Chapter 32

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Shai and Diane were talking about what happened back there. Himeko was just in the kitchen while their son was in his room...eating ice cream. Yep. Ice cream at night is the best. Hopefully he doesn't get sick right? Anyways Diane and Shai were both talking since that's what they mostly do
"Wow did that really happen?" Diane asked
"Yes. Those Royal Bloods don't understand a thing at all" Shai said
"They still don't. Why even try to get along with them? They'll never change" Diane said
"But they're family I guess..." Shai said
"Yeah family that acts shitty" Diane said
"Anyways how was it? Did anything bad happen while we were out?" Shai asked
"Nah nothing really. Just the same old thing. Everyone just spending time with each other...other people and yeah" Diane said. Shai looked at her and noticed something in her eyes
"Hey I ask you something?" Shai asked
"Hm? Yeah sure" Diane said
"You haven't had a mate yet...right?" Shai asked
"Uh y-yeah..." Diane said
"Huh? Why not?" Shai asked
"Well...I don't seem to find intrest in no one" Diane said
"Hehe so you rather be single?" Shai asked
"Yep...hehe...guess I rather be living the single life. I mean I'm not the only one who's single.." Diane said
"I know but don't you think you should...well you know try to find someone to be with for the rest of your life" Shai said
"I don't know...maybe I'm not into dating. I think I wanna be solo" Diane said
"A lone wolf?" Shai asked
"Yeah hehe...why not? Anyways enough about are you and Himeko doing?" Diane asked
"We're doing great" Shai said
"Even in bed?" Diane asked with a smirk
"E-eh!? Diane!" Shai said as her face turned red
"Awwwww Shaiiii you're so cute when you blush" Diane giggled. Shai just covered her face and trembled a bit
"Sh-shut up you're embarrassing me" Shai said
"Oh Shai you're always embarrassed" Diane said and giggled softly
"Wh-whatever" Shai said
"Hehe cute" Diane said and blushed a bit. Shai just shook her head and sighed
"O-okay so...maybe I could help you find a mate" Shai said
"Eh? You'll help me?" Diane asked
"Y-yeah sure. I'll help. I mean my parents may have chosen you as my mate and since I rejected you I'll help you find a mate. Besides I owe you" Shai said and smiled. Diane's eyes widen and wagged her tail rapidly
Maybe...I should accept. I mean...this is my chance to be with her and spend time with her. Hmmm...maybe I'll even get over her...if she finds me someone good
"So what do you think?" Shai asked
"S-sure. Let's do it" Diane said and smiled
"Don't worry Diane. I promise to find you the right mate" Shai said
"I know you will Shai..." Diane said smiling softly and blushed a bit. Shai smiled and ruffled her hair
"When will you ever stop treating me like a kid hehehe" Diane giggled
"Because I care about you silly. You're my bestest friend" Shai said. Diane bit the inside of her cheek while smiling
Friendzoned eh? Hehehe of course. We're just friends...she must've said that a bunch of times...oh really have no idea that I love you. You're so clueless...sometimes and that's really cute
Diane looked to her side seeing Himeko was glaring at them. Diane just smiled softly at her wanting her to not hate her or think that she'll take Shai away even though she wanted to...she didn't want to ruin their friendship
It seems Himeko does know I like her more than just a friend. I should be careful or else she'll beat me up...even though she's just a small chihuahua. I shouldn't underestimate her...
Suddenly the phone rang and Shai stood up to answer it
"Hello?" Shai asked
"U-uh Shai? Is that you?" A guy asked. Shai's eyes widen and groaned as her ex mate was talking to her...again. After the whole master and slave situation was solved he's been bothering Shai wanting to convince her to ditch her family for him hit of course Shai loved her family and would never leave them. Especially for that asshole. He really needs go die which Shai would probably will get rid of him if he gets near her family
"What the fuck do you want now?" Shai asked
"L-look I know you have been avoiding me and everything but...maybe you and I can talk things through" He said
"Look I'm sick and tired of you talking to me. You're so fucking annoying and an asshole. So just leave me the fuck alone" Shai said
"B-but Shai-" Shai hanged and slammed the phone. She growled in frustration and sighed deeply
"Was it your ex again?" Diane asked
"That asshole keeps asking me to have a word with him but no. I'm not going to fall for his dumb old tricks. He's a fuckin stupid asshole you enjoys doing other shit to women. Whatever he's dead to me..." Shai said
"You know I don't see you mad. Your usually happy and smile a lot. It's cute when you're mad" Diane giggled
"Hehe thanks" Shai said. Diane sighed and stood up
"I think I should get going. It's getting dark and I should probably go back home and sleep..." Diane said
"Sure. We'll talk tomorrow about the whole finding your mate thing" Shai said
"Sure thing. Tomorrow morning okay?" Diane asked
"Sure" Shai said
"Okay. Night Shai. Night Himeko" Diane said and left. Shai sighed and smiled softly
"Why do you keep hanging out with her?" Himeko asked
"Huh? What do you mean why? She's my best friend" Shai said. Himeko just glared at her and shook her head as she headed upstairs to their room
"Eh? Himeko what's wrong? For you have a problem with that?" Shai asked walking upstairs. Himeko ignored her and entered the room
"Himeko what's wrong?" Shai asked
"Are you really that stupid?" Himeko asked
"Huh? What do you mean?" Shai asked. Himeko just rolled her eyes and sat down on the bed
"Shai...why do you think Diane is always with you?" Himeko asked
"Because...we're great friends and she wants to hang out with me" Shai said
"Honestly you're so stupid..." Himeko said
"Hey! I'm not stupid" Shai said
"If you're not stupid then tell me...why is Diane always with you? Do you know why? You two act like a couple sometimes" Himeko said
"Oh are you jealous of her? Himeko there is no need to be jealous. Me and her are frie-"
"Ugh! Shai she likes you!" Himeko shouted
"Eh? What?" Shai asked
"The reason Diane is always with you is because she likes you. Baka! How come you didn't notice it before?" Himeko asked
"W-well I thought she just wanted to hang out with me because she was lonely and her other friends are busy" Shai said
"No she is hanging out with you because she fuckin loves you and she wants you to notice her but you're not. I don't know why you didn't notice..." Himeko said and shook her head. Shai still was thinking trying to process all the information
"So she's been in love with me this whole time?" Shai asked
"I guess I mean...she hasn't stopped hanging out with you and your friendship with her has gotten a lot stronger. You two hang out more often than usual..." Himeko said
"And are you jealous?" Shai asked
"Just shut up and stop trying to change the topic" Himeko said
"What? I'm not changing the topic I'm just asking if you're jealous" Shai said
"How come you haven't noticed her feelings for you? Were you blind or something?" Himeko asked
"Now who's trying to change the topic" Shai said. Himeko pinned her ears back and growled
"I'm not changing the topic" Himeko said
"Then why are you avoiding my question?" Shai asked
"And why are you avoiding my question as well?" Himeko asked
"I'm not avoiding the question" Shai said
"I asked you how didn't you notice her feelings? The way she looks at you and smiles at you. She even blushes when she's around you" Himeko said
"I don't know okay? Maybe I am stupid now you answer my question. Are you jealous of her?" Shai asked
"Who were you talking to on the phone?" Himeko asked
"Stop asking questions and answer mine" Shai said. Himeko clenched her fists tightly and growled
"Isn't it obvious? Duh of course I am. Baka you don't need me to answer that because you already know...but I guess you're just stupid. Sometimes I wish you and Diane never hang out with her more often than me..." Himeko said looking down. Shai looked at her and walked up to her
"Stay away don't touch me" Himeko growled. Shai giggled and tackled her pinning her down then began kissing her neck softly
"N-ngh~ Shai~ St-stop~" Himeko said. Shai growled and bit her ear gently and sucked on it gently
"A-ahhhh~ Stop I-I'm mad at y-you~" Himeko moaned softly. Shai caressed her cheek softly and giggled
"I love you so much Himeko" Shai whispered

Shinjo looked at the ceiling and thought for a moment what Mokuro said back there
Ugh...that stupid little ass...damn you why the hell did I say that? I was so stupid...what was I thinking...
"Yo! Shin! Shin!" The walkie talkie said. Shinjo groaned and grabbed the walkie talkie
"Yes Dakich? And I told you not to call Mr that" Shinjo said
"Oh yeah sorry. It's just that I heard from Donho that he's ready to beat you up when he sees you. He doesn't a care if he gets in trouble he'll just beat you up" Dakich said
"Oh let him be..." Shinjo said
"What?! What do you mean!? Aren't you scared?" Dakich asked
"Well yeah but let that tucker get himself into trouble. His parents are probably gonna take him someplace else anyways..." Shinjo said
"Guess you're right...he really hates all your guts. Especially since you kicked his balls pretty hard..." Dakich said
"That bastard asked for it. If he hadn't been so mean to me I wouldn't have done that to him. He pretty much deserves pain. I don't care about that guy anyway..." Shinjo said
"Don't you have a werewolf soul? Maybe you can beat him up using it" Dakich said
"Yeah I could but I wouldn't wanna get myself into trouble" Shinjo said
"Relax we won't get in trouble" The werewolf whispered
"Shut up" Shinjo said
"Huh? Shinjo?" Dakich asked
"No not you. My werewolf is being annoying again" Shinjo said
"Ah I see. Anyways I have to head to bed. My parents get mad whenever I don't sleep early. See ya Shin!" Dakich said
"Don't call me that..." Shinjo growled
"Hehe sorry. Night Shinjo" Dakich said. Shinjo put the walkie talkie down and laid back down staring at the ceiling
"Oh come on boy. You and I can work together and get rid of him for good" The werewolf said
"You're annoying you know that?" The chihuahua said
"And you're a runt" The werewolf said
"Guys just leave me alone" Shinjo said
"Oh come on Shinjo. Being called a girl just because they think you have a boyfriend...o rbeing pushed around...or being fuckin beaten up for no reason" The werewolf said
"Just leave me alone" Shinjo said
"Come on. Think about it. More power...more respect. You could have everyone on their knees when you walk pass by. You'll feel like an Alpha" The werewolf said
"Shut up. Not intrested" Shinjo said
"You're pretty much a useless runt who doesn't use powers like mine. You can do whatever you want my friend. You can kill whoever bothers you" The werewolf said
"Killing is wrong and no I won't kill" Shinjo said and covered himself up with the covers
"Chihuahua Boy..." The werewolf mumbled which made Shinjo grit his teeth. He sat up and glared at his soul
"Listen asshole...I'm not going to fall for your dumb shitty tricks. All you want to do is break my mind but I'm not so stupid. I'm not going to listen to you because if I do....I'm going to lose my mind for good" Shinjo said and laid back down to sleep. The werewolf just rolled his eyes and vanished
"That was amazing. That's how you should act towards him" The chihuahua said
"Yeah..." Shinjo said
"He'll only wanna play tricks on you so never listen to him no matter what. He has some crazy ideas..." The chihuahua said
"I know he does and I won't listen to any of them. So can you please leave me alone?" Shinjo asked
"U-uh yeah sure. I'll leave. Night" The chihuahua said and vanished. Shinjo laid in his bed and looked out the window. He gripped onto the covers and growled
For some reason I do wanna listen to him but I know he's insane...hehehe...guess I'm insane too huh?

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