Chapter 33

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"Sorry Alpha...I failed" The white werewolf whimpered looking down. The black werecat growled and stood up
"All of you are assholes..." The werecat growled furiously
"Don't blame this on us asshole. You failed as well" The fox that had dark auburn with pink stripes on her fur said
"Shut up...especially had the power" The werecat growled
"I couldn't hurt my mother..." The black puma growled
"Yeah and you still got defeated by me" The fox said
"Shut up!" The puma growled and tackled her. The fox bit her while the puma scratched her snout and bit her neck
"Quit it you two!" The werecat roared. The two growled at each other and got off of each other
"Jeez you two are idiots..." The werecat growled
"Don't be so mean to them" The werewolf said
"Shut up psycho. Anyways we must find a way to convince them...using their fear against them helps" The werecat said
"But the parents always help them. They even help each other out" The puma said
"Yeah there is no way for us to completely take over" The fox said
"Then think of something assholes" The werecat growled at them
"Th-there is nothing hahahaha I mean u-uh why not try...uh uhmm hahahha" The werewolf laughed a bit. The werecat growled as he glared at him
"I'll rip your fuckin head off if you keep laughing..." The werecat growled
"S-sorry sir" The werewolf whimpered. The werecat rolled his eyes and sat down
"The only way for them to use us is if something terrible happened" The fox said
"Well that day is probably coming soon..." The werecat said
"Who were those men anyways?" The puma asked
"How the hell am I suppose to know? They just came out of nowhere" The werecat said
"U-uhm Alpha-"
"If this is one of your pathetic, stupid, and crazy ideas then I'm not intrested" The werecat said
"I heard that Donho will be beating up Shinjo if he sees him and doesn't care if he gets in trouble. He just wants to beat him up" The werewolf said. The werecat stopped and looked at him
"Hahahaha! Perfect! If Mokuro knew about his cutie was in danger then he'll definitely listen to me! Excellent work psycho" The werecat said. The werewolf nodded as he blushed being praised by his Alpha
"And may I know why on earth you want to escape?" The fox asked
"Bitch I've been stuck here all because of that damn kid. I had enough being trapped here" The werecat growled
"Do you think your parents will allow you to leave?" The puma asked
"Ugh that's the worse. They rather have a mutt up there instead of me. Grrr..." The werecat growled
"Jeez relax there is nothing to be mad about" The fox said
"Easy for you to say" The werecat growled
"D-don't worry y-you'll find a w-way out" The werewolf said
"Stop stuttering!" The werecat growled
"Sorry!" The werewolf whimpered
"All this is bullshit. I'm not spending the rest of my damn life here. I'll be going out there and have my own fun whether they like it or nah" The werecat said
"Good luck with that because it might take a while for you to convince him..." The fox said
"I don't need your luck...I'm going to take over one way or another. I will get out of this hell hole" The werecat said
"It's not so bad. I mean we have each other" The fox said
"Yeah we have each other to fuckin beat the shit out of each other" The werecat said and looked up. He growled and looked at the werewolf
"Hey psycho...if what you're saying is true then try to break Shinjo. Do what you can to break him and use you" The werecat said
"That's an order" The werecat growled
"Y-yes sir" The werewolf said
"Haha you act just like your mother" The fox said. The werecat glared at them and growled
"Whatever..." The werecat said and looked up day...he will free me and use me...

Morning came by and Yuzu groaned. She woke up and gasped as she ended up in the playroom. She was tied up and Mei held her closely
"Mmmmm...mmmmmm" Yuzu said and whimpered. Mei's ears twitched slightly and slowly opened her eyes
"Oh hehehe morning my little puppy" Mei whispered
"M-mmmmmm...." Yuzu mumbled since she had a ball gag. Mei giggled and removed the gag
"M-mei..." Yuzu said and whimpered softly
"Hmm? What's wrong?" Mei whispered and began rubbing her thighs softly
"U-um I think W-we should get out before M-mokuro finds out w-we're not in the r-room" Yuzu whispered and trembled
"You're right" Mei said and removed the rope that Yuzu had around her body. Mei giggled and licked her neck slowly. Yuzu blushed and stood up but her legs trembled and almost fell. Thankfully Mei was there to help her up
"Hurry we need to hurry before-"
"Mom! Mama! I'm hungry!" Mokuro said
"Shit Mei what the fuck are we going to do?" Yuzu asked in a whisper voice
"How the hell am I suppose to know?" Mei asked
"Mom! Mama! Wake up!" Mokuro said and opened the door. He looked around seeing no one
"Mooooom!" Mokuro said and his ears perked up hearing whispers. He walked up to the door and knocked on it
"Mom?" Mokuro asked
"Yes?" Yuzu asked
"I'm hungry" Mokuro said
"I-I'll be down there I just uh...we just Ave to get changed" Yuzu said
"Relax I know. Hasura explain to me this BDSM thing and I'm cool with it. As long as you tell me how do guys have sex because I plan on mating soon with my Cutie. Anyways I'll be waiting downstairs" Mokuro said and walked away
"Wh-what!?" Yuzu exclaimed
"That's my boy!" Mei cheered
"Mei what the hell?" Yuzu asked
"That's my son" Mei said
"Yeah he's just like you" Yuzu said
"I'm so proud" Mei said
"Ah jeez..." Yuzu mumbled and opened the door slightly. The two women ran back to their bedroom to grab some fresh and clean clothes because last night was a wild night and their clothes. Well Yuzu's clothes were ripped apart while Mei's was just covered in juices and blood. Sounds like they had fun right? Right. Anyways Mokuro was in the couch and turned on the TV. He was humming waiting for his parents to make breakfast and changed through the channels until...
"There will be a new Principal and hopefully the former students who ruined school for everyone will behave properly. Sir is there anything you like to say?" The lady asked
"I just like to say that I respect everyone. It doesn't matter if they're half animal or Royal Blood or human. Everyone is welcomed to transfer to this school. I will be taking care of the school properly and stop bullying" The principal said. Mokuro glared at the man and shook his head
He shouldn't be trusted
'He does seem evil'
Should we tell mom about this man?
'Hmmm? Not yet'
It seems I'll have to talk with someone...someone who is sneaky enough to spy on him. Hmmm? It seems I know who to talk to about this...because she is always a great spy
"Sorry for taking so long Mokuro" Yuzu said and Mokuro switched the channel
"It's okay mom" Mokuro said
"And why did Hasura tell you all about that?" Yuzu asked as she was heading to the kitchen
"Well she learned it from her mom. She said it's a thing that people do to show each other how much they love each other by using tools on each other. And I mean special tools right?" Mokuro asked
"Yes that's right" Mei said
"Mei! Don't end up like Matsuri who tells her daughter all that stuff! He's just 10!" Yuzu said
"He's going to learn about it someday" Mei said
"Yeah and that someday isn't today!" Yuzu said
"Relax Yuzu..." Mei said
"Yeah mom relax. I know you're trying to protect me from hearing that stuff but it's okay. I'll be learning about it soon" Mokuro said and smiled
"And why do you seem happy about it? Are you excited or something?" Yuzu asked
"I'm just excited to eat food" Mokuro said. Yuzu just sighed and chuckled softly. Suddenly the door knocked and shouts were heard from outside
"Motherfucker! Open up!" Hasura shouted. Mei stood up and opened up
"Hey ass-ahem!" Hasura stopped and just bowed down
"Morning Auntie Mei. May I come inside?" Hasura asked and looked up
"Morning Hasura and yes you may" Mei said opening the door for her
"Thank you" Hasura said and bowed down again
"Morning Auntie Yuzu" Hasura said smiling softly
"Morning Hasura" Yuzu said. Hasura walked up to Mokuro and hit his head
"And good morning asshole!" Hasura laughed
"Hey! Why don't I get respect?" Mokuro asked
"Because they are mature and respectful while you're here being an ass" Hasura said
"Hey I am mature!" Mokuro said
"Are you really? Boop" Hasura said and booped his nose
"Hey Hasura why are you here? Your parents are gonna be scared when they find out you're missing" Yuzu said
"Uh my parents are banging at the moment so I just decided to chill here for a bit" Hasura said
"Is that even okay with you? I mean...I don't think you should know about that stuff" Yuzu said
"Relax Auntie. I am 100% okay with this. Besides I haven't walked in on them yet" Hasura said
"Yet!?" Yuzu exclaimed
"Well I mean sometimes you might accidentally take a peek am I right?" Hasura asked
"Yeah that is true" Mei said
"Mei are you agreeing with her or something?" Yuzu asked
"Well it's true. Sometimes kids may walk in on them during their session" Mei said
"See? Auntie Mei gets me" Hasura said. Yuzu just shook her head and prepared breakfast
"Hey why are you here?" Mokuro asked
"Huh? Because I'm allowed to be here asshole" Hasura said
"No not that. Don't you usually go with Misuki?" Mokuro asked
"I wouldn't want to bother her right now. I'm gonna let her sleep peacefully..." Hasura said
"Oh yeah...okay then" Mokuro said
"Hey Auntie Yuzu. Mind giving me bacon?" Hasura asked
"Oh sure. I think I have some" Yuzu said and looked at the fridge
"Hey don't take my food" Mokuro growled
"It's called sharing dumbass" Hasura said and sticked her tongue out
"Why you little-"
"You two quit it and sit down" Mei said sternly. The two sat down and glared at each other
"Mei mind helping me?" Yuzu asked
"Sure my lovely puppy" Mei said walking up to her
"D-don't call me that in front of the kids" Yuzu whispered. Mei just giggled and kissed her nose. Meanwhile Mokuro and Hasura looked back then at each other. Their eye color changed as their souls took over
"Alright. I got your message. What seems to be the problem?" Hasura asked
"There is a new principal in the school and he doesn't seem like a very nice man" Mokuro said
"Okay so what's the plan?" Hasura asked
"I need you to sneak in his office and find anything strange in his room. Try to look for weapons or secret doors" Mokuro said
"On it Alpha" Hasura said
"Also...don't get caught by anyone. If something goes wrong tell me it? I'll be heading there with Shinjo to check any wierd shit" Mokuro asked
"Okay got it and does that mean I get to take my meal" Hasura said
"Uh your what now?" Mokuro asked
"I'm talking about Misuki. She's my favorite meal...I sometimes take a small nibble" Hasura said
"You really can't stop eating can you?" Mokuro asked
"Nope and I don't plan stopping" Hasura giggled
"Very well. I think you know what to do" Mokuro said
"Hehe relax...I know what to do" Hasura whispered as her eyes glowed

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