Chapter 23

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The whole gang walked through the mall looking for their outfits to wear tonight. Yuzu and Harumin were obviously very excited to go shopping for new clothes while Mei...well. Mei could only watch and glare at them both while Matsuri tried her best to get Yuzu off of Mei's mind for a moment or at least help her control that jealousy side she had or else she'll end up killing someone. Matsuri groaned and grabbed Mei's hand pulling her away from the shopping store
"Where the hell are you taking me?" Mei asked
"Someplace to get your mind off of Yuzu-chan" Matsuri said
"Fine but mind letting go of my hand? I don't want people to know" Mei said
"Yeah whatever it's not like I'll ever date you" Matsuri said and let go of Mei
"I would never date an annoying brat like you. I don't understand what Taniguchi-san sees in you..." Mei said
"And I don't get what Yuzu-chan sees in you. All I see is a psycho bitch who is obsessed with their wife who hates seeing her with other people" Matsuri said. Mei just glared at her and growled
"Okay okay relax. We shouldn't start off on the wrong foot. We must get along" Matsuri said
"You and I have nothing in common" Mei said
"Right. You enjoy reading. I enjoy playing video games. You enjoy working. I enjoy listening to music. You're responsible and I'm a mess. You enjoy fucking I enjoy...wait that's it!" Matsuri said
"What?" Mei asked
"We only have one thing in common and that is sex" Matsuri said
"You got that right" Mei said admitting she enjoyed sex.
"Hey why not shop for know. New toys or outfits. I mean Yuzu-chan said to by some new outfits so maybe we can buy ourselves new sexy lingerie or outfits for roleplay" Matsuri said
"I like what you're thinking. Let's do it" Mei said
"Yay! Shopping!" Matsuri said and grabbed Mei's hand taking her to the sex store. Matsuri walked inside a store then dragged Mei all the way to a secret door
"Why are we here?" Mei asked
"Relax Mei-san" Matsuri said and entered a code. Mei's eyes widen as the door opened revealing a store behind the door. They entered inside and it was a huge place filled with sexy outfits and lingerie, sex toys, and other sex stuff
"Why so surprised?" Matsuri asked
"I just never thought there would be a sex store in the mall" Mei said
"This mall has everything okay? Now let's begin shopping" Matsuri said and walked to the outfits. Mei followed her and saw Matsuri pull out a stripper outfit
"This would look great on you Mei-san" Matsuri said
"I'm not so sure..." Mei said
"Go put it on" Matsuri said
"Wait there's a fitting room?" Mei asked
"Well duh. You can try out outfits in here" Matsuri said. Mei walked over to the changing room and removed her clothes. She put on the stripper leather outfit and walked out
"What do you think?" Mei asked as she did a little turn to show her whole body
"Hmm? To be honest Mei-san you look sexy in everything" Matsuri said checking her out.
"She does indeed" A guy said. Matsuri turned around and saw a blue haired guy with a pierced tongue
"J-juhin?" Matsuri asked
"Hehe hey Matsuri and hello Mrs. Aihara" Juhin said. Mei looked at him and glared at him
"Relax Aihara-san. I'm 100 percent gay so I have no intrest in women. I just came to help you out try to find an outfit" Juhin said
"Thank you" Mei said and smiled
"Wow Mei. You seem happy" Matsuri said
"I just can't wait to make Yuzu mine" Mei said
"With that outfit of yours Yuzu-chan will be on her knees" Matsuri said
"Hmm? Try this" Juhin said as he pulled a police officer outfit. Mei grabbed it and walked inside the changing room then put on the police officer outfit. She walked out and licked her lips
"Oooooh Mei-san~ Now that's extremely sexy~" Matsuri said
"Hmmm? This is a bit tight but it feels so damn nice" Mei said enjoying the outfit
"You have a nice ass" Matsuri said and giggled
"Matsuri-chan try this on" Juhin said handing Matsuri a nurse outfit
"Wh-what the fuck?" Matsuri asked
"Just try it on. You'll look cute" Juhin said
"I already look cute" Matsuri said and grabbed the nurse outfit then walked to the changing room
"I see that you're enjoying that outfit" Juhin said
"I enjoy how it tightens around my body. Hmmm? This will definitely turn her on" Mei said and smirked. Matsuri came out wearing the nurse outfit and she blushing extremely hard
"I-I don't know a-about this..." Matsuri said looking at herself
"Oh come on Matsuri. This outfit is perfect for you" Juhin said. Matsuri just kept blushing and hugged herself
"I-I don't feel comfortable wearing this. It's too short that you could see my pussy and my ass when I spread my legs" Matsuri said blushing feeling embarrassed
"That's how your mate will fuck you with the outfit. You wear nothing but the outfit" Juhin said
"Besides your a bottom" Someone said and both Mei and Matsuri couldn't believe who it was. It was someone they didn't expect to find in the sex store
"M-mitsuko-senpai!?" Matsuri exclaimed and blushed
"Why so surprised?" Mitsuko asked
"You're asking me why!? I never thought someone like you would be buying sex stuff and how the fuck did you know there was a sex store" Matsuri said
"I had a little help from your cousin..." Mitsuko said
"Oh...her" Matsuri said
"And Aihara-san...I'm not surprised to see you here" Mitsuko said
"Hey there Mitsuko" Mei said
"Nice outfit" Mitsuko said
"Thanks" Mei said
"And you look quite cute in that" Mitsuko said which made Matsuri blush deeply
"Hey Matsuri-chan isn't she your girlfriend's sister?" Juhin asked
"Uh yeah...and my sister as well" Matsuri said rubbing the back of her neck
"Ah yeah. You got adopted by the Taniguchi" Juhin said
"So will you be wearing that during your sex session with Harumi?" Mitsuko asked
"Y-yeah..." Matsuri said
"Hehe don't be so embarrassed Matsuri. You look so cute in that outfit" Juhin said
"Hehe thanks" Matsuri said
"Is that all you girls are buying?" Mitsuko asked
"Well we still need to buy other toys and some restrains" Matsuri said
"Ooooh you girls shopping for some sex toys and outfits? Is it for some special occasion or something?" Juhin asked
"No we just want to fuck them...especially Yuzu for fuckin leaving me and having fun with Taniguchi-san" Mei said
"You're seriously jealous of my sister?" Mitsuko asked
"Yes...very" Mei said sternly
"Well glad I'm here. I'll help you three find the perfect toys or outfits for you all. Hehe I'm kinda an expert about this whole sex stuff" Juhin said
"Yay! Let's go shopping!" Matsuri said. Mei just stood up still wearing her police officer outfit and smirked
Now I know why shopping is fun

"Ahhhh! You look so cute!" Harumin said
"Sh-shut up Harumin you're embarrassing me" Yuzu said blushing
"Awww come on cuz. You really look cute in everything" Shai said and smiled softly
"Wh-whatever. What about you? Aren't you going to look for an outfit?" Yuzu asked
"Well I'm actually waiting for Himeko. She was with Kayo-san and her girl so yeah. I want her opinion on what I should wear" Shai said
"Hey talking about her...where did Mei and Matsuri go?" Yuzu asked
"Now that you mentioned it they were standing over there..." Harumin said
"Did they leave?" Yuzu asked
"Well last time I saw them Matsuri was taking Mei by her hand and took her to someplace that I don't know..." Shai said
"Let me call Matsuri" Yuzu said and pulled out her phone calling Matsuri but no answer
"She's not answering" Yuzu said
"Ugh that brat better not be doing anything stupid" Harumin said and her eyes glowed trying to look for Matsuri
"What the fuck?" Harumin asked
"What? What's wrong?" Yuzu asked
"I-it's nothing's just that she's out of the mall" Harumin said
"Are they out of the mall?" Yuzu asked
"No I's hard to explain. See it for yourself" Harumin said. Yuzu tilted her head and her eyes glowed looking for Mei
"What the fuck? It's like they're out of the mall but still inside the mall" Yuzu said
"See? I told you. It's kinda messed up. I don't understand" Harumin said. Shai just yawned and turned around seeing Himeko
"Hey babe" Shai said and wrapped her arms around her
"H-hey sweetie" Himeko said and blushed
"Ah Momokino-san have you seen Mei-san?" Yuzu asked
"No. I tried to look for her but no luck. Maruta tried to help me since she's looking for Mitsuko-senpai but it seems she's missing too" Himeko said
"What? My sister wouldn't disappear just like that without saying anything" Harumin said
"And I don't think Mei would leave me without saying she's going..." Yuzu said
"There's only one person who could've taken them...and I believe we all know who" Shai said. Everyone looked at each other and nodded
"MATSURI!" They shouted

"Bitches! A goat!" Matsuri said
"Don't you mean toast bitch!" Juhin said
"Ah yes that. I toast for being *hic* sluts!" Matsuri said and gulped down her glass. Mei gulped down her shot and Mitsuko...well that bitch passed out. Matsuri laughed and grabbed the bottle filling up her glass
"H-hey *hic* Mitsuko...bitch I need to tell ask you something" Matsuri said and poked her
"Is she dead?" Juhin asked
"Nah asshole she's asleep. Hasn't this bitch drinked before" Matsuri said and poked her head
"Wake up bitch!" Matsuri said and smacked her head. Mitsuko groaned and rubbed her head
"I-I don't feel so well..." Mitsuko groaned
"Bitch you haven't even gone through your first shot. Can't you handle it?" Matsuri asked
"I-I don't drink..." Mitsuko said
"Ooooooh you're missing out. Being drunk is the best" Matsuri giggled. Juhin pulled out a cigarette and turned it on
"You smoke?!" Matsuri exclaimed
"Hell yeah! Wanna try?" Juhin asked
"Fuck yeah!" Matsuri said. Juhin handed her a cigarette and lit it up for her. Matsuri giggled and coughed softly
"Damn this is actually some good shit" Matsuri said and looked at Mei
"Hey Mei wanna try?" Matsuri asked
"*hic* I don't smoke..." Mei said
"Awwww come on now. Let's enjoy our lives and have fun!" Matsuri said. Mei just rolled her eyes and grabbed the whole bottle of alcohol and started chugging it down
"Holy shit! Hey don't drink it all!" Juhin said. Mei just ignored him and slammed the bottle down on the table smashing it. Mei growled and held her head
"Is Aihara-san doing okay?" Juhin asked
"She's *hic* fine" Matsuri said
"Are you sure because she just broke a bottle..." Juhin said. Mei's eyes glowed sensing Yuzu with bitches all around her but of course those bitches were her friends and her instincts were just fuckin messed up. Mei just groaned and rubbed her eyes
"Fuckin Yuzu is so damn popular...*hic* that bitch enjoys to have fuckin bitches all over her" Mei said
"Aihara maybe it's best to stop" Mitsuko said
"Listen big tits your fuckin sister and you have big boobs. *hic* How do you do it?" Mei asked
"Do what?" Mitsuko asked
"How the fuck do you get big boobs? I mean *hic* last time I saw only had a flat chest until bam! *hic* years later you have two big melons" Mei said as she grabbed Mitsuko's boobs. Mitsuko blushed deeply and grabbed Mei's wrist pulling her hands away from her chest
"You drinked too much..." Mitsuko said
"No shit bitch" Matsuri said and laughed
"Tell me your *hic* secret" Mei said
"You know *hic* I wonder what Mitsuko would say if she were extremely drunk" Matsuri said
"No and that's why I didn't finish my drink..." Mitsuko said
"You're no fun" Matsuri said and felt her phone vibrate
"Oh I missed a phone call..." Matsuri said and called back
"MATSURI WHERE THE FUCK AR-" Matsuri pressed the end call button hanging up
Oh ass is really fucked up...Yes!

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