Chapter 43

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Hasura growled as she raised her fist to attack until something flashed in front of her. Matsuri appeared as she used teleportation skill. She blocked her attack which struggled a bit since it was difficult to block but luckily she blocked it. Hasura's eyes widen and pinned her ears down. Matsuri glared at her then walked up to her
"What the hell happened?" Matsuri asked
"She attacked us first!"
"She did it!"
"She started it!"
"We had nothing to do with it!"
"It was all her fault!"
Matsuri pinned her ear back and growled
"Shut up you little pieces of shit! I was asking her! So all of you shut up!" Matsuri shouted and looked at Hasura waiting for a response. Hasura clenched her fists tightly and teared up
"Th-they trashed my desk and called me, you, and mama sluts. They said I was a slut because I looked like mama and that all Taniguchis are sluts just because of their bodies. I told the substitute teacher and she did nothing!" Hasura said as tears rolled down her cheeks. Matsuri walked through the crowd of kids and walked to the back of the class where she found writing on it. Matsuri lifted her head up and growled
"Who the hell did this?" Matsuri asked sternly
"Them..." Hasura said as she bit her tongue hard and two girls yelped in pain falling on their knees. Hasura snapped her fingers and glared at them
"Hasura...let's go home" Matsuri said as she walked back to her
"R-really? Wait can I bring my friends too?" Hasura asked
"Yes. We're leaving" Matsuri said
"Yes! Thanks mom! You're the best!" Hasura said and ran to get the rest
"Mrs. Mizusawa uhm...I know you must be pissed off right know but you can't make the others skip school" The principal said. Matsuri grabbed his tie and pulled him close glaring at him
"Our kids keep getting bullied and it's your job to make this school a no bullying zone. It's not their fault they lose control but the bullying is making them lose control. So I want you to talk to those bullies and their parents right now this instant. If they don't stop I'm bringing in the big Alpha and they can have a word with her. Understand?" Matsuri asked glaring at him
"Y-yes ma'am! Right away ma'am!" The principal said
"Good I'm glad you agreed and now...who the hell was the substitute for this class?" Matsuri asked
"That would be me...Mizusawa" The lady said glaring at her
"So...we meet again Miss Eung" Matsuri said
"Hehe you may call me Zee" Zee said
"I thought you'd be dead by now but surprisingly you're still alive...and pretty young" Matsuri said
"And I'm surprised you have a family. I thought you'd be sold but of managed to escape and ended up becoming a slave for the Taniguchis. So how is it? How is every Mizusawa been doing?" She asked with a smirk
"They're living peacefully and happy" Matsuri said
"And Nitski?" Zee asked
"She's married and is going to have kids" Matsuri said
"Kids? Are you saying she'll have more than one?" Zee asked
"She's having twins" Matsuri said
"Awwww that's sweet. Let me guess...she married a girl didn't she?" Zee asked
"Yes" Matsuri said
"Ah...Nitski was the most successful one out of you all. Sadly you were the chosen one to have that DNA" Zee said
"I wasn't the only one..." Matsuri said
"Ah yes...Anderson Mizusawa. I remember we took him in..." Zee said. Suddenly Hasura came back with her three friends
"Mom! We're ready! Oh and we wrote the bullies name in this sheet of paper" Hasura said
"Thanks" The principal said grabbing the sheet
"Alright let's go" Matsuri said
"You know ended up with a big tit slut" Zee said
"Listen bitch...shut the hell up unless you want me to kill you" Matsuri growled
"Mind saying hi to all the Mizusawas for me?" Zee asked. Matsuri growled and pressed the necklace to teleport back to their home
"Yay! Noooo school!" Hasura cheered
"I was getting tired of hearing that old man's voice!" Shinjo said and rolled around the grass
"I missed you Shinjo-kun!" Mokuro said and got on top of him
"Gaah! Get off!" Shinjo said
"Finally...away from those stupid girls" Misuki said and took a deep breathe of fresh air. Hasura smiled and looked at her mother
"Hey mom! Thanks! You really are...the best?" Hasura said as she saw her mothers expression
"Mom? You okay?" Hasura asked
"Yes...I'm fine. Just thinking..." Matsuri said and walked away. Hasura watched her mother leave heading to some place else other than their house. Hasura tilted her head not knowing what was going on
"Yo! Let's go home and surprise out parents!" Mokuro said and ran up to the house. The others followed and so did Hasura
"Mama! Mom!" Mokuro shouted and opened the door
"Waaaaah! Mokuro!?" Yuzu exclaimed as she got off of Mei. Luckily the two women still had their clothes on
"Oh...was I interrupting?" Mokuro asked
"You definitely were..." Hasura said
"Ahem! Wh-what are you all doing here?" Yuzu asked
"Auntie Matsuri took us back home after an incident with Hasura. She was fighting the other students and well yeah. We told the principal who bullied us and they're going to do something about it...hopefully" Mokuro said
"Oh okay. Well at least Matsuri did some good there" Yuzu said and smiled
"Hasura! Sweetie you're okay!" Harumin said and hugged her
"Hi mama!" Hasura said
"Are you hurt? Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" Harumin asked
"Mama relax. I'm fine..though my arm broke but I put it back in place" Hasura said
"What!? We need to take you to the hospital right now!" Harumin said
"Mama! Calm down! I'm really okay! I think my soul just helped me out to put my arm back. See? I'm fine though my hand is burning. Guess I overused my powers..." Hasura mumbled
"At least you're okay" Harumin said hugging her and looked around
"Where's your mother?" Harumin asked
"Oh mom seemed upset because she saw a lady that I guess she hates. They both seemed like they knew each other" Hasura said
"Where did she go?" Harumin asked
"I don't know" Hasura said shrugging

Matsuri headed over to Nitski's place and knocked on her door. Nitski groaned and walked to the door opening it
"What is it now Mats-huh? Hey you alright?" Nitski asked as she noticed Matsuri's expression. Matsuri clenched her fists tightly and lifted her head up
"Lee Eung..." Matsuri whispered. Nitski's eyes widen and her ears perked up
"Wh-what? Miss Eung? She's still alive?" Nitski asked
" the Mizusawas. We must gave a chat..." Matsuri said and walked away
"On it" Nitski said
"Huh? Nitski what happened?" Cyndi asked
"'s nothing. Hehe just sit and rest here. I have to do something" Nitski said smiling and left to contact the others or well the whole gang. Suddenly the guards barked and growled as they saw strangers in the entrance. Yuzu heard the barks and went out to check it out
"Hey! What the hell is going on!?" Yuzu exclaimed checking up the entrance
"We told them to get fuckin lost but they won't listen!"
The guy in a hoodie removed his hoodie revealing his blue fox ears and blue fox tail. He smiled and bowed down showing respect to the Alpha
"Alpha's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Juhin Mizusawa. I have come here because my cousin Matsuri asked me too. It's something important so please allow me and my fellow Mizusawas" Juhin said
"Very well. Come in" Yuzu said
"Thank you Alpha" Juhin said and stood back up. Juhin and a couple of Mizusawas came in and some animals looked to see the new guest. Juhin was a blue fox. He was a rare type of Mizusawa and he was a 3rd ranked Mizusawa. Nitski wasn't a rare type but she ranked 2nd in the Mizusawas. Of course the pink devil queen was the rarest Mizusawa and ranked 1st in the Mizusawas. Her daughter Hasura could become the next 1st rank Mizusawa since she acted like her. Matsuri walked up to him and told him about the lady
"That bitch is so dead. Hehehe I always believed she was alive somewhere in the world" Juhin said
"I know...when I first saw her I just wanted to rip her to pieces" Matsuri said
"Ooooooh hello!" Juhin said waving. Matsuri turned around and saw her wife and daughter
"Matsuri what the hell is going on?" Harumin asked
"Just something came up and I'm gathering the Mizusawas to have a talk with them" Matsuri said
"About what?" Harumin asked
"Matsuri-chan! You never told me you were married! And that you have a child!" Juhin said and bowed down
"Juhin Mizusawa a pleasure to meet you" Juhin said
"Harumi Mizusawa" Harumin said and wrapped her arms around Matsuri
"Hasura Mizusawa" Hasura said
"Ohhhhh hey Matsuri have you decided to take in your daughter to become the next leader of the Mizusawas?" Juhin asked
"That's for her to decide not me" Matsuri said
"Wait! I can lead the Mizusawas!?" Hasura exclaimed
"It's a small gang where we get into fights and get drunk or high all the time. Matsuri here has been our-Gaaaaaaah!" Juhin exclaimed as Matsuri kicked his balls. Juhin went on his knees and groaned as he held his poor balls
"Anyways we have business to take care of..." Matsuri said and Harumin grabbed her by her hair
"I think you know what's happening next..." Harumin whispered
" story about how I get into fights and hanged out at nights but I stopped once you got pregnant" Matsuri said
"And why on earth would you go and do stuff like that?" Harumin asked
"Because you punished me and I was bored so I had nothing to do but hang with my family" Matsuri said
"Tr-true...never leave a heated Mizusawa. Hehe that's our number one rule because since we stil have those sex instincts we might end up sleeping with someone else..." Juhin said as he recovered from the hit
"Yeah but don't worry I haven't slept with no one else but you" Matsuri said and Harumin released her. Matsuri whimpered a bit and rubbed her head
"Anyways...we have to head to the little meeting. We need to talk about that bitch..." Matsuri said
"Huh? Who?" Harumin asked
"Zee Eung. She was our little Mistress but her most precious child slave was Matsuri. She tried many things to tame Matsuri but of course Matsuri was a rebellious little girl. She didn't give a fuck about her and always fought her. Isn't that right Matsuri?" Juhin asked
"Yes. She was a pedophile..." Matsuri said and shivered
"She uses this youth thing to seem like a beautiful woman but the truth is she is an old hag" Juhin said
"Hey Juhin!" Nitski said joining in
"Hey cuz! How are you?" Juhin asked
"I'm good. How about you asshole?" Nitski asked
"I've been doing good as well" Nitski said
"Have you gathered them?" Matsuri asked
"Yep! They're all waiting and you better hurry before they go crazy and reckless" Nitski said
"Come on. We have to go" Matsuri said walking away. The others left following Matsuri and Hasura watched them leave
"Hey Mama..." Hasura said
"Yes sweetie?" Harumin asked
"Is it okay to be like mom? I want to be like her" Hasura said
"Well...yes it is okay to be who you want to be just...just don't get into trouble" Harumin said patting her head softly. Hasura just looked at her and smiled
But getting into trouble is what mom does and I get into trouble so I guess getting into trouble is what all Mizusawas do. I'll be just like mom even though I look nothing like her but I do act like her!

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