as they began attacking it. Mokuro healed his crew and looked at the twins
"Okay new plan we need to paralyze him and I'll be able to defeat him" Mokuro said
"Yeah dumbass but how should we get them both up there?" Shinjo asked
"Throwing them up there?" Misuki asked. Hasura just chuckled softly and looked up
"I know how..." Hasura said
"Well tell us!" Mokuro said
"We must get eaten by him" Hasura said. Everyone stayed silent and looked at Hasura like 'what the fuck'.
"What!? Are you crazy!?" Misuki exclaimed
"I know it may sound crazy but it has to be the only way!" Hasura said
"You idiot! You'll get yourself killed!" Misuki shouted as she grabbed her
"Well do you have a better plan?" Hasura asked. Misuki just teared up and looked down gripping on Hasura's shirt. Hasura just sighed and hugged her
"There there...I promise I'll come back safely" Hasura whispered
"Hey...are you sure?" Mokuro asked
"Hell yeah I am! Right twins?" Hasura asked
"Yeah! We can do it!" The twins said
"Okay! How are you going inside him? I don't think he'd want to eat you" Mokuro said
"Shinjo can you freeze time?" Hasura asked
"Yeah I could but I'll have to unfreeze you guys if you want get near him but it sorta stings" Shinjo said rubbing his palm
"Great! All we have to do is freeze time and we'll-Woah! Hey!" Hasura exclaimed. Suddenly the two Taniguchi sisters attacked the force field breaking it slightly
"Shit! We had to keep them apart!" Mokuro exclaimed
"We can take them!" Hasura said
"Are you sure? Shouldn't we try that other plan?" Mokuro asked
"Nope! We got this but we'll need Shinjo's assistance" Hasura said
"Huh? Me?" Shinjo asked
"We'll need to use your shield" Hasura said
"Pfft! You insane! My shield isn't that strong to block an attack like theirs!" Shinjo exclaimed
"We'll use the twin's powers to help us weaken them" Hasura said
"Yeah because it seems the paralysis has worn off" Misuki said and the force field began to weaken a bit as the paralysis vanished and all of them began attacking at once
"Come Shinjo! Haven't you had enough of being the victim!? Aren't you tired of being called a Chihuahua Boy? I know you're more than that! You're a killer! I know you have that desire inside you! You want to kill all those bullies you have called you a weakling! Pathetic! A little crybaby! A baby who calls out for his mommy to save him!" Hasura shouted. Shinjo's eyes widen and red slowly consumed his blue eyes. His lips trembled as he formed a smirk
"Let's do it" Shinjo whispered. The force field vanished then the Taniguchi sisters aimed at them until Shinjo created an ice wall to block their attack. He stomped the ground hard freezing the others and sensed ice crystals coming from underneath then moved away dodging the attack. He aimed at Shai using his electric powers releasing it. Himeko showed up using her reflection shield as the electric power reflected from her shield then aimed back at Shinjo. Shinjo smirked and stomped the ground hard creating an ice crystal that caught the electric power and aimed at the others who touched it. Yuzu and Mei yelped in pain as they were the one making contact with the ice. Mokuro ran up to them grabbing their bodies and threw it at Shai and Himeko knocking them down
"Defeat them! I'll take care of them!" Mokuro shouted as he ran up to the four knocked down Royal Bloods as his eye glowed. Hasura and Misuki activated their skill as they ran up to their mothers then attacked. Harumin and Mitsuko fell back but got back to their feet. Mitsuko used her speed as she got closer to Misuki then attacked her knocking her down. Hasura grabbed the twins then threw them at her mother
"Paralyze her! Now!" Hasura shouted. The twins activated their skill but Mitsuko appeared quickly as she was about to attack them. Shinjo immediately created a shield as he threw it at Mitsuko catching her attention. Suddenly Hasura's body went possessed by Matsuri's soul as she went up to her aunt then bit down on Mitsuko's shoulder taking a bit of her flesh. Mitsuko growled pushing her back then attacked her. The twins trembled and whimpered as they pinned their ears back. Hasura smirked standing back up again and attacked. Misuki came in and grabbed her mother then threw her at Harumin knocking both of them down
"Shinjo!" They shouted. Shinjo's ears perked up and froze them trying to keep them in place
"Alright! Freeze time and do it quick!" Mokuro shouted. Shinjo's eyes glowed as his palm glowed using his freezing time skill. He groaned a bit clenching his fists tightly and ran up to Hasura unfreezing her body then the twins
"Okay! Let's do this!" Hasura said and grabbed the twins then teleported up towards the flying dragon
"W-we have to get in!?" They exclaimed
"Yes! Now get inside his mouth!" Hasura said pushing them inside. After about a minute the freezing time skill stopped. The parents got out of the ice and Shinjo got tackled by Matsuri and Nitski
"Sh-shit!" Shinjo activated his ice powers using his armor to protect his body
"They need to hurry!" Mokuro shouted as he got attacked on his stomach
"Hasura! Hurry the fuck up!" Misuki shouted and Maruta stabbed her tentacle through Misuki's stomach. Misuki coughed out blood and her tentacles attacked Maruta pushing her back. Misuki held her stomach and coughed
"Misuki!" Mokuro exclaimed as he tried getting to her but Mei grabbed him then attacked his chest. Mokuro's eyes widen feeling his heart throb and gasped trying to breathe. Shinjo punched and attacked as he tried to reach Mokuro but he got surrounded by ice
"HASURA!" They both shouted. The dragon landed on the ground and roared but stopped as it began to feel a bit odd. A huge cut appeared on the side of his stomach as Hasura and the twins came out covered in blood from head to toe. The dragon roared as it's body glowed then turned back to normal holding his wound
"Now Mokuro! Go! Now!" Hasura shouted ordering him to attack. Mokuro immediately activated his powers and didn't waste no time as he ran up to Siwoon. Siwoon stood there and growled as he activated his Aihara powers ready to fight back. Mokuro growled as his palm glowed then his two souls activated as he was prepared to unleash his powers
"Finish him!" They shouted. Mokuro growled and got close to him then both his souls combined together creating one powerful soul
"Die...asshole" Mokuro whispered

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