Chapter 36

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"Yay! We're alive!" Hasura said
"Sadly we didn't get any information" Mokuro said
"Oh what's so important about information about that asshole" Hasura said
"Ugh just forget it. Let's get home" Mokuro said
"Wait we need to do something" Hasura said and grabbed Misuki taking her
"Where the hell are you going now?" Mokuro asked
"Should we follow them?" Shinjo asked
"Yes because who knows what Hasura would do especially when she'd around Misuki" Mokuro said and followed them. They walked through the forest and arrived at a barber shop
"Hasura what are you planning?" Mokuro asked
"None of your business asshole!" Hasura said
"Ugh...that girl really needs to show some respect" Mokuro said
"She does" Shinjo said
"Yeah but to adults not us" Mokuro said
"Well yeah but at least she's showing them respect" Shinjo said
"Let's see what she plans on doing" Mokuro said and walked up to the barber shop. Hasura and Misuki entered inside the shop and were greeted by Takisha
"Hey Hasura!" Takisha said and smiled
"Hi Takisha" Hasura said
"Is there anything you need?" Takisha asked
"Yeah my little cousin here would like a haircut" Hasura said
"Hmm? Sure thing!" Takisha said and grabbed Misuki taking her to a seat then sat her down
"So what kind of haircut would you like?" Takisha asked
"U-uh well...umm... " Misuki mumbled and pinned her ears down
"Hey Takisha. She would like the you know...the strict and stern Taniguchi haircut" Hasura whispered
"Ah her haircut. On it and anything for you Hasura?" Takisha asked
"I would like my Taniguchi mother's haircut" Hasura said
"Understood" Takisha said and grabbed a spray that held a potion that could make your hair longer. She started working Misuki's hair while Hasura was in the arcade area waiting for her turn. Mokuro and Shinjo arrived then looked for Hasura
"Hasura-chan what the hell are you doing here?" Mokuro asked
"We're here to get new looks" Hasura said as she was focused on the game
"You know your parents could get mad" Mokuro said
"Oh jeez you worry too much" Hasura said
"Fine don't say I didn't worry" Mokuro said
"Hehe yeah whatever" Hasura said. Suddenly the door opened and Esmeralda came in
"Hey kids" Esmeralda said
"Esmeralda?! What are you doing here?" Mokuro asked
"Sorry Mokuro but uh...well your parents are looking for you" Esmeralda said
"I told you to keep my parents distracted" Mokuro said
"Well I'm sorry young Alpha but it was either that or getting killed by your mother and I'm not planning to die" Esmeralda said
"So where are they?" Mokuro asked
"Well they're heading to town to look for you all and also hehe...I uh...I told them you guys were preparing a surprise for them" Esmeralda said
"Of fuck..." Mokuro mumbled
"Yep so there is a chance of getting saved and getting away with this" Esmeralda said
"Well what surprise should we do? I mean it's no one's birthday or anything" Mokuro said
"Or you could just buy a sorry present for them because we kinda screwed up and caused trouble" Hasura said
"Excellent idea!" Mokuro said and ruffled her hair
"Yeah yeah whatever" Hasura said
"But what will we get them?" Shinjo asked
"You're right. Hmm? Let me think uhhhh... I got nothing" Mokuro said
"Wow you don't know nothing about your parents?" Esmeralda asked
"Hmmm? Nightmare" Mokuro said
"Nightmare? What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Esmeralda asked. Suddenly Mokuro's werecat appeared growling which scared some a bit
"What the hell do you want?" Nightmare asked
"What the? You named him Nightmare?" Shinjo asked
"Yeah I mean he needs a name right?" Mokuro asked
"Stop wasting my time boy and just tell me what you want?" Nightmare asked
"Okay uh...we're kinda in a little trouble and we need help. Our parents think we have a surprise for them so...what do you suggest?" Mokuro asked
" that why you called me asshole? Just to help out?" Nightmare asked
"If you'll kill" Mokuro said
"Hehe...I would help out more if you allow my friends as well" Nightmare asked
"Wh-what? Your friends? B-but-"
"Tik tok tik tok" Nightmare said
"Fine! Alright!" Mokuro said
"Wonderful hehe" Nightmare said and chuckled softly
"You better not make me regret it" Mokuro growled
"It's easy to get a gift. Mama loves teddy bears" Nightmare said
"Ooooh yes! That's right. She really adores teddy bears" Mokuro said
"See? It wasn't that hard now was it?" Nightmare asked
"Well what about mom? What does she like?" Mokuro asked
"Hmm? She enjoys making food. Outfits...make up...hmm? A cake made by you for her" Nightmare said
"Hmm? Well I don't know how to bake" Mokuro said
"Relax Mokuro. I can help" Esmeralda said
"There...I helped you so you'll repay me tonight. Right?" Nightmare asked
"...yes" Mokuro mumbled
"Perfect" Nightmare whispered as his emerald eyes glowed and vanished
"Hey Hasura! She's ready!" Takisha said. Hasura's ears perked up and smiled
"Oooh! Let me see!" Hasira said and ran up to her. Hasura's eyes widen and her face redden
"Sh-she's...she's!" Hasura said and hugged Misuki. Misuki blushed deeply and looked at herself in the mirror
"H-huh? Is's haircut?" Misuki asked touching her hair
"Hehe yep! I know you hate having long hair and you said one time you wanted to be like your mother so I decided to give you a new look and to be're so cute!" Hasura said
"U-uhm th-thanks" Misuki said and blushed
"Takisha you did an amazing job!" Hasura said and smiled
"Thanks. Now it's your turn" Takisha said. Misuki got out of the seat and touched her hair and the long bang she had that reached her shoulder
"Woah woah woah we have a mini Mitsuko" Esmeralda said and giggled
"Wow you really do look like her with that haircut" Shinjo said
"All you need is a suit and a glare" Mokuro said
"E-eh um...uh...I-I guess..." Misuki said and blushed
"Hey Esmeralda mind going out and check if our parents are nearby?" Mokuro asked
"Sure young Alpha" Esmeralda said and left. Misuki still kept looking in the mirror impressed by her transformation. She didn't know what she felt inside but she felt...happy? She was glad to look like her mother. Something sparked inside her and felt her back ache
N-no...not you guys...
'Let us kill'
'We can help you'
'Let us free'
'We're your only true friends'
Misuki trembled a bit and clenched her fists tightly
"Hey Misuki you feeling alright?" Mokuro asked
"E-eh? Hehe yes" Misuki said and smiled
"Okay" Mokuro said
"Hey what about the whole surprise thing?" Shinjo asked
"Huh? What surprise?" Misuki asked
"Well when we left Esmeralda in charge of our parents...she ended up saying we were making a surprise for them as an excuse why we're not there so yeah now we have to plan a surprise for them" Mokuro explained
"And how are we going to do that?" Misuki asked
"Well we just have to think if what they like" Mokuro said
"I got nothing but ice cream" Shinjo said
"I have nothing..." Misuki mumbled as she pinned her ears down
"I have sex toys!" Hasura said jumping in into the conversation. Everyone's eyes widen seeing her hairstyle being Harumin's hairstyle
"What the? How the hell do you two look like your parents?" Mokuro asked
"We just do okay? Hehe are you jealous or something?" Hasura asked
"No but...surprised actually" Mokuro said
"I wonder what you two would look like with longer hair" Hasura said
"Oh hell no! We are not dressing up as girls!" Mokuro said
"Oh come on it'll be fun. Maybe dressing up as girls you'll see that you look exactly like your parents" Hasura said
"Uh no. Now enough with this we have to find a surprise" Mokuro said. Suddenly they heard Esmeralda giving them a signal that their parents were going to the barber shop
"Hide!" Mokuro said
"Hey Takisha! Don't tell them we're here!" Hasura said
"Understood!" Takisha said. The kids squealed a bit and hid. Yuzu entered the barber shop and looked around
"Hey Alpha!"
"Hey how you've been?"
People began to surround Yuzu and Yuzu just smiled and greeted them all. Mei walked pass them ignoring them for now but not for long since she was looking for her son. But when she finds him then she'll deal with Yuzu's admirers and when I mean 'deal with them' I mean she's going to rip all their heads off and removed their heart killing them. Every last one. No kidding unless Yuzu stops her. Anyways the gang looked dow their children and growled. The kids were hidden pretty well since they knew how to hide from their parents
Misuki gasped and Hasura covered her mouth
"You're gonna get us caught..." Hasura whispered. Misuki whimpered and shut her eyes tightly. Mitsuko walked over to a closet and growled. Mokuro and Shinjo gasped softly as Mitsuko was near the girls. Hasura and Misuki held their breathe as Mitsuko grabbed the handle of the closet and opened it. There were a bunch of clothes and supplies everywhere
"Hurry sis! We're going!" Harumin said. Mitsuko closed the closet and left
"You guys haven't found nothing?" Mitsuko asked
"Nope. Nothing" Matsuri said
"You barely looked around" Harumin said
"Yeah and I found nothing" Matsuri giggled
"Maybe they're at the ice cream shop" Shai said
"True. Shinjo enjoys eating ice cream a lot" Himeko said. Mei's ears perked up and looked at the ceiling. She glared at it for a moment but Yuzu grabbed her
"Hey Mei let's look somewhere else" Yuzu said
"Sure...and if you don't mind. I'm going to deal with some fuckers..." Mei growled as she walked away
"Huh? What do you mean by that Mei?" Yuzu asked as she followed her. Once the parents got out the children got out of their hiding spot. Mokuro sighed in relief and fell from the ceiling
"Ah fuck..." Mokuro groaned. Hasura and Misuki got out of the closet breathing heavily
"Hallelujah! We lived!" Hasura said. Shinjo got out of his hiding spot and shivered
"Ugh it was disgusting in there" Shinjo said and groaned
"Come on. Let's leave this place and prepare a surprise" Mokuro said as he walked out
"Hey Takisha! Thanks for the haircut!" Hasura said before she walked out the shop
"Anytime Hasura! Take care!" Takisha said

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