Chapter 67

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Diane laughed insanely and ran towards Himeko attacking her. Himeko fell back but stood back up. Shai growled and struggled to set herself free with the magic that the hooded man had. The hooded man turned to look at Shai and chuckled softly
"Hmm? If you want there is another way to save one of them and I only mean one of them...not both" The hooded man said and walked up to her releasing her from the magic. Shai growled and glared at the man
"Hey calm down. Try to hurt me and your son will pay the price" The hooded man said pointing at Shinjo. Shinjo trembled and coughed out blood as the man ended up doing something to him
"Don't hurt him!" Shai said
"Well then just listen. It's pretty rescue someone all you have to do is kill the other person" The hooded man said and handed Shai a gun. Shai's eyes widen and held the gun trembling a bit
"There is one bullet. That bullet is a very special and rare bullet. It can kill someone in and instant shot. Now...go ahead and choose who to save" The hooded man said. Shai looked at Diane and Himeko as they both fought. Himeko blocked Diane's attack then kicked her hard on the side. Diane growled and laughed as she couldn't control her own body then shifted into a werewolf and jumped at Himeko. Shai stood there shaking and breathing heavily
Wh-what am I suppose to do?
Shai held the gun tightly and looked at the hooded man
"Hehe...if you shoot me. Your son pays the price..." The hooded man said. Shai kept staring at the gun and looked up at the two girls
"Shai! Don't do it!" Yuzu said
"Let her kill Diane. I mean she's the one obsessed with her" Matsuri said
"But Diane is in some kind of mind control baka! That's not Diane" Yuzu said
"What if you had to choose between your friend and me?" Harumin asked
"Yeah yeah I get it. Hey Liana! Don't you have some kind of shit to get us out!" Matsuri said struggling to move
"If I had my hands freed then yes I could've done something but these bastards have found out how my powers work" Liana said
"Ugh! This is so fuckin hard! We have to do something!" Yuzu said. Shinjo growled and tried using his powers to do something but nothing happened
"Face it we can't get out" Hasura said and squirmed
"But there is always a way to escape" Mokuro said
"Yeah do you think there is a way to escape this asshole?" Misuki asked. Shinjo saw the fight and he kept growling as he tried to set himself free to help his parents
I-I don't want my parents to die
'Then use me...'
Shinjo's eyes widen and trembled feeling the shadow
'I can save them both and you...we're family'
N-no...but...they said you're bad
'That's what they want you to think...but I'm not a bad person. He is the bad person. He is the one wanting us to die...'
Y-yeah...that's right but what can you do?
'You'll see...'
Shinjo watched the shadow leave his body then get near Shai. Shai was still shaking and teared up. She gripped the gun tightly and fell on her knees
"You decide. Take all the time you want or just let them fight until one of them kills the other" The hooded man said as he sat down to watch the fight. Shai had tears rolling down her cheeks and looked down
What should I do? I don't want to kill...
"Oh jeez are you serious? How were you able to kill the Momokinos back then?" The hooded man asked
"I never meant to kill them..." Shai mumbled
"You know...I sometimes wonder what your father would've done if he were in this situation. I mean you look like him so I'm guessing you act like him" The hooded man said. Shai just growled and glared at Diane raising the gun. She trembled and placed her finger on the trigger
"There is another way..." A voice said whispering in her ear. Shai's eyes widen hearing Himeko's voice then felt some arms wrapped around her from behind. Shai trembled and turned around slightly seeing a pair of red glowing eyes
"H-himeko?" Shai asked in a whisper voice. The shadow Himeko giggled and walked in front of her then caressed her cheek softly
"Do you trust me?" Himeko asked and ran her thumb against Shai's lips. Shai trembled and drooled a bit as Himeko began kissing her ears. Shai pinned her ears down and panted softly as Himeko got near her then kissed her neck. Shai's body trembled and blushed deeply
Wh-why does it feel realistic? I-it's a shadow....r-right?
"Oh Shai~ You scared?~" Himeko asked and slid her finger down her throat. Shai trembled and her drool dripped from the side of her mouth feeling turned on for some reason. Everyone ignored Shai as the fight got intresting since Himeko was able to hit Diane giving her a critical hit. Himeko panted heavily and had a severe wound on the side of her stomach. Himeko held her wound tightly trying to stop losing blood then fell on her knees
"M-mama!" Shinjo exclaimed and tried using his powers to escape and help out. Shai's ears perked up and saw Himeko but the Shadow Himeko grabbed her
"I'll let your friend survive stay by my side forever~" Himeko whispered
"S-safe her..." Shai mumbled
"Just shoot the man" Himeko whispered
"B-but Shinjo...h-he'll die" Shai said
"Do you trust me?" Himeko asked and looked at her. Shai clenched her fists tightly and gulped as she nodded
" it" Himeko said as her red eyes glowed. Shai looked at the gun and aimed at the man then pulled the trigger. The hooded man smirked and his necklace glowed then Shinjo shut his eyes tightly prepared to die until he felt a pair of arms wrapped around him then got taken away. The hooded man stayed silent and growled
"What the hell!? A monster!?" The hooded man exclaimed. Shinjo opened his eyes only to see his mother in her monster form. Everyone else's eyes widen seeing Himeko in her monster form
"H-how!? How on earth did you transform!? Ugh! Doesn't matter! Attack her!" The hooded man ordered and the artic wolves that were left began to run up to them. Shai stomped the ground hard creating a protective wall around her friends then sprinted towards the wolves and attacked them. Yuzu growled and struggled to set herself for then Himeko came in releasing her friends
"Th-thanks Momokino-san" Yuzu said. Himeko just gave her a glare and turned around
"What the hell?" Yuzu asked
"Anyways let's head back to fighting!" Matsuri said running up to the wolves. Suddenly there were gunshots nearby and more humans with special and advanced weapons came in. The gang ran up to the enemies and began fighting them
"Lady Liana! What should we do!?" Mokuro exclaimed
"What happened to mama!?" Shinjo exclaimed
"I'm not sure but it seems those shadows are hiding inside your body for protection. Releasing them will allow them to take over their bodies" Liana said
"S-so what you're saying is we should release them?" Shinjo asked
"Release them? Are you crazy?" Mokuro asked
"You said that they were bad" Misuki said
"Who cares? We have to do something! Hey Shadow Mama! Get the hell out there and fight bitch!" Hasura shouted and felt this odd feeling as a shadow came out of her body
"Call me bitch again and I'll ground you for a whole damn fuckin year" The Shadow Harumin said then headed towards Harumin. Harumin got knocked down and growled as she stood back up but her eyes widen feeling a sensation throughout her body as her hazel eyes shifted into bloody red eyes
"It feels great to be back..." She mumbled before tearing the humans apart and attacked their chest removing their hearts
"Woah...she's violent" Hasura said and got attacked by a guy
"Hey bastard!" Hasura exclaimed and bit his neck ripping it off then the two twins began to devour the body that was left behind. Hasura just spat out the head and licked her lips
"Hmmm? Not that bad..." Hasura said
"S-so is it okay to release them?" Misuki asked
"These shadows seem to be fighting them to survive. They must know something that we don't" Liana said and sensed a bullets heading towards her and she stopped them by lifting her hand up then the bullets aimed back at the men
"You two release them!" Liana said
"U-uhm how?" Misuki asked as she looked at her palms
"Just say 'Bitch! Get the hell out!'" Hasura said
"That doesn't sound like a good idea" Misuki said and two shadows came out of her body then headed towards both her parents infecting them. Mitsuko growled and roared as her skinned darkened as she punched through a guy's armor and through his chest as she removed his heart crushing it. Maruta's tentacles came out larger and bit more wild as she attacked the enemies stabbing her tentacles through their stomachs. Maruta knocked down the men and threw them against the ground hard breaking their bodies. Mei looked at the others seeing them in their monster form and turned to look at Mokuro. Mokuro looked back at her with worried eyes and pinned his ears down. Mei just smiled at him and nodded giving him the signal to release her. Mokuro just clenched his fists tightly and shut his eyes as the shadow came out from his body then it headed towards Mei. Mei felt the shadow get inside her body and transformed into her monster form once again. She growled and attacked all the humans hard knocking them down then teared them apart. The hooded man just clenched his fists tightly and called for back up
Damnit! These bitches are hella strong! I need to capture those monsters! Now!
Suddenly a huge helicopter came in flying above them and began shooting them all destroying the arena and some people trying to get the monster Royal Bloods. Mei growled and transformed into her werecat form as she headed above to destroy the helicopter but felt a painful sting through her body and turned back to normal as she fell to the ground. Her eyes widen not feeling the same strength she had before
Wh-what the hell happened to me!? What happened to my werecat soul!?
'Bitch let's just kill them all! We can kill them!'
Sh-shut up!
"It's the paralysis bullets! Avoid them!" Yuzu shouted as she ran towards Mei helping her up. Matsuri growled as she tore off the hand flesh one by one and avoided the bullets by teleporting everywhere
Damnit! How long am I suppose to teleport?! These assholes won't give up! Grrrr!
Matsuri felt someone grab her then kicked her stomach hard knocking them back. Her ears perked up sensing the man and teleported but gasped as she saw a man was in front of her with a wierd looking gadget he had
What the hell!? He knew where I was heading!?
Suddenly Matsuri got shot and fell to the ground as the men grabbed her putting her in a cage
"M-mom!?" Hasura exclaimed as she ran up the her captured mother but the men began attacking her. Hasura growled and teleported as she bit her tongue affecting him but suddenly a huge shadow went above her then hit her extremely hard pushing her back. Everyone looked up and gasped. The animals trembled and stepped back fearing the huge and enormous...
"Dr-dragon?" Yuzu asked
"H-how?! Didn't those die years ago!?" Shai exclaimed
"Haha! You think you can defeat me now?" The hooded man asked as he laughed. The dragon roared and attacked all of them in one hit knocking them down
"Capture them!" The hooded man ordered as they took the chance to capture them. They all got paralyzed and put them in a cage
"Get their children! Immediately!" The hooded man said. The humans were about to capture the children until Lady Liana used her last power and sacrificed herself for the young ones. Her body glowed and the young children's body glowed as they were being taken away. Her aura was powerful enough to push the humans and the dragon back knocking them out for a bit but hot for long
"N-no! Wait! Mama! Mom!" Mokuro shouted as he tried reaching his hand out wanting to hold his parents hands
"Be brave Mokuro!" Yuzu said
"Stay strong and protect them!" Mei said
"Mama! No! Mom! I don't want to go! I want to stay!" Mokuro shouted as tears built up in his eyes. Yuzu and Mei smiled as him as they had tears as well. Hasura held her mother's hand as her body began to glow
"It'll be okay Hasura" Harumin said
"! I don't want to be alone!" Hasura shouted as she cried
"Be strong and stay strong.  We promise we will always be with you in here" Matsuri said as she wiped her tears then smiled. Hasura cried loudly and her body began to vanish then the shadow followed her entering her body
"N-no! Mama! Mom! I don't want to go! I love you both! I promise to safe you!" Hasura shouted as she cried loudly then her body vanished. Misuki cried loudly and held both her parent's hands
"Mom! Mama! I'm scared! I don't want you to die!" Misuki shouted
"Be brave and strong Misuki. We promise we won't die" Maruta said stroking her hair
"I'm not brave or strong! I can't! I'm scared! I'm terrified!" Misuki shouted
"Misuki...we'll see each other soon. We promise. Just be strong and brave. We know you're scared but we know you can do it. You're our strong and brave girl. We love you" Mitsuko said and gave her a warm smile. Misuki just cried loudly as her body began to vanish as well then the two shadows came out entering her body. Shinjo trembled and whimpered loudly as he cried
"I-I don't want to lose you both! I'm sorry for being a weakling and a pathetic loser!" Shinjo cried
"No Shinjo...don't say that" Himeko said caressing his cheek softly and kissed his forehead
"You are strong Shinjo. You are strong as an Alpha. Nothing bad will happen. We will be okay." Shai said as she smiled with tears rolling down her cheeks.
"We love you Shinjo" Himeko said as tears rolled down her cheeks. Shinjo cried and his body began to vanish as he was taken away with the shadow entering his body. The twins were the huge crybabies as they couldn't stop holding their mama's hands
"Mama! No! Please stay!" Natasha cried
"Mom! We don't want to go!" Nathan cried
"You two be brave and take care of each other" Cyndi said as she kissed both their foreheads
"B-but what will happen?" Nathan asked
"W-will you die?" Natasha asked as her voice cracked
"We won't. We promise we will be back safe and sound and be one happy family again. We love you both" Nitski said as she ruffled their hair. Nathan and Natasha both vanished being taken away as well. Mokuro trembled and cried loudly
"Why is the world cruel!?" Mokuro shouted and looked down trembling
"It'll be okay Mokuro. We will see each other soon and escape this horrible man" Mei said
"M-mama...m-mom...I love you both" Mokuro cried
"We love you too" Yuzu and Mei said at the same time. Mokuro just cried and the shadow entered his body as his body vanished
"I promise I'll safe you both!" Mokuro shouted as he disappeared. Suddenly the men just groaned and stood up realizing they were gone
"Wh-what the hell!? They're gone!?" The hooded man said and looked at the old lady. He clenched his fists tightly and grabbed a gun
"Die you old hag!" He shouted pulling the trigger. Lady Liana smiled as tears rolled down her cheeks
Kids...I know you're scared but you can do it. You're the only ones who can restore peace to this world...goodbye and forgive me...

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