Chapter 27

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The parents were in dinner and chatting with the Royal Bloods. They talked about their life and how they've been doing
"Hey Alpha Yuzu has there been any situations with Mei? I mean you say that her monster side is cured is it true?" One of the Aiharas asked
"Well Lady Liana has helped her out a lot. Right Mei?" Yuzu asked
"Yes. She's very useful and I thanked her for helping me" Mei said
"That Lady Liana has very strong powers? Where did she get them from?" They asked
"We're not really sure. Her family has been attacked many times before and...who knows if she's the one left in her family" Yuzu said taking a sip of her drink
"Oh...I see. So is it hard taking care of your double soul children?" They asked
"Not at all" Yuzu said
"Sometimes you just have to let them go loose" Matsuri said
"Yes and sometimes they end up getting themselves in trouble" Harumin added as she glared at Matsuri
"You know very well that's not my fault..." Matsuri said
"Do you want me to tie you up?" Harumin whispered
"Oooh yes Mommy~" Matsuri giggled
"Mommy?" Estella asked
"Hehe nothing" Harumin said nervously and pinched Matsuri's arm
"Ouch!" Matsuri whimpered and rubbed her arm
"Hey cuz. How is it with having to annoying sisters?" Estella asked Mitsuko. Mitsuko turned to look at Harumin and Matsuri and glared at them
"It's fun having them around..." Mitsuko said
"Are you sure? You don't sound like you have fun with them. I mean isn't Matsuri a Mizusawa?" Estella asked
"Yeah she gets really annoyed when I'm around her and her wife but she still loves me even though she doesn't show it" Matsuri said and smiled softly. Mitsuko just rolled her eyes and ate
"You know...I've been wanting to ask you Mitsuko. Have you thought of letting your daughter enter the training program?" Estella asked which made Mitsuko almost choke on her food but she grabbed her drink and took a sip
"I'm not intrested in putting my daughter through that training. She's very young and has trouble controlling herself" Mitsuko said
"Are you sure. Is that the reason you won't allow her in the program or is it something else?" Estella asked. Mitsuko gritted her teeth and glared at her. Maruta held Mitsuko's hand and caressed it softly
"Calm down" Maruta whispered. Mitsuko took a deep breath and sighed
"Listen our children won't be going through that" Harumin said
"Why not? They seem to be strong enough to handle that kind of training" Estella said
"Because we've helped them train. They don't need to enter into the program" Himeko said
"But the program will help them get stronger and powerful. It'll even help them control their animal instincts" Chrissy said. Suddenly everyone felt a painful aura surrounding them and they turned to look at Mei. Mei's eyes glowed and growled
"We said no. We're not intrested in putting our kids into the program. We only came here to spend a wonderful family time. Not about shut up and stop talking about it" Mei said sternly. Everyone fell silent and the doors opened seeing a man and a young girl walked in
"Hey mama!" The girl said and walked up to Estella
"Hey Grace. What are you doing here?" Estella asked
"I tried talking to the new kids were mean to me. Especially the girl..." Grace whimpered
"Huh? Who?" Estella asked. Grace leaned towards her mother's ear and whispered the name

"Hey Misuki. Is everything okay?" Shinjo asked
"Mhm. It's okay" Misuki said
"Yeah we talked about it and I made her happy like always" Hasura said. Mokuro looked at Misuki and noticed something
"Hey Misuki since when did you wear lipstick? Especially glitter lipstick" Mokuro said which made Hasura and Misuki blush
"Um well...I-I sorta decided to try out some of Hasura's lipstick" Misuki said blushing. Mokuro and Shinjo looked at each other and looked at the girls then laughed
"Oh guys! Don't think we're stupid. We know what you both did and we won't say a thing" Mokuro said
"Yep! Your secret is safe with us" Shinjo said. Misuki and Hasura only blushed even more. They walked back to the table and saw the kids looking at them
"Hey let's get the fuck out of here and play!" Hasura said
"Yeah!" The kids exclaimed and they stood up from their chairs but the guards came in and stopped the kids
"You're not allowed to leave" The guard said sternly
"Attack!" Mokuro said and all the kids charged up at the guards and tackled them down. They even grabbed the maids and butlers tying them up as well by using their powers
"We'll keep them here" Shinjo said as they shoved the guards, butlers, and the maids inside a closet. They shut the door and locked the door
"Let's get out of this mansion!" Mokuro said. The kids followed Mokuro through the window and they all got out of the mansion
"Haha! Freedom!"
"We're free!"
"Where will we go Mokuro-kun?"
Mokuro thought for a moment and looked around
"Guys where should we go?" Mokuro asked
"Well I you guys have an arcade nearby?" Hasura asked
"What's an arcade?"
Hasura's eyes widen and her jaw dropped
"You guys don't know what an arcade is!?" Hasura exclaimed
" Is it bad?" They asked
"Hell yeah it is! Motherfuckers let's go to town and go to an arcade" Hasura said
"Yeah!" They cheered
"But how will we get there?" Misuki asked
"Hmmm? We drive" Hasura said
"What?" Mokuro asked
"Are you insane? We'll get killed" Shinjo said
"Relax. It'll be okay the limousines!" Hasura said. The kids shrugged and they all entered in the limousine. Mokuro and Hasura both started the engines since they took the wheel while Shinjo and Misuki were in charge of the pedals
"Alright! Ready! Set! Drive!" Hasura said and Misuki pressed the gas pedal
"Woah!" Hasura said and started driving
"Follow them!" Mokuro said and Shinjo pressed the gas pedal hard
"Aaaaah! Hahahahaha! This is fun!" Mokuro said. The two limousines drove off and somehow Hasura and Mokuro were great drivers. I mean it's okay for them to drive through the forest and able to dodge the trees
"Holy shit! Misuki mind not pressing the gas pedal too hard?" Hasura said
"Sure eh um..." Misuki slowly let go of the pedal but suddenly Mokuro crashed behind them. Hasura growled and put the window down
"Baka! Don't crash into me!" Hasura shouted at them as she sticked her head out the window
"Baka! Keep your eyes on the damn road!" Mokuro shouted
"There is no road!" Hasura shouted
"Tree!" Mokuro shouted warning her. Hasura turned around and gasped as her head was about to crash into a tree but she sticked her head back inside the car in time. Mokuro moved left and right as he wasn't able to control the car easily
"Shinjo! Try to slow down a bit!" Mokuro said
"Alright!" Shinjo said and slowly let go of the gas pedal and pressed the brake pedal slightly. After a few minutes they stopped at the end of the forest and the kids got out of the limousines. They all walked down the streets in town heading to the arcade. The people turned to look at them and the humans were confused seeing a bunch of kids wandering around the streets. Hasura stopped in front of the arcade and kicked the doors open
"Paradise!" Hasura shouted
"Yo little Mizusawa!" A man said that had a nose and a lip piercing.
"Hey Gabriel!" Hasura said
"Huh? Oh I see you brought your new little friends" Gabriel said
"Yep! Can you believe that these Royal Blood kids don't know what an arcade is?" Hasura asked
"What!? Oh we can't have that! Come on in kids. There are drinks and food. You guys are all free to play and do whatever you want!" Gabriel said
"Hell yeah! I love you man!" Hasura said
"Hehe you know I love you too you little rascal!" Gabriel said. The Royal Blood kids ran in and looked at all the colorful machines
"Oooh! I wanna play!"
"I want to play this one!"
"This is so cool!"
Hasura smirked and walked up to her favorite gun game. She stretched her arms out and giggled
"Who wants to challenge me?" Hasura asked
"Oooh what's this game?" A kid asked
"You just shoot your enemies" Hasura said
"That's easy!" The kid said
"Hehe I wouldn't say that if I were you..." Hasura mumbled. The game began and the two began to play. The kids watched how Hasura was so good at shooting the enemies while the other kid was just plain stupid who dies easily. Hasura looked at the other kids and smirked
"Who's next?" Hasura asked

"My daughter wouldn't do such thing!" Mitsuko shouted and glared at her cousin Estella
"My daughter would never lie! If she said she did then she did!" Estella said. Mitsuko's eyes glowed as her palm glowed
"Micchan calm down" Maruta said and held Mitsuko's arm trying to stop her. Mitsuko clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth
"I'll fuckin beat you up. Accusing my daughter of something she didn't do? Misuki is not that kind of person and she'll never do that to anyone" Mitsuko said
"Are you sure about that? I mean we all heard about that small incident and your daughter seemed very different..." Estella said. Mitsuko felt her rage get out of hand that her body moved on it's own then attacked her cousin. Estella dodged her attack and chuckled softly
"Wanna fight again?" Estella asked
"Gladly you fuckin bitch" Mitsuko growled. Mei stood up and unleashed a lightning aura across the table
"You two calm the fuck down unless you want to die" Mei growled. The others stood up and started arguing. Shai stepped back and decided to check up on the kids. She walked up to their room and opened the door but her eyes widen seeing no one
"Hey! Everyone! The kids are gone!" Shai shouted grabbing everyone's attention. They all ran pushing each other and gasped. They heard muffled voices and opened the closet seeing the guards, butlers, and maids
"Hey what happened?" Yuzu asked as she set them free
"The kids ran away. They said something about an arcade" A maid said
"The arcade?" Shai asked
"I'll go and get them" Matsuri said but Harumin grabbed her ear
"Bitch I know you'll just want to play games soso you're staying" Harumin said and wrapped her arms around her
"Stay and be a good girl. You'll earn a reward~" Harumin whispered and groped her ass. Matsuri blushed deeply and giggled softly
"Yes mommy~" Matsuri whispered. Mei growled and snapped her fingers as her werecat soul sniffed sensing Mokuro's scent. The werecat roared and ran out of the mansion. Mei followed her soul and the werecat growled
"They went to the arcade in the limousines" Mei said
"What the?! They can drive!" Yuzu exclaimed
"They're probably okay" Shai said
"Let's find them. Quick!" Himeko said. Yuzu and the gang took one of the limousines and left leaving the Royal Bloods.
"I don't think we should get mad at them" Yuzu said
"But we can't let them do whatever they want. They can get hurt. You remember what happened this afternoon when you allowed them to go to two on their own. They got attacked by a mysterious man that we don't know" Mei said
"Well yeah but at least they were able to defeat him" Yuzu said
"I'm just worried their powers will get out of hand and they'll end up attacking other people...innocent I did" Mei said as she pinned her ears down remembering the past. Yuzu looked at Mei and petted her head softly
"Relax Mei. Mokuro won't lose control nor will the others kids. They have us because we're all family. Right guys?" Yuzu asked
"Right!" They said. Mei looked at Yuzu and smiled as she blushed
I love you so much Yuzu. I'm so happy to be with you and having a family with you. Who knows what would've happened if I didn't listen to my heart...I would probably be dead by now...

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