Chapter 8

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Hasura and Mokuro were greeted by students in the halls. They were both kinda popular just because Mokuro was the future Alpha and Hasura was very beautiful but some envied them
"Hey Mokuro-kun!" His friend said
"Hey there Wong-kun" Mokuro said
"So how's the Alpha doing?" He asked
"Oh shut up. You don't have to call me Alpha" Mokuro said
"But you're the son of the Alpha. You should get used the name Alpha" He said
"Just call me Mokuro. It's okay" Mokuro said smiling softly
"Whatever you say Mokuro" He said. While walking through the halls some girls blushed seeing the handsome Mokuro. Mokuro felt a bit weirded out by them but shook it off. He rather be with his buddy Shinjo the Chihuahua Boy. Mokuro sensed a negative energy coming from one of the classrooms and it was an old bully he fought once. He felt his death glare but didn't mind at all. He was an idiot
'Kill him'
Mokuro's ears perked up and his eyes widen
Y-you again!?
'I live inside you dumbass'
But you're not suppose to speak
'Forget that know use me and we can eliminate him or more'
Not intrested...
Mokuro felt someone's grip and turned around seeing him
"Niko...what the hell" Mokuro said
"Don't start now" Wong said
"Stay out of this Wong. This is between me and Mokuro" Niko said. Mokuro grabbed his wrist and pulled out of his grip
"I don't want to start again. Just leave me be. Honestly I don't get why you want to beat me up when I didn't do anything wrong..." Mokuro said
"You were born..." Niko said. Mokuro just rolled his eyes and turned around
"It was nice talking to you Niko" Mokuro said
"Hey! I'm not done talking Gay Alpha!" Niko said. Mokuro stopped and looked at him
"Just stop okay? I just want a peaceful school day" Mokuro said
"Hahaha! A peaceful school day? So pathetic!" Niko said
"Come on Mokuro ignore him" Wong said
"You're right" Mokuro said leaving
"Hey! Where's your little boyfriend?" Niko asked. Mokuro gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly
"He is a cutie isn't he?" Niko asked and chuckled softly
"He seems like an easy prey to beat up" Niko chuckled. Mokuro growled as he dropped his bag and walked over to Niko grabbing his collar shirt
"You fuckin asshole..." Mokuro growled
"What? Are you going to punch me?" Niko asked. Mokuro's eyes flashed an emerald color and let go of him as a teacher came by
"Hehe excuse me" Mokuro said smiling softly but gave Niko a cold glare. He turned around grabbing his bag and carried it to his class
I hate him so much that it's so hard to control myself from...
'Killing him?'
Shut up...and no. I don't need'll just hurt others
'Just like mom...'
Mom isn't that kind of person...
'Hehe...that's what you think'

"Oh my! Hasura-chan! Your hair is so beautiful!" Ditsy said
"Hehe thanks" Hasura said
"What do you do to it to make it look like that?" Ditsy asked
"Nothing actually. It just happens to be like that" Hasura said
"But it's really beautiful and soft!" Ditsy said and played with her hair. Hasura just giggled and walked to class. Some girls glared at her and murmured a few things about her. Hasura just ignored them and kept talking to Ditsy
"Hey Hasura. Do you hate them?" Ditsy asked
"No. Why should I? They are a waste of time..." Hasura said
"B-but I mean...what if they beat you up liks last time? Can't you kill them or eat them?" Ditsy asked. The word eat came in Hasura's mind that it made her stomach growl
"No...besides...I'm just a bunny" Hasura said
"But what about your other mother's powers?" Ditsy asked
"I rather not talk about it..." Hasura mumbled
"Why not?" Ditsy asked
"I said no okay? It's just scary for me to use that side of me...I even scare myself" Hasura said
"Did it happen again?" Ditsy asked
"U-um...well...lets forget about it" Hasura said
"Okay" Ditsy said. Hasura walked inside the class and took her seat. She looked out the window and clenched her stomach tightly feeling it growl
Wh-what the hell?
No...stop it
'You're hungry and you must eat something before I force you to...'
I don't care! Shut up!
'Whatever bunny...'

"Do you think that she'll listen?" Maruta asked
"Who Misuki?" Mitsuko asked
"Yes. Who knows how long they've been bullying her...what if they hurt her even worse?" Maruta asked as she trembled
"Maruta calm down..." Mitsuko said holding her. Maruta panted heavily and kept trembling
"She'll be okay. If anything happens to her I'll do something about it" Mitsuko said and growled
"They're just kids. Hopefully they'll understand" Shai said
"You always think positive..." Matsuri mumbled
"Well it's wrong to think negative" Shai said
"Have you ever been mad?" Matsuri asked
" don't want to know" Shai said
"Why not?" Matsuri asked
"I don't want to talk about it..." Shai said and walked away heading out to hunt. Shai howled preparing the hunting pack
"Hey Shai we need to find a new hunting territory" Diane said
"What now?" Shai asked
"The Blood Pack have claimed that territory as theirs" Diane said
"Does Yuzuko know about this?" Shai asked
"No. She's busy dealing with the Luna Pack" Diane said
"Right they lost their Alpha..." Shai said
"You know the Blood Pack will do anything to keep their territory..." Diane said
"We need that territory. That's basically the place we can get enough food for everyone. They only waste food and leave it until it rots" Shai said
"What are you going to do about it?" Diane said
"I don't know but we should go to the territory before they get there" Shai said shifting into her werewolf form and ran away leading the pack. The pack followed Shai going outside into the forest and heading to their hunting territory. After a couple of minutes Shai stopped and sniffed the air sensing any wolves
"They're close..." Shai whispered
"Ugh those animals are in our territory" Diane growled
"Relax...I'll talk to her" Shai said and shifted back to normal. She hid behind a bush and watched the Blood Pack attacking their prey
"Ha! That's it! Attack!" The Huntress said. Shai pinned her ears back and got out of her hiding spot
"Ah! Shai Oko-wait my bad. I mean...Momokino" The Huntress said
"Edama Czynski..." Shai said. Edama giggled and walked up to her
"Hey girl. What have you been up to lately?" Edama asked
"You know this is our hunting territory. Yuzuko has told you hundred of times already" Shai said
"Can't we share?" Edama asked
"We need this food more than all of you. All of you don't even eat your prey. You just leave it until it rots" Shai growled
"So?" Edama asked tilting her head
"So? What do you mean so? We need this food. Besides the Luna pack has merged with our pack. We need more food" Shai said
"Pfft not my problem" Edama said
"Stop fuckin messing with me..." Shai said
"Hehe so how's your chihuahua wife and son?" Edama asked
"They're doing just fine. Now you and your pack get the fuck out of our territory" Shai growled
"Hmm? Has Himeko gotten cuter?" Edama asked. Shai gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly
Calm down Shai...she's just trying to make you lose your cool
"That's enough. Now get out...before I make you" Shai said
"Haha! You? Make me leave? Is that the Shai I know?" Edama giggled and winked at her
"Get out" Shai growled
"Okay okay we'll leave" Edama said and told her pack to leave as they carried what they hunted. Edama walked pass Shai and smirked
"I'd gladly love the chihuahua in bed and fuck her until she cries~" Edama whispered. Shai's eyes widen and growled furiously raising her fist and punched her hard. Everyone gasped and backed up
"Shai! Wait!" Diane said. Edama giggled and wiped her mouth
"Now that's the Shai I want to see" Edama said. Shai growled and grabbed her by her throat
"Shai! Stop!" Diane said running up to her and wrapped her arms around her
"You little bitch...I'm going to kill you" Shai growled and squeezed her throat
"Shai stop. Let her go" Diane said. Shai growled and threw her body on the ground hard. Shai glared at her with cold eyes and her claws came out
"You like to mess with me don't little bitch" Shai growled raising her ice claws
"Shai! Enough! Calm down. You'll end up freezing the place" Diane said. Shai looked at Diane and nodded
"Hehe...would you mind if I stay at your place to see Himeko?" Edama asked. Shai growled as her fist turned into ice and punched her hard. Edama coughed out blood and groaned. Shai's kind ice turned into ice cold ice that could freeze people. Her body released a cold and freeing energy. Diane gulped and backed away slowly. The pack whimpered loudly and stepped back as well. Edama smirked as her body glowed as Shai stomped the ground creating ice crystals. Edama stood up and dodged Shai's attack. Shai growled and punched the ground creating ice crystals. Edama punched the ground creating an explosion which distracted Shai. Shai coughed at the smoke and gasped as Edama was in front of her and her fists turned into solid metal then punched her but her eyes widen seeing Shai not harmed. Shai grabbed her wrist and smirk as her body turned into hard ice armor covering her whole body. Her blue eyes turned into dark violet eyes and it glowed through her armor. Shai punched her hard across her face and lifted her leg kicking her side. Edama coughed and fell to the ground. She growled and shifted into her werewolf form running up to her with metal sharp claws. Shai stood there and allowed her to attack. Edama's eyes widen as her attack did no injury or harm to Shai
That Momokino defense is strong. It seems impossible for me to destroy her defense...
"Time to finish this..." Shai growled as her body glowed and released so much energy. Suddenly everyone felt a huge freezing blast that they used their claws and clinged onto the ground or whatever to stay in place. After the huge ice blast every gasped and trembled. Some had their jaw wide open seeing the huge ice that looked like a glacier. Shai let out a sigh and smirked
"U-uh Shai...I-I think you overdid i-it" Diane said trembling. Shai turned around glaring at her and growled
"It's her fault for provoking me...she deserved it. Hehehehehe..." Shai giggled. Meanwhile Yuzu noticed the ice glacier and shook her head
"What the fuck is that?" Nitski asked
"It's ice" Matsuri said
"Isn't it Shai?" Himeko asked
"Seems Shai couldn't control herself. we have to clean up her mess" Yuzu groaned
"Is she okay!?" Himeko exclaimed
"Momokino-san calm down. Shai just got pissed off. Hey Mei mind taking care of this while I check what the hell happened?" Yuzu asked
"Of course Yuzu" Mei said
"Thanks" Yuzu said and gave her a soft kiss. Mei blushed and kissed her back. Sadly it only lasted a few seconds since Yuzu broke the kiss and howled to her pack calling the guards. Yuzu shifted into a werewolf and ran out to the forest followed by her guards. Yuzu felt the cold air get closer and closer then stopped as she arrived at the place. She shifted back to normal and saw her hunting pack trembling and shaking
"What happened?" Yuzu asked them
"U-uh Shai got into a fight..." One of them said. Yuzu just rolled her eyes and saw the huge glacier. She spotted Shai panting heavily as her skin turned back to normal. She walked up to her and saw someone inside the glacier
"Alpha Yuzu! Thank god you're here!" Diane said
"What happened?" Yuzu asked
"U-um...Edama...and Shai got into a fight" Diane said. Yuzu looked at Shai and sighed
"These Blood Pack wolves need to learn..." Yuzu mumbled and walked up to Shai
"You alright?" Yuzu asked
"Yes..." Shai said and walked away. Yuzu looked at the glacier and saw Edama unable to move at all
"Great..." Yuzu mumbled. After an hour of cleaning and destroying the glacier Yuzu started talking with Edama talking about their territories
"You need to leave this territory alone and stop messing with my pack..." Yuzu growled
"Hehe fine then...I just wanted to have a little fun" Edama said
"Just stop alright? Leave my cousin alone...if you mess with her again I'll talk to your Alpha" Yuzu said
"Okay okay I got it" Edama said
"Alright. Now go" Yuzu said. Edama howled calling her pack and they all left. Yuzu looked at Shai who was still pissed off
"You okay?" Yuzu asked
"Yeah...I'm fine..." Shai said and walked away. The werewolves shivered as Shai walked passed them still feeling her cold energy. Shai had her ears pinned back and let out a growl
I hate her so much...I just want to kill her

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