Chapter 42

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Shinjo scribbled in his notebook and drew a werewolf. He looked at the werewolf and added a couple of details. He growled as he remembered Mokuro hanging out with his buddy Wong. Shinjo clenched his pencil tightly and broke it
Ugh why am I feeling this way? No...I don't want to admit it...I don't....but ugh...of course I'm gay...I guess Hasura was right when she said our parents passed their gay traits to us...
"Shinjo Momokino!" The teacher said
"U-uh yes sir" Shinjo said
"What did I just say?" The teacher asked and glared at him
" said something about the lesson" Shinjo said
"Be more specific" He said sternly
"Something about words and stuff" Shinjo said
"Please sit outside" The teacher said
"Wait what? Why?" Shinjo asked
"Just sit outside" He said sternly. Shinjo just stood up and walked out the classroom with the students murmured about him. Shinjo got out and sat down outside the door. He clenched his fists tightly and growled. He pinned his ears down and looked up at the ceiling. He sighed and looked down
"This is a bunch of bullshit..." He mumbled and just sat there for minutes that felt like hours
"Hey you little shit..." Donho said
"What do you want?" Shinjo asked
"I noticed you out here. What happened?" Donho asked
"Why the hell do you care? Mind your own damn business" Shinjo said
"I just wanted to help..." Donho said
"You can help by leaving so I don't have to see or hear you shitty bastard" Shinjo said
"Is he your boyfriend?" Donho asked
"Mind your own god damn business!" Shinjo said
" must be hungry" Donho said handing him his snack and drink. Shinjo gritted his teeth and slapped his food and drink away
"I don't need you shit! Just leave me the fuck alone! Mind your own damn business!" Shinjo shouted. Donho grabbed his crackers from the floor then opened them. He glared at Shinjo and grabbed his jaw
"I'm fuckin feeding you pathetic asshole! Here!" Donho shouted shoving the crackers inside Shinjo's mouth
"Ack!" Shinjo said and coughed. He lifted his leg and kicked his leg. Donho fell down and held his leg. Shinjo spat out his food and coughed
"Disgusting...your food taste like shit..." Shinjo mumbled and wiped his mouth. He glared at him and growled letting out a soft cold breeze. He grabbed his drink then opened it and dumped the drink on Donho's head. Shinjo lifted his leg and kicked his face hard. Right when that happened the door opened and his teacher walked out to check up on him
"What is this!? Shinjo Momokino! I'm reporting this to the principal and call you-" Shinjo stomped the ground hard and growled
"Shut up!" Shinjo growled. Suddenly everything froze and Shinjo's eyes widen. He stepped back and trembled a bit
"Wh-what the hell did I do?" Shinjo asked
"You froze time..." His werewolf said
"Huh? Froze time?" Shinjo asked
"Yes...but it only lasts about a minute so hurry up and do what you want to do" He said and vanished. Shinjo looked at his teacher and growled. He grabbed the teacher and dragged him to the janitors closet then shoved a sponge inside his mouth then closed the door and froze the lock. He walked away from the janitors closet and went back to the classroom then took his seat. After the minute was over the time was back. The students all turned around and gasped seeing Shinjo
"Huh? Shinjo-kun when did you get here?" Dakich asked
"I just sneaked inside..." Shinjo said
"Hey what happened to the teacher? We heard him yell at you" Dakuch said
"I don't know what happened to him? I guess he left to do something..." Shinjo said. The students all looked around and asked themselves where the teacher was or went. Shinjo just ignored them and smirked slightly
This new power is amazing...hehe I can get away with anything

Hasura was in the bathroom washing her hands and ignored the fox who was trying to grab her attention
"Bitch! Listen!" Her fox said. Hasura just ignored and dried her hands
"Hey! Listen! Aaaaaaaah! Listen to me!!!" Her fox said. Hasura looked away and sighed deeply
"Just ignore...just ignore..." Hasura mumbled and walked out the bathroom
Ugh where the hell is the teacher? I don't want to be stuck with a substitute teacher...she looks like a slut
Hasura walked back to her class then entered
"What took you so long Mizusawa-san?" The lady asked
"I was just in the bathroom for 5 minutes" Hasura said
"Don't talk back at me" The lady said
"Wh-what? You just asked a question and I replied. Why are you being so mean?" Hasura asked
"Don't care just sit" The lady said. Hasura rolled her eyes and walked to her seat which was in the very back of the class. When she got there her eyes widen seeing her desk trashed with a few messages that read
"Go suck a dick!"
"Your mama is a slut!"
"Your whole family is a slut!"
"Eat shit bitch!"
"Disgusting bitch!"
"Big titty slut!"
Hasura clenched her fists tightly and growled. Her ears perked up hearing a couple of giggles from the girls that sat in front of the room. Hasura glared at them and raised her hand
"This better be important" The lady said
"Someone trashed my desks and they called me and my parents sluts..." Hasura said
"I'm sorry but we have mo tine to deal with that right now" The lady said
"Are you deaf!? They call me and my parents sluts! They called my whole family sluts! It was as those bitches in the front who trashed my desk!" Hasura shouted
"Hasura Mizusawa please calm down. I've been here and I've never seen those wonderful girls go to the back. So just sit down and we'll deal with the situation later" The lady said
"But you're suppose to at least report them or something!" Hasura said
"I'll report you if you don't sit right now this instant" The lady said. Hasura gritted her teeth and took her seat. She kept reading the messages those bitches left on her desk making her hazel eyes start to fill with hatred and rage
'Now will you listen to me...?'
What is it?
'I have given you a new power. It's quite impressive'
Tell me
'You can inflict bleeding or wounds'
That's it?
'No...the best part is that the bleeding won't stop. Even if you put a bandage on it or try to heal won't heal'
So I can kill them?
'Yes...but you can let them die or you could just stop the bleeding'
How do I use it?
'Think or look at the victim. Next just hurt yourself and they'll feel the pain not you'
'Just trust me. Look at the bitch. Bite your tongue hard as you can and you'll be amazed'
Are you sure this is going to work?
'Do you want our family to be called sluts?'
Hasura growled and glared at the girl then sticked her tongue out. She hesitated for a moment not so sure about what she was doing then closed her eyes and bit down on her tongue hard
"AAAAAAAAH!" The girl cried. Hasura gasped and touched her tongue not seeing blood
I-it worked!
'See told you'
Hasura laughed a bit and watched the girl cover her mouth as blood started dripping from her mouth
"T-teacher!" The girl cried
"Oh dear! We need to call the nurse!" The lady said and Hasura glared at the lady
Can I inflict bleeding anywhere?
'Of course you can'
Hasura looked at the lady and bit down on her wrist hard
"AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!" The lady yelled and held her wrist. She gasped seeing blood begin to drip from her wrist. Hasura laughed softly enjoying the entertainment.
Can I use tools?
'Hell yeah! You can hurt them any way you want! Go! And kill them!'
Hasura grabbed her pencil and glared at another bitch. She raised her pencil and stabbed her hand hard that the pencil went through her hand
"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! MY HAND!" The girl cried and held her hand. The students stood up and they tried asking for help. Of course some teachers were substitutes since the real teachers were at a meeting. One student immediately ran to the principal's office to ask for help while the wounded ones were crying for help and tried to stop the bleeding. Hasura's left eye began to turn slightly red as she was using her powers. She smirked devilishly just like your devil queen Matsuri
This is hella fun!
After a couple of minutes the ambulance came and tried to examine the wounds. They bandaged up the wounds but the blood kept dripping from the wound no matter how hard they tried to stop it. Hasura snapped her fingers and the blood from the wounds started to slowly stop. The students all looked terrified after that. They started talking about it and the girls who were wounded glared at Hasura
"It was her! She did it!" They said pointing at Hasura
"Me!? I was just sitting here! How would I do that to you?!" Hasura exclaimed
"Just because you hate us for no reason!" The girl said
"No reason!? You fuckin trashed my desk! You called my family and me sluts!" Hasura shouted
"That wasn't us! It as someone else!" The girl shouted
"Someone else!? Then who!? The only ones who would do this is you and your other bitches!" Hasura shouted as she walked up to them.
"Hey calm down you two" The principal said
"Well I guess it is true that you're a slut like your parents!" The girl said. Hasura growled and punched the girl tackling her down
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The students cheered
"Hey everyone! There is a fight!" A student shouted in the hallways. Suddenly the students came out of their classroom and ran to the classroom where the fight was. Hasura punched and kicked the bitches
"Come on! Fight me! I challenge you to fight me! All of you bitches come at me too! If you hate me then come and fight me!" Hasura shouted challenging the other students. Some girls ran up to Hasura since she challenged then and Hasura punched then kicked the girls
"Come on! Fight me! Also you boys are assholes so fight me as well!" Hasura shouted. The teachers stood there in horror and trembled in fear watching the young girl beat up all the students. The principal stood there with shocked eyes
No wonder father wants these children...that Mizusawa is completely different. Such a hungry beast that desires flesh and blood...even if she is half Taniguchi...that girl is no Taniguchi...she may look like one but she isn't. She is a full pure Mizusawa...but not a Mizusawa who desires sex but a Mizusawa who desires blood and flesh. This scary. She could be a cannibal if she eats her own kind...can she even eat her own kind? Who knows...but this girl is a true killer...
Hasura panted heavily and shouted in pure anger. She punched the girl hard with her Taniguchi powers pushing the girl back. She lifted her leg and kicked an asshole's face knocking him back
"Come on! Fight! Don't be such little pussys! Fight me!" Hasura shouted. The students ran up to her tackling her down and Hasura fought them all. Kicking, biting, punching. She kept fighting no matter what. She had enough rage and anger inside her that boiled her whole body up to fight those bitches and assholes. Suddenly Hasura punched one of the students but other students grabbed her arm and broke it. Hasura's eyes widen and held her arm
"GAAAAAAHHH!" Hasura shouted and fell down. The students took this opportunity to fight her at this state but they were dead. So dead. Hasura's eyes turned bloody red and her soul ignited inside then pushed all the students back. Hasura grabbed her broken arm and put it back in place. She growled and her soul came out of her body growling. A powerful aura surrounded Hasura's body and her Taniguchi symbol started bleeding
"I-I'll go call her parents!" The principal said and ran to a room to call Hasura's parents immediately. Hasura growled and smirked devilishly
"You know what to do..." She whispered

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