Chapter 56

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After Yuzu getting the call and finding out their kids went missing she called the gang to group up
"So Matsuri has gone to look for them or does she know where they are?" Yuzu asked
"I'm not sure. All she said that she went looking for them" Harumin said
"Fine. Alright Harumin lead the way" Yuzu said shifting into a werewolf. Harumin got on Yuzu's back then her hazel eyes glowed sensing Matsuri
"Let's go!" Harumin said and Yuzu ran out followed by the others. Mitsuko ran as fast as she could and sensed something dark that came from her daughter
Misuki...she's in trouble! We need to hurry!
"We need to get there in time! She's in a fight already!" Mitsuko growled
"We'll get there in time! Depends if Matsuri gets there!" Yuzu said
"That damn Mizusawa better get there in time!" Mitsuko said. As the gang ran and followed Harumin's directions, Matsuri was running after the kids who were going through the forest. Hasura's ears perked up and turned around sensing her mother
"M-mom!?" Hasura exclaimed
"What the hell are you guys doing out here!? Where's Misuki?" Matsuri asked
"We went to look for her. Misuki is at the arena with the Royal Bloods" Mokuro said
"All your parents are worried sick! Leaving without telling us!" Matsuri said
"Mom relax we're not hurt or anything" Hasura said
"But still...going out here in the middle of the night is bad. You kids would've gotten hurt" Matsuri said
"We're not kids..." Hasura said and smiled softly
"Whatever let's just get Misuki and get back before the rest get to you and yell at all of you" Matsuri said as she lead the way
" I in big trouble?" Hasura asked
"No but...I guess since your mother is worried sick. I think it's time to tell them about your relationship with Misuki.." Matsuri said
"What!? Are you crazy!?" Hasura exclaimed
"Mitsuko and your mother will be asking you both girls what's going on and you know your kother hates's time to tell them the whole truth" Matsuri said
"But what if they hate us? What if they kick us out?" Hasura asked
"Okay firstly your mother won't get that mad but she'll be a bit surprised" Matsuri said
"What about Auntie Mitsuko?" Hasura asked
"Mitsuko won't be that mad. She'll just be really upset that why Misuki didn't talk to her about this first..." Matsuri said
" think it's okay for us to tell them?" Hasura asked
"Of course it's okay" Matsuri said smiling. Hasura looked at her and nodded. Matsuri stopped as her ears perked up and smirked
"Don't you ever get bored of stalking me...Yumi?" Matsuri asked as she turned around seeing Yumi get out of her hiding spot
"When it's my adorable little cutie pie...I never get bored" Yumi said and smiled softly
"Hehe of course" Matsuri said and chuckled softly
"Mom want me to deal with this bitch...?" Hasura asked as she let out a low growl
"Thanks sweetie but maybe it's best for you and your friends to get with Misuki before some terrible shit happens" Matsuri said
"Okay mom" Hasura said and the rest left. Matsuri with a bitch
"Anyways now that we're alone...I think we should talk first before we do some action" Matsuri said
"Hehe why talk? There is nothing to talk about" Yumi said
"Haha so there is nothing bad about your behavior ever since my daughter was born?" Matsuri asked and smiled
"Well if you want then answer me this...what is Harumi to you?" Yumi asked
"Pfft...again? Why do you keep asking the same question? Do you really think immediately into her for her body and beauty?" Matsuri asked and laughed softly
"Hehe I know you're just using her for her body" Yumi said
"Ha! That's funny! If I were using her for her body then I wouldn't have gotten her pregnant" Matsuri said
"How did you get her pregnant?" Yumi asked
"How the hell should I know? I guess fate decided to make us a one happy family" Matsuri said and smiled softly
"Heh...I'm so jealous" Yumi said as she clenched her fists tightly
"Anyways shall we begin? I mean I'm kinda busy at the moment and I want this to end quickly" Matsuri said
"Relax...this will only take a minute" Yumi said as her necklace glowed. Matsuri just smirked devilishly as her eyes flashed a hazel color
"Let's begin~" Matsuri said

The others arrived and saw two Momokino guards
"How should we get past them?" Hasura asked
"Let's just beat them up" Mokuro said walking up to them
"Who goes there?" One of them asked. Mokuro walked up to them and glared at them
"We're here for Misuki Taniguchi" Mokuro said sternly
"You may pass" They said allowing Mokuro and the others to enter. Hasura ran inside and gasped
"Damn! Everyone this has been an epic fight!" The announcer said. Misuki was on the ground and growled furiously. Her tentacles hissed and she ran up to Grace. Grace laughed and blocked her attacks
"You little pathetic bitch! Haha! Your attacks are all weak!" Grace laughed and pushed her to the ground pinning her down then used her Taniguchi powers punching her ruining a bit of her face. Misuki coughed and growled furiously as tears rolled down her cheeks
"Your mother should be very disappointed in you. Mitsuko could've handled those attacks so easily but of course a weakling like you couldn't" Grace said and laughed. Misuki growled and clenched her fists tightly
"Y-you motherfucking bitch! Bitch!" Misuki shouted and rised up attacking Grace hard
"Die!" Misuki shouted and stood up panting heavily. She trembled and growled furiously
"You just won't give up...hehe...pathetic" Grace laughed and ran up to her. She jumped up then punched her but Misuki grabbed her fist tightly and threw her down on the ground. She activated her power and attacked her
"BITCH! DIE!" Misuki shouted. Grace smirked and blocked her attack then stood up and lifted her leg kicking her. Misuki blocked her attack then earned a critical hit in her chest. Misuki coughed blood and fell back. She groaned and tried to get up as quickly as possible
"Ha! See Misuki? I am the best and the top Taniguchi!" Grace laughed as her left eye turned red and her skin darkened. Misuki's eyes widen and her draw dropped
A monster? Wh-what? But...but why!? No way!
"A m-monster?" Misuki asked
"Hehe...that's right. I've turned myself into a monster. If Mei Aihara was able to accomplish being the top Aihara that was because she was a half monster. That's why I'm stronger! Haha! I will be able to be the top and defeat the Taniguchi sisters! But before I do that...I'll just kill you" Grace chuckled softly and raised her fist to fight. Misuki held her chest and cried softly
Forgive me mom...mama...I failed you both...I'm sorry...I'm sorry for not being strong..
'Don't give up..'
Misuki gasped and suddenly Hasura teleported in front of her then kicked Grace. Grace fell back but go back in her feet
" the other bitch decided to join in and help out her shitty cousin?" Grace asked and smirked. Hasura chuckled softly and her eyes glowed
"I'm here to protect her from a bitch like you" Hasura said and activated her Taniguchi powers releasing a powerful aura. Misuki looked up and saw Hasura
"Wh-what are you...d-doing here?" Misuki asked and growled. Hasura looked at her and smiled softly
"I love you silly. I'll always be here by your side and protect you" Hasura said as her smile brightened up. Misuki looked at her and blushed
"Awwww what a beautiful moment but every moment has to be ruined!" Grace said running up to Hasura. Hasura backed up ducking down then kicked her legs hard making her fall. Grace fell and growled
"You little slut..." Grace said. Hasura growled and ran up to her then teleported. Grace's eyes widen and turned around as Hasura appeared behind her then kicked her back. Grace used her Taniguchi powers but Hasura bit her own wrist making Grace wince. Grace failed to activate her powers and saw her wrist bleeding
Sh-shit! This bitch can inflict wounds!
Hasura kicked her hard in the stomach and cut her arm making it bleed. Grace's eyes widen and looked at her bleeding arm
Inflict bleeding!? This bitch...hehehe...this slut!
"Is that the best you got!" Grace shouted and punched the ground hard as a dark aura came towards her. Hasura stood still and stayed on the ground as the dark aura was pushing her back but the aura was just too strong pushing Hasura way back to the hard brick wall. Hasura groaned and fell on her knees panting heavily
Come on Hasura! You shouldn't be a bitch! Not a bitch! Not a slut! Come on! Be...a...
"TANIGUCHI!" Hasura shouted as her chest glowed and her palm glowed as her body glowed unleashing her true power and form. Misuki turned around and her eyes widen seeing her chest
A-a gem!? She has a gem!? Which's a pure Taniguchi! A pure type!
The old man looked at the young Hasura and thought for a moment
" seems she's a pure Taniguchi. Hmm? She probably has Harumi's powers but that bleeding and the wound...must be part Mizusawa. Let's see if our little experiment is able to defeat her" He said as he smirked. Hasura growled and used her full power as she teleported. Grace turned around seeing Hasura and was about to attack her but Hasura teleported again and again
"Bitch! Sto-Gaaaah!" Grace cried in pain as Hasura was behind her then kicked her pushing her down and activated her powers raising her hand and punched her back hard breaking her spine. Grace's eyes widen and felt her anger growing as her gem was slowly being corrupted. Dark shadows formed around her and pushed Hasura off then Grace stood up growling furiously
"Slutty bitch!" Grace growled raising her hand but Misuki used her tentacles as she recovered herself. She wrapped them around Grace and threw her to the wall hard. Grace growled and looked up seeing Misuki running up to her with full power. Misuki raised her fist and used her strength pinching her breaking the wall with Grace's body. Grace kicked her stomach hard and panted heavily unleashing more dark powers. Misuki trembled and fell on her knees. She looked at Hasura who stood up wobbling. Misuki trembled and panted heavily then coughed
"That power only works between two people. Harumi was actually the second Top Taniguchi next to her sister. After unleashing and using their powers Mitsuko and Harumi became the powerful Taniguchi sisters"
We...must combine...our powers...
"H-hasura..." Misuki groaned and walked up to her. Hasura noticed Misuki and walked up to her. She held her and trembled
"You hurt?" Hasura asked
"Our's the only way to defeat that bitch" Misuki said
"Our powers? Wh-what are you talking about?" Hasura asked
"The Double Combo Taniguchi skill..." Misuki said
"The Double what now?" Hasura asked
"Keith said our mothers were the Two Top Taniguchis. They used this skill they activated and said it was powerful. Since our powers are stronger than theirs then maybe combining them will make us extremely strong" Misuki said. Hasura looked at her then leaned in kissing her. Everyone in the crowd gasped and some looked disgusted by the sight of the two young girls kissing
"What the hell!? What is this!? Incest!?" The old Taniguchi shouted making the girls pull away and look at him
"This is nonsense! This is bullshit! You two in love with each other!? Pathetic! Disgusting! Shame! You two should be ashamed! I thought you two could be the next Top Taniguchis like your mothers! That's what you two were meant for! The only reason you two were created! The two of you were meant to be the next Taniguchi sisters! Mitsuko and Harumi were the best we've ever gotten but they never had this relationship! This disgusting and shameful relationship! You two are better off dead! You're nothing like your mothers and never will be!" The old Taniguchi shouted. Hasura and Misuki looked at him then looked at each other. The two held hands and a aura surrounded them as they activated their Taniguchi powers. Their eyes and bodies glowed as the two used their full Taniguchi power
"Let's teach this bitch a lesson..." Hasura growled
"Gladly..." Misuki growled back. Grace laughed and looked at the girls charging up her powers
"Not if we're monsters too..." The two mumbled and glared at Grace charging up their powers. Hasura and Misuki were about to fight until...
Their parents shouted as they ran up to them. Hasura and Misuki stood there as their mothers hugged them
"Why did you run away!? Don't you know how worried we were!?" Mitsuko exclaimed as tears rolled down her cheeks
"Are you hurt!? Why are you here!?" Maruta exclaimed. Misuki teared up and cried softly seeing her parents cry
"I-I'm sorry!" Misuki cried and covered her face
"Hasura! You know it's dangerous to go out here alone! You could've gotten hurt!" Harumin cried and hugged her tightly. Hasura hugged her mother back and teared up
"S-sorry mama...I didn't mean to worry you..." Hasura said as her voice cracked slightly. Suddenly the monstrous woman Grace ran up to them and was about to attack when Matsuri showed up in front of them and blocked her attack. Matsuri's eyes were bloody and her hair turned black and long. Grace's eyes widen and fell back hitting the ground hard. Matsuri landed on the ground and looked down then chuckled softly
"So you guys keep doing these never changed...uncle" Soha's voice was heard from Matsuri as she lifted her head up and looked at her the old Taniguchi. The old Taniguchi just chuckled softly and decided to head his way into the arena. He stopped by the entrance and smirked
"Hehe it's been so long hasn't it. Jeez I missed you so dear Soha" He said

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